ACTUAL Medical Grade Extraction Method

You are reading current research. I don't think anyone tests this, while Myrcene is in beer and has a whole industry funding its research. I am not discounting Myrcene, it has Opiod like effects. But Uziza soup is used in Nigeria for Happyness and to stimulate a person's Appetite. So, obviously it is more similar to Marijuana. I will have 5 oz of leaf in about a week, so I can share more then.
There can be serious sexual side effects from uziza. I would be very cautious about recommending ingesting it.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick is on the Joe Rogan Podcast and she just opened up some new Oilahuasca stuff.

I read before that Turmeric was an inducer AND a inhibitor depending on how long it was since you ate it, so I did not add it to the oilahuasca list. But from what she is saying, if you take Turmeric after Oilahuasca, it will bring your Enzymes back to normal.

And whole black pepper. When you make tea with it and filter out the solids you are removing piperine to make sure it doesn't mess with the Oilahuasca, but AFTER Oilahuasca you could TOTALLY eat it and get your system back to normal.
Random, she also just mentioned that if you are low on Tryptophan you can get angry. So everyone should do what I do regularly, since I smoke a lot, I don't like to waste my Marijuana. But sometimes I am bored, so I end up communing with Shiva more than usual. So to keep from "Smoking myself sober" and to just make sure dreaming and stuff is good, I take 5-HTP. It makes you not smoke yourself sober.

And, I have never had a headache in my life and I have been smoking weed since I was 14. I thought I had one once, but then I told someone about it and they yelled at me and told me that that is not a headache headaches are worse. And even when I was in juvy the guards say I am their "favorite stoner" even though I was sober, I still laughed at jokes, even if they weren't funny. So all the guards loved that, because they have corny jokes.
Another random thing,

She said that there are parents out there that don't hug their kids and stuff and the kids produce less oxytocin. I have posted about this before, NO ON OUT THERE is testing oxytocin levels. EVERYONE should make sure they have Oxytocin on the regular, in case your family has less than regular people. And it's just good to have extra in your brain.
And if anyone is wondering why I was in Juvy, I would remind you of my religion and the fact that I grew up in Texas.
sorry, I am just thinking of all kinds of random stuff now. Please skip if you don't want to read. Dreaming Journal will be back sometime between 2 and 4 weeks.

When I was 16 I got out of Juvy and my probation officer really didn't like me because I told him I was hanging out with people eating skittles, and he seemed to think that that was code for something, but we usually just ate skittles and stuff. Not with like cough syrup, just skittles. And he got the judge to make me go to a psychologist, and the psychologist suggested that I was not being challenged in highschool and that that was why I ran away (but I ran away because I was on probation and wasn't allowed to smoke, and it was my religion, which I told my probation officer all the time and all the way to the cell, but I had some SHIT Public Lawyers).

But anyways, they put me in college at 16, and I found someone else to give me a ride so I could run away again. And they put me in juvy again. This was 1 year before I became a registered minister, so all I had was the Rig Veda to prove my faith then. But the continued to arrest me until I moved to Colorado.

Just thought I would share that semi-funny story. But since this happened I have done tons more legal research as well as medical research based on my religion. So if anyone needs help with their religious defense in America, let us know, I am not suggesting anyone outside of our Ministry do it because I don't know your doctrine or when it started if it is not Kemetic or Hindu or any Ancient to modern Polytheism established before 1975.
Also maybe helpful for people too.

There are Synthetic Cannabinoids and people like Sasha Shulgin who invented TONS of Phenethylamines and Tryptamines (read the books Pihkal and Tihkal) that are 100% legal to buy, sell, trade and give away. You just can't sell or give it to someone and say "This can get you high", that is illegal.

There is the Church of Neuroscience in Louisiana and they can ship MXE (ketamine relative) and Etizolam (Xanax relative) around the country to regular people, and The Temple of Light in New York uses DPT which is a relative to DMT. So some of those things are already being used as a spiritual guide legally already.

