ACMPR searches.

Projecting, eh?

Fact is, far more Canadian soldiers and veterans use cannabis than your friend would be aware of. The reasons why few would advertise are rather obvious.

And now you're twisting what I said to fit your narrative, well done :clap:

The mental gynastics required to twist my words into saying my friend doesn't know anything is mind boggling ... nice redirection of the subject matter :clap:

You do understand the concept of context, yes? .... the context in this situation, in case you are not aware, is your comment about veterans and their use of cannabis to which I retorted that yes, you are correct that many service men and women use cannabis, however the fact is that if an active service member decides to legally obtain a medical license that they get screwed .... I think you missed that part (even though most of my post was about this very fact)

So I again say go check your facts before you start spouting off at the mouth ... it's not nice to be negative and argumentative nor going around looking to start an argument with anyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with this stupidity ... seriously, is this gradeschool, do you really need to get the ruler out and measure?

I guarantee you'll fall short
You might want to ask a serving member of our armed forces what the deal is before you go spouting off about what you know

Veterans use and have used cannabis for many years, yes, however if you are actively serving and are prescribed cannabis then you cannot be actively deployed and you will be either 1: removed from your post if in theater or 2: if not in theather and still have time left to complete in the forces you will be removed from any supervisory roll or command

One of my very good friends is stationed in Ontario, runs one of the shooting ranges at CFB Pettawawa, and is fairly broken .... it has been suggested to him by a few doctors to use cannabis but if he goes that route he looses his command as well as at the very best being posted to the reserves or at the very worst being honorably discharged early due to medical which in both cases would split his retirement income in half due to him not completing the contract that was agreed upon when entering the service

Might want to get your info straight before you start going off about vets and actively serving members of our forces ....
TL;DR if my boy goes to cannabis as an active member he loses his active status and half his pension (and the guy has been in 2 wars as well as a few minor confilcts in 20 years of service)
How disgusting....we just can't get it right with out vets can we....
And now you're twisting what I said to fit your narrative, well done :clap:

The mental gynastics required to twist my words into saying my friend doesn't know anything is mind boggling ... nice redirection of the subject matter :clap:

You do understand the concept of context, yes? .... the context in this situation, in case you are not aware, is your comment about veterans and their use of cannabis to which I retorted that yes, you are correct that many service men and women use cannabis, however the fact is that if an active service member decides to legally obtain a medical license that they get screwed .... I think you missed that part (even though most of my post was about this very fact)

So I again say go check your facts before you start spouting off at the mouth ... it's not nice to be negative and argumentative nor going around looking to start an argument with anyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with this stupidity ... seriously, is this gradeschool, do you really need to get the ruler out and measure?

I guarantee you'll fall short

Twisting your words? You're the one doing that, buddy.

Did I claim that Canadian soldiers's use of cannabis was not illicit or restricted? Why would anyone say such a thing? Doesn't make any sense to say it, doesn't make any sense to assume anyone would. Cannabis is still illegal, in case you didn't know.

The crux of your argument rests on the assumption that I did say that, while my imagined reader was sophisticated enough to know better. There is shared and given information. I took that it was a given that cannabis wasn't openly used. After all, cannabis is still illegal.

My reply was rather clear. You were wrong to assume.

As for the ad hominem attacks, they add no weight to you argument. If anything, they detract from it.

Besides, why are you being so argumentative? Do I need to remind you we're all on the same side?
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Its personal info your HEALTH

tomatoes need instepctions do they? Any light inteneded and CSA or aproved for any house is OK
Are fresh cut clones considered a plant in your plant count?

I count them as plants now, but it sure cuts into your numbers.
I believe they become part of your count as soon as they have a root here in Canada.

Hmmm. Have to get clarity on that. Depending on method you won’t see roots for sometime after they are rooted. As in rooting into a big pot versus cube.
In canada anything is counted as a plant, I’m almost certain. As soon as a seed has a tail it count towards your plant count. As soon as you cut a clone it’s a separate plant as far as I know too, doesn’t have to root. Licenses are very easily available, basically sign up online and you’ll have one in a few weeks, guaranteed. Try your doctor first but likely you’re looking at $200/year to expand into a 26+ plant operation.
Hmmm. Have to get clarity on that. Depending on method you won’t see roots for sometime after they are rooted. As in rooting into a big pot versus cube.
My assumption is that if u were rooting in a pot they would consider it a plant as part of your count.
If u have a bunch of cuttings in a glass of water they arent plants.

i donnoif there are exact specifics on the rules since the people who make the rules dont have a clue about growing weed. So like everything else, youd probably get chi arged or whatever and have to spend $$ and waste time and tax dollars in court
In canada anything is counted as a plant, I’m almost certain. As soon as a seed has a tail it count towards your plant count. As soon as you cut a clone it’s a separate plant as far as I know too, doesn’t have to root. Licenses are very easily available, basically sign up online and you’ll have one in a few weeks, guaranteed. Try your doctor first but likely you’re looking at $200/year to expand into a 26+ plant operation.
Ya i swear ive seen citings from the cannabis act saying they had to be rooted but I do get mixed up sometimes
That said, there’s almost no chance someone is coming in to check your plant count. Make sure everything else is quiet, smell proof, and not suspicious and you should be fine tbh.