ACMPR - wait times

its going legal?? and everyone will grow !!!!!!
won't be allowed to grow in manitoba or quebec... probably not ontario either after conservatives win the election next week..
i have a child and can't afford to have CFS put my kid in foster care while i'm dealing with child endangerment and drug charges... i don't give a shit if the have my name or info... that's like telling people not to register their gun... speaking of which i wouldn't be able to own a gun anymore either if i got arrested for civil disobedience, or travel to the states, etc... so many reasons to stay within the law and i don't see any reason not to... other than 'you'll be in a database!' which is pretty shitty reason imo

plus i dont own my home, i rent, so stealthily growing without the landlord or maintenance people ever seeing would be nearly impossible and absolutely not worth the stress, effort, or risk.

the doctors appt was 15 minutes, the paperwork took 5 minutes, then 8 weeks of waiting and now i could sit in my front yard trimming my plants if i wanted
won't be allowed to grow in manitoba or quebec... probably not ontario either after conservatives win the election next week..
i have a child and can't afford to have CFS put my kid in foster care while i'm dealing with child endangerment and drug charges... i don't give a shit if the have my name or info... that's like telling people not to register their gun... speaking of which i wouldn't be able to own a gun anymore either if i got arrested for civil disobedience, or travel to the states, etc... so many reasons to stay within the law and i don't see any reason not to... other than 'you'll be in a database!' which is pretty shitty reason imo

plus i dont own my home, i rent, so stealthily growing without the landlord or maintenance people ever seeing would be nearly impossible and absolutely not worth the stress, effort, or risk.

the doctors appt was 15 minutes, the paperwork took 5 minutes, then 8 weeks of waiting and now i could sit in my front yard trimming my plants if i wanted
It's all about peace of mind :peace::weed::leaf:
won't be allowed to grow in manitoba or quebec... probably not ontario either after conservatives win the election next week..
i have a child and can't afford to have CFS put my kid in foster care while i'm dealing with child endangerment and drug charges... i don't give a shit if the have my name or info... that's like telling people not to register their gun... speaking of which i wouldn't be able to own a gun anymore either if i got arrested for civil disobedience, or travel to the states, etc... so many reasons to stay within the law and i don't see any reason not to... other than 'you'll be in a database!' which is pretty shitty reason imo

plus i dont own my home, i rent, so stealthily growing without the landlord or maintenance people ever seeing would be nearly impossible and absolutely not worth the stress, effort, or risk.

the doctors appt was 15 minutes, the paperwork took 5 minutes, then 8 weeks of waiting and now i could sit in my front yard trimming my plants if i wanted
dont give me the OH OH OH Im different BS\
your choice ,,,fucked by feds or
say shit and nothing happens..
same old same old
REc can GROW so pretend your rec Lol

fuck people wake up!

There is NO PIECE OF MIND in this deal
yer foolin yourself if you think so!

safest bet is to say shit and do as everyone has always done ..with no issues...
its quite easy actually.
I received my AMCPR Grow certificate from HC. It only took me 7-8 weeks.

My problem is that I live in Quebec. Am I able to grow medical in Quebec if I have my HC cert? I can't really find information on this..
YES you have your protection in your hand. The grow cert is what exempts you from prosecution....
currently medical is separate from anything they are trying to ram through the senate..
I received my AMCPR Grow certificate from HC. It only took me 7-8 weeks.

My problem is that I live in Quebec. Am I able to grow medical in Quebec if I have my HC cert? I can't really find information on this..
in your case its your only savin grace seeing as they are not allowing anyone to grow

which will be fought and won in court the first chance some gets to stuff
the bs regs up your provinces ass!!!
YES you have your protection in your hand. The grow cert is what exempts you from prosecution....
currently medical is separate from anything they are trying to ram through the senate..

Ok thats good to know. Thanks! :)

in your case its your only savin grace seeing as they are not allowing anyone to grow

which will be fought and won in court the first chance some gets to stuff
the bs regs up your provinces ass!!!

