Ack! Lights on during flower for 24+ hours!


Well-Known Member

Apparently when i was in there feeding on saturday I managed to bump the timer switch from the timer position to the ON position... my plants have been getting light continuously for the last 36 hours, maybe even 48! CRAAAAAP.

how bad is this situation?? What is likely to happen??

Should I give them an extended period of dark to balance it??

Argh... been doing so well too!

They LOOK fine but I am worried about what this has done to their process... will this just stall development? Trick them back into veg?

I'm so close to harvest... expecting another 2-4 weeks max... do I have to worry about herms developing over the next period now?

I could probably chop early if this is really bad, but I don't want to rush to any conclusions... if I give them extra dark, or just resume the usual schedule, will they keep developing?

Sage grow gurus, I seek your guidance!

Thanks in advance...
Damn that sucks. I had a problem with light stress in my last grow. Would prob just fix the light schedule back to normal and hope for the best. Nature isnt as predictible as a grow room...Think regularity is key to growth. Keep an eye out for herms. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know it's bad, lol... I'm just trying to get an idea of HOW bad... like "You done fucked up now boy" bad, or just "Might be okay" bad...

Thanks for your feedback though.


Well-Known Member
Alright, thanks man... I got the schedule back on. I caught it at like 5 am though, and lights come on again at like 9 am. would it be better to give them a day of dark first or would that just stress them out more?


AltarNation.. eh up.... you should be just fine because... our girls only count the dark period, not the lights on period, so the next 12 hours of darkness will convince her its still winter, shouldn't think there will be any stress whatsoever but you may have a little extra leaf to trim... tis true plants only count the dark period,, they wont have a clue they been on for 36 hours... light leaks are different kettle of fish...


Well-Known Member
Interesting... okay... I assumed that the critical importance of the 12 hours of dark meant that if you missed a period it would stress them out...

But even considering the importance of 12 hours straight dark, that seems like a vote for leaving them off for extra long though, because I caught it at 5 am and the lights come back on at 9 am... so that dark period will only be like four hours... is that going to stress them?


Well-Known Member
After about the first month a little light leak wont hurt. extra light hurts most when there just getting going. my outdoor start flowering with about 13 hours of light and there is a street light not to far from the grow. so they get a little light all the way threw. I've had timers mess up a few times and never had a problem. Just my thinking on the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Definitely appreciating your perspective Stumps... just wanted to get some more elaboration on the importance of 12 hr dark cycles in general... hopefully just going back to 12 hrs of dark later tonight will be okay... I'd rather not mess with it any more than has already been done.


4 hours dark may stress them some as they will be thinking its not winter.. i thought you went straight 36 hours lights and then into 12/12 . really the gig is to give it 12 hours immediately not 4 hours... just keep an eye on them.. might stress them to the point of hermying may very well not.. depends on the genetics.. plus your close to harvest so doubt there would be enough time for any stresses to take effect... my opinion is they should be okay... 12 hours darkness is key, your 4 hour stint would have confused them a lil but its only the once so I think you probbo got away with it...

timers can break leaving our lights on... should this happen in flower.. either let it go to the next 12/12 period or stick it into 12/12 immediately... 12 hours solid uninterupted darkness is key during flowering...


Well-Known Member
all ways a good way to go. I'm sure they will be fine. If your only a few week out the buds are well formed


Well-Known Member
Lucky, to be clear... they were ON for about 36 hours, but I caught it on the tail end of what would have been the usual dark cycle, so i flipped it back off... so they are in darkness right now. But now I am looking at a situation where, in four hours, my usual light schedule will resume unless I change the cycle now.


Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem i decided to make a thread about today. its not the first time it happened to me.

my lights stayed on for a lil longer (1hr 1/2 or so) so i left them off for an extra 1 1/2hr to compensate.

so imo i'd leave the lights off till the next time they are scheduled to go on (not today...skip the first on cycle)

that why it wont ruin your routine and they'll get an extended dark period.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your feedback as well... I am still up in the air... seems like an extended dark couldn't hurt anything but I would rather get back to normal sooner than later too. Definitely all ears for any more responses.


change the light schedule Altar... or run the risks... what are you 12/12 times how practical is it for you to change them... i would deffo find a way to sneak in and change the timers or give them the extra light time to catch up with you timing regime.... aye stumps read your gig and agree but tis easier on da para to keep 12/12 completely dark with no leaks innit LOL... you in the uk Altar?

oh yeah you can extend da dark period to catch up... never thought of that ffs LMAO... dont panic Altar... every lil tings gonna be alright..


Well-Known Member
Naw I'm not in the UK, I'm in the states...

I'm thinkin why not just give 'em the extra dark and resume the cycle tomorrow... gonna be a long nap but too much dark is better than too much light seems to be the most common consensus...