Acrylic curing jar


Well-Known Member
Don't need anything if you do freezer curing........just saying ;-)

Stupid simple and effective
Open air freezer curing gave my shit a weird taste for sure. Freezer-burn-esque. Results may vary. It is an older refrigerator that came with the rental so ymmv.


Well-Known Member
I found a 130 oz acrylic air tight jar that I would like to cure in...would this be ok???
I'd be careful with that volume/weight. I use 1-gallon (128 oz) glass Ball canning jars for $12 (<<link) at Walmart and Target. They're decorative, not air-tight. I use these for the initial 2-3 week cure when I'm burping every day. (If the buds are on the dry side, I can stretch some saran wrap across the mouth to help the slip-on lid seal better.). What I like about these is that they're glass. I don't like plastic too much just because we always learn 20 years later there's some weird molecular chain we shouldn't have been exposed to.

Anyway, with that size jar, the weight of the buds compress and compact the buds on the bottom. I have to be careful to keep the jar on its side, rotate/shake every day. It's also harder to get fresh (burped) air into the depths of that volume. I have to pour the buds out every couple days to mix them up. Sounds like a lot of work, but I think it's easier than burping and managing smaller jars during this period.

After the 2-3 week cure I go to 1/2-gal Ball canning jars (Ace Hardware). IMO, that's as large as I'd go for longer-term storage where the buds need less attention.