Agreed just I dont wanna be that person.. :/
i have a child and can't afford to have CFS put my kid in foster care while i'm dealing with child endangerment and drug charges... i don't give a shit if the have my name or info... that's like telling people not to register their gun... speaking of which i wouldn't be able to own a gun anymore either if i got arrested for civil disobedience, or travel to the states, etc... so many reasons to stay within the law and i don't see any reason not to... other than 'you'll be in a database!' which is pretty shitty reason imo
Thats exactly why I need a paper trail, having my kid taken away for growing medicine certainly wouldnt help my condition. Dont need the weight of the world on my shoulders- above board I dont have that sinking feeling. cheers :)
i'm curious.. if i opt to produce partly indoors and partly outdoors, will they divide my plant count in half for each, or am i able to produce entirely indoors if i so choose?

edit: turns out if you opt for indoor/outdoor you can only do one at a time, not both, and it cuts your indoor plant count down and you only get a single plant per GPD outdoor.. shitty deals i'll just do indoor!

here's a plant count calculator
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I replied in the way I did because of the holier than thou fucktards that come into a "medical" marijuana thread (obviously intended for people who get cannabis/grow cannabis through our medical system). This forum is meant for people who do this legally. Yet it's full of people who have no use for "medical" or legal weed and only wish to tell people how stupid they are for wasting the time and money becoming a legal grower.

Calling Health Canada is a waste of my time. I'm on the road 12-14hrs a day right now driving truck and don't have the time for it. Asking in a forum actually meant for people like me wanting to find information (some have time to search through threads some don't).

So now when you complete morons are done showing your absolute disregard for rational thought, maybe you can pull your heads out of your asses and realize that nobody cares what you think about Health Canada or growing legally. Not only that but you offer no value to this thread, NONE, zero. So why not go to a different thread where you can actually contribute in a constructive way instead of sitting in here on your self-absorbed ass telling other people how they should think.

Why don't you take off your dunce cap and tell me some more of your bullshit. In a day or two when I have some time I will come back and read through the mind-numbing responses I'm sure to get from a small group of dipshits that have a combined IQ comparable to an ice cube. Take your time, I won't be able to read any responses for a day or two.
Bahahahahah you literally sit on your ass all day and you cant pick up( work) the phone eh? Hilarious that you call US the imbeciles yet you STILL ask for our help. Must make you king of the retards. All i hear is a whiney little fucking bitch. Wahh wahh wahh hahaha fucken knob. They make tampons for that problem you're having. Don't forget to chuck todays piss jugs eh Ray? Don't fill up on those bologna sandwiches, you need to leave room for your self fellating......
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So I sent my renewal forms into health Canada may 22nd. Figured I would call today to see where in the food chain my application was. According to the nice chicky I talked to my application was completed and mailed out last week. If true I should get it this week unless the snail wanders off course. Still that's quick. Not even two weeks to receive, process and send out the paperwork. We'll see.
still not quite sure why people are telling the feds they are growing..:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
when they will be allowed to grow their own with out telling them... lol
whats a few more or less plants when yer sick and have your GP behind you?????........8)
tying yourself to a system that feels they should have control over your illness and the money you have to spend?!?!
PPHHHH that deal..:hump:

riddle me that one .................."oh I have to have a pink piece with my grows" cause this way its legal :idea::finger::hug:??
lol sure it is!!:idea::roll::dunce:
still not quite sure why people are telling the feds they are growing..:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
when they will be allowed to grow their own with out telling them... lol
whats a few more or less plants when yer sick and have your GP behind you?????........8)
tying yourself to a system that feels they should have control over your illness and the money you have to spend?!?!
PPHHHH that deal..:hump:

riddle me that one .................."oh I have to have a pink piece with my grows" cause this way its legal :idea::finger::hug:??
lol sure it is!!:idea::roll::dunce:

People have already explained why they choose to participate in the legal system instead of breaking the laws. You're either not bothering to understand what people are saying, in which case why should anyone bother explaining anything to you. The other possibility is that you're ignoring their opinion because you disagree with them, again why would anyone bother because you'll continue pointlessly arguing that their idiots for working within the law.

If you can't figure it out after what people have said you're the problem & need to learn how to communicate with an open mind instead of being so sure you're right all the times. Maybe engage in conversation instead of pointless deflections like

"lol I know

the big ears bothered you (:"
People have already explained why they choose to participate in the legal system instead of breaking the laws. You're either not bothering to understand what people are saying, in which case why should anyone bother explaining anything to you. The other possibility is that you're ignoring their opinion because you disagree with them, again why would anyone bother because you'll continue pointlessly arguing that their idiots for working within the law.

If you can't figure it out after what people have said you're the problem & need to learn how to communicate with an open mind instead of being so sure you're right all the times. Maybe engage in conversation instead of pointless deflections like

"lol I know

the big ears bothered you (:"
Just to play devil's advocate, if you're truly sick and dying why would you wait 3 months for your forms while you die or rot away? Should you not be afforded a quality of life beyond suffering which isn't based on the speed at which government bureaucracy moves?(glacial, considering its a registration process, not approval.) Food for thought.