Acidic Soil


Active Member
I recently planted 80 seedlings, which I had germinated in wet paper towels. To my dismay I had only 8 of them survive. The only conclusion I could think of was the soil. When tested the soil was at a PH of around 3.0 or 3.5. This leads me to believe that this is my problem. Help, what can I add to the soil to make it more basic. Would simply wetting it with vinegar do the trick? Also, I am looking for suggestions on soil, nothing to expensive, and must be fairly accessible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The pics are of my other plants in week four of flowering.



Active Member
have you thought of using lime??? it is a soil ph neutralizer, and not expensive at all £5 fro a 25kilo bag......

also have you checked the ph of your feed and water mix??
its suprising how many people overlook this.