ACMPR Ramblings....


Well-Known Member
Some 3 am I finally poked my head into the another thread was a link to the application for growing....It occured to me as I was reading the couple of sections I did, that this is going to cost quite a bit to administer. Every time you fart you have to let the government know. So if you have a dg and change them you have to let the gov know and they in turn have to let the dg that you replaced know. Now wouldn't the dg you're replacing know he's going to be replaced? This script shit is really picking at my ass as would think we're using plutonium ffs...the only drugs that I'm aware of that the gov keeps tracks of are triplicates and having said that I don't need to "reapply" to use them if I change my address.

GIven that re-legalization (really liking that new term) is supposedly around the corner, and given that the gov has said this is an interim measure, it seems like a complete waste of time energy and money to produce this reg. Seems to me repealing the MMAR would have been more prudent.
So if you have a dg and change them you have to let the gov know and they in turn have to let the dg that you replaced know. Now wouldn't the dg you're replacing know he's going to be replaced?
This perhaps was put there to address the dg horror stories from the mmar when some people were getting ripped off by their dg and the dg held their paperwork and continued growing under the protection of the pinks.
Meanwhile the patient got fucked over with no weed/shitty weed.
i contacted the BC College about them pressuring Dr's to only sign for smaller scripts. they replied to me that i have to contact the Feds..and the Feds say contact the province...nice Government speak
no one to answer because they all say "talk to's not my job"
i contacted the BC College about them pressuring Dr's to only sign for smaller scripts. they replied to me that i have to contact the Feds..and the Feds say contact the province...nice Government speak
no one to answer because they all say "talk to's not my job"
Call the college back, or give me the contact you have. Health Canada does not regulate dosage for any medication. Health is 100% a provincial jurisdiction, so directing you to the feds was a deliberate rouse. Call them on it. Further, let them know personal health is a private matter between a doctor and patient and the college is over-stepping it's boundaries by placing itself as a barrier to individualized care. PM me if you want...
i contacted the BC College about them pressuring Dr's to only sign for smaller scripts. they replied to me that i have to contact the Feds..and the Feds say contact the province...nice Government speak
no one to answer because they all say "talk to's not my job"
The BC College is not doing that. It's a stupid rumour started by Wilcox.
2015...latest I could find.
Professional Standards and Guidelines

The College considers the medical document authorizing patient access to marijuana to be
equivalent to a prescription. Physicians
must not charge patients or licensed producers of
marijuana for completing the medical document, or for any activities associated with completing
the medical document, including, but not limited to: assessing the patient; reviewing his/her
chart; educating or informing the patient about the risks or benefits of marijuana; or confirming
the validity of a prescription in accordance with the Marihuana for Medical Purposes
Regulations Cannabis for Chronic Pain or Anxiety.pdf
Authorizing Dried Cannabis for Chronic Pain or Anxiety
: Preliminary Guidance
Recommendation 14
given the weak evidence for benefit and the known risks of using cannabis, the only sensible advice for
physicians involved with authorizing dried cannabis is the maxim “Start low, and go slow” (level iii).
Recommendation 15
Although it is not required by the mmPr, physicians should specify the percentage of THC on the medical
document for all authorizations for dried cannabis, just as they would specify dosing when prescribing any other
analgesic (level iii
The BC College is not doing that. It's a stupid rumour started by Wilcox.
i am guessing you missed the first part of what i wrote "I contacted the BC College about them pressuring Dr's to only sign for smaller scripts"

i have the email from them directing me to the feds so where do you get your information? for once show your source instead of telling us we're wrong and you're right. lots of us ask you about this. we show you proof but when you're asked you ignore that because you just make it up? don't answer that-well you won't anyway-we already know you get your "truths" from some divine something

this is not a rumour. maybe you can try to call yourself instead of the childish way of yours. it's like talking to a child...or a Monty Python argument sketch. "No it isn't...Yest it is..."

