add a word, ruin a movie

a James Bond collection:

Dr. Please No
From Russia with Forbidden Love
Your Vindaloo Only Lives Twice
On Her Majesty's Secret Room Service
Lightningcock Thunderball
A View to a Buzz Kill
Tomorrow Never Dies Pretty
Diamonds are Debt Forever
The Man with the Golden Sarcasm Gun
Casino Royale w/Cheese
Pull my Goldfinger
Live and Let Mainy Die
The Spy Who Loved Me There
For Your Brown Eye Only
Octopussy Litterbox
The World is Not Weird Enough
Quantum of Wallace's Solace
The Seven eBay Samurai
Itchy Rashomon
Reservoir Tip Dogs
Overdue Kill Bill
Frying Pan's Labyrinth
The Yes Deer Hunter
(so many possibilities) Up
Braveheart Attack
Beauty and the Roast Beast
Die Hard Liquor
Chatroom Gladiator
Midnight Taco Run
Mary Poppin Pills
Finely Groundhog Day
West Side Bitch Story
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Do You Mind
Jurassic Parking Structure
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There. I've doctored this thread with enough strange love.


I'm pretty sure that's a real Porn movie lol.
I died laughing when I saw In 'n' Out of Africa on a video box.

Thank you for cycling the thread. I'm now exploring adding the word shit (or shitlike terms) to random movie titles.

The Shit Birds
Panic Shit Room
The Shit King and I
Cats Shits
The Black Shit Hole
Harry Shit Potter and the Chamber-pot of Secretions
Dr. Shit No
The Shit Paper Chase
Shit Pi

Titanic Shit
Cool Shit Runnings
First Shit Blood
A Series of Unfortunate Restroom Events
Oh Shit God!
Lord of the Shit Rings
Pee-wee's Great Shit Adventure
Wayne's Shit World
Smokey and the Shit Bandit
The Hobshit
Animal Shithouse
Something Wicked Shit This Way Comes
Look Who's Talking Shit
Silent Shit Movie
Pink Floyd's The ShitWall
Free Shitwilly
101 Defecations
From Here to Shiternity
The Right Shit Stuff
It's a Wonderful Shit Life
Where Eagles Dare to Shit
12 Shit Monkeys
50 Shades of Brown
Shitsnakes On a Plane
Edward Shitterhands
No, I usually don't listen to porn. I watch it. J/k. I dont know what Porncast is though. Pretty sure I saw the Shaving Ryan's Privates advertised on a Google search. Or a pornsite. Probably a pornsite.

Lol It’s a podcast with two chicks who interview porn stars, review movies and discuss all things sex related. Good, clean wholesome fun.