Just wanted to point this stuff out.
Designer Drugs & Designer Smells

Currently, the perfume world is still kind of in the Middle Ages. They make "Concrete" or hash from the plant material, then they make Absolute. And this is a good process, this is how they purify things for medical use as well. If you wanted to make it even purer (like Walter White perfume) you could Isomerize it or do some Chromographic methods to get specific alkaloids or whatever you wanted.

But this is would be arbitrary, and would only bring perfume into the modern medical grade.

The way Perfume can be brought in to the FUTURE would be to make "Designer Smells" and not in the way they make smells today by mixing different absolutes, but to make NEW smells.

Here is how that would work, you could add Amino Acids to the smells, along with Baking Soda or Calcium Hydroxide. And that is just the beginning, there are ALL KINDS of different things that can be done, for example, tons of smells could be "methylated" by using methanol and an activator.

And I invented a new Smell already, but I do not have the materials to make any new smells yet. This molecule opens up the way for TONS of new Molecules. The main molecule that is in the smell of Roses is "b-Damascone", and when I was younger I heard that Anna Nicole Smith died from some drug that was like in between Xanax and Alcohol, a old school "Barbiturate" that bikers and stuff used to take. I have always been in to chemistry so I learned how it was made and it was simple, you just add Acetone and Chloroform together in the presence of Lye, and Chlorobutanol is made. This is what Anna Nicole Smith died from because she was eating it or drinking it.

But anyways. The Damascoen cane replace the Acetone, it is the same class of molecule, and then in the presence of Chloroform and Lye it would become a BRAND NEW MOLECULE with 3 open Chloride structures, which leaves the way for TONS of new things to be added.

This is only one molecule, I could make at least 10-30 new structures with Damascone if not more, and then with all the other smells I could make THOUSANDS of new smells. And so could anyone else.
You go from making Hash derived from mexi weed roaches found on the ground, to teaching folks how to make "Medical Grade Hash"? Did we skip a step?

Perhaps a basic Marijuana Botany book could help you start Your quest to be a professor. You are behind though, since you've never actually harvested a plant or single trichome.

Remember that one time you added vinegar to baking soda? You're are totally a scientist Now!

Remember that you tube video you watched and read the comments on making hash?
You're a totally a Gardner Extract artist extraordinaire now!

Remember that "One Time" you brushed your teeth?
You're a totally a dentist now!

I don't understand why you ride bubblemans dick so hard like he is the only one making Bubble and Drysift (who's tech was taught to him) hash? You do realize these techniques are available for free on the Internet, probably even within RIU... A thousand people do this shit everyday. You are wayyyy late to the, in regards to your Medical grade hash, Limonene is weak, people who use it to add flavonoids and Terps back into hash are weak. They need to cultivate the proper heads that contain these essential Terps in the first place, if they can't do that their shit is weak. This is old ass news. Clear concentrate was put on blast a few years back for this...
Adam Dunn show also covered your Fat Extraction. I'm sure that's where you got the gumption... It's always a gumption with you...
fin thread


Joe Rogan is kinda like a little kid sometimes. He says "I never tried coke because I saw it mess up people's lives" does he not know he is friends with Joey "Coco" Diaz? He still knows and hangs out with people who do it LOL.

When I was in highschool people were selling it to each other, and I saw kids shooting up meth. That is why I stayed away from uppers. It had nothing to do with people ruining their lives, I just would rather smoke weed or eat mushrooms or peyote. I don't want to stick needles in me.

"The Only Dope Worth Shooting Is Dick Nixon" - Yippie Quote
Joe Rogan just said some quotable shit:

"We do not live in a black and white world where things are easy to solve"- Joe Rogan
I think Joe thinks that laws can only be made by the Government arbitrarily via Bill submission.

We can make laws ourselves.

And just btw. I don't know if Joe knows this, but most of the people you are talking about having guns, are also the people smoking weed. They are the same people.
How can one person say "the world is not black and white" then 10 minutes later say "Gun violence comes from SSRIs"