ACMPR - wait times

I'm hesitant too because I was in a private group and read a comment about a guy who started around 70 plants someone called him in and though he wasnt charged they took them all and of course destroyed them. I'm glad he wasnt charged but I dont understand why they didnt just leave him alone. 70 plants is a lot of money through seeds, utitlities and medication costs to lose. HC should atleast give a wait time or if they changed the time to grow from when they approve it instead of the Dr's prescription date, should atleast email you on the day it's approved so you can start, and then send the certificate through the mail.
Curious to know, did anyone here have an inspector come by and check out your rooms after your certificate was recieved?

Youre dambed if you do and possibly dambed if you dont. So much for legalization, should be called taxinization. Through ACMPR I'm a medical impatient
We are all in the same boat here..well most of us anyway..
Being part of the ACMPR will see them screw you in the end...less than 5 years! ...
in 35 years... of this deal. I have not personally seen someone go down for growing pot!..:idea:
TONS goin on that no one ever finds out about. :idea: not everyone has greed in mind! ;)
and some fucked up form of safe-heaven :lol:
BEST WAY GOIN................. SAME OLD SAME OLD..
all back to square one here folks with PRO 2 in the works
inspections have NEVER BEEN A THING but soon will be with PRO 2 comin your way!

Like people get inspected for growing tomatoes ? :roll::hump::idea:
Not friggin likely.
.No difference here folks!
They'd like, want you to believe otherwise/
already proven in the highest court of cannada!

cheers get on your growing ears!! and keep it to yourself! ;)
wont matter once everyone is doing it.
OH YES that little thing called HOME GROWS for quick they forget!(:

everyone get it yet? ;)
that's right your only going to be allowed to have 1 single house plant of any variety....or be considered a grow the municipality...
They may also want your alcohol to be locked in a vault....
oh and only 4 chairs outdoors...
only use your barbque,once in a two week period...
wait till they start with the municipal drone enforcement
Hey guys off topic question, Im a noob and have been trying to like comments but how do you do that when there aint no like button?
Awe that sucks, but thank-you! Potato cannon would be fun but very challenging
Last one I made blew the back end off the gun... worked great with golf balls and a wadding but stuff a potato in the end and the pressure gets unreal lol...friggin plastic bombs...

Im trying to register as well for my license and was wondering, can you guys quickly mention, how you got your presc. & for what condition (if you want to say) and how many G/per day you get. I have several medical conditions, I just don't know if they are taken serious enough to get a prescription of 20/30 G per day so I can have a license for around 100 plants. I have a feeling my doctor will give me a 5/G per day pres. and laught at any higher amount. I also see online services for $1200 that get you a prescription, and Im just wondering if this is what most people have to do? Thanks, any insight is appreciated!
Some people have a GP that won't sign for their script due to lack of knowledge etc. about Cannabis have to use paid services to get a script. It ain't right that it costs money but it is what some people have to do to ensure they have the medicine that works for them. I have even heard lately about free clinics that will help you, a friend used one and got his script without cost here in ON.