by the way, who addressed you?? you accused me of butting in in another thread yet you do it all the damn time.

answer your's the kettle calling
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Good thing for us that you investigated this doing dishes. It's important to get that information back to John Conroy in an impact statement if you wouldn't mind doing so?
i will be passing this onto CONroy but i don't expect too much from him. look at how he messed up Allard. if he had only 1 more plaintiff that had current paperwork and needed changes, a lot less people would have been screwed over.
i have sent my impact statement already but will be updating it after this one
Talking to my gp, there are no limits set by the collage. But if the doc. Signs many large scripts he/she could be scrutinized by the collage. He's got no problem signing for 20gpday. It's the doctors signing multiple 100g + per day that will be under the microscope.

Talking to my gp, there are no limits set by the collage. But if the doc. Signs many large scripts he/she could be scrutinized by the collage. He's got no problem signing for 20gpday. It's the doctors signing multiple 100g + per day that will be under the microscope.

i don't think he goes as high as 100 but we are looking for at least 50 so we can get her on 3-4 g of oil a day.
he said he's OK at 20 as well but we have work to do to get her at the same as she has been at for years.
i don't know of any Dr that made you jump through hoops to get pharma. i remember my wife getting oxy's without anything or any work. they gave her oxycontin for long acting and oxycodone for short and never once were we told about anything. it was only "here you go. see you in 3 months" now she uses cannabis and has to jump through hoops. it's just so wrong
the Dr also stated that because the College knows about him being cannabis friendly, his practice is under a microscope
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100??? 50? Good luck guys. I looked and looked and looked. I only found one doctor who would consider doing 40 out of the 18 or so prescription services that I contacted.
i will have a tough time accepting him not giving an increase after what he's asked us to do.
50 g a day gives my wife 3 g of oil and 5 for other stuff.
It's the doctors signing multiple 100g + per day that will be under the microscope.


This just doesn't make sense to me?!?! Docs aren't put under the microscope for prescribing massive doses of opiates for single daily use. It's total
BS for the colleges to use threats of disciplinary action against their own membership, when that same membership is responsible for so many opiate overdose deaths everyday across this country.
Lot of docs just don't want to be in the middle of all this so blame the college probably.

Here in Alberta my docs claim they have to have special training to be allowed to sign for pot which is BS as it's only recommended that they take the training if they want to be involved. Most don't care about their patients enough to bother.

And opiod prescribing is scrutinized as I was cut off demerol for severe joint pain and I was only using 30 tabs every 4 - 5 months. Recommended Cymbalta, an anti-depressant, in it's place. WTF? I have a buddy on that stuff and it's as bad as heroin withdrawl if he runs out. South African docs are what we got and they have to be catholics to boot. Tho it was one of them that got his training for pot and promptly moved out of the area.

Lot of docs just don't want to be in the middle of all this so blame the college probably.

Here in Alberta my docs claim they have to have special training to be allowed to sign for pot which is BS as it's only recommended that they take the training if they want to be involved. Most don't care about their patients enough to bother.

And opiod prescribing is scrutinized as I was cut off demerol for severe joint pain and I was only using 30 tabs every 4 - 5 months. Recommended Cymbalta, an anti-depressant, in it's place. WTF? I have a buddy on that stuff and it's as bad as heroin withdrawl if he runs out. South African docs are what we got and they have to be catholics to boot. Tho it was one of them that got his training for pot and promptly moved out of the area.

The whole thing is such a mess. They'll give you pills at the drop of the hat. And then lose it when you want something less strong...cannabis. Weed is so far out of the realm of thinking for imo...most doctors. Even my Doctor who is very cool with me having it..( not that I care either way )...has zero interest in it effectiveness on me. He just trusts that if I say I want it and use it, he's cool with that. He also knows I'd do it without his approval anyway...then he laughs and we laugh...and I leave.
I don't need no stinking badge.