great site all with lots of good info, this is my first post starting a grow in a wee cupboard under cfl's 2 atm but may add another if its a female lol
i was speaking to a friend and he suggested adding my birds (gfs) pill (contraceptive) to some of the water (sounds like bs but who knows) i give it. its simple bag seed but its really shit hot weed like gets you proper stoned... had about 8 seeds but mum in law threw them out the biatch... so pinning all my hopes on this little baby... that is til i go to the dam in dec where il buy lowrider seeds i htink and mayb something for the greenhouse
gonna post a few pics of ma wee plant let u all n o whas happening
great site all with lots of good info, this is my first post starting a grow in a wee cupboard under cfl's 2 atm but may add another if its a female lol
i was speaking to a friend and he suggested adding my birds (gfs) pill (contraceptive) to some of the water (sounds like bs but who knows) i give it. its simple bag seed but its really shit hot weed like gets you proper stoned... had about 8 seeds but mum in law threw them out the biatch... so pinning all my hopes on this little baby... that is til i go to the dam in dec where il buy lowrider seeds i htink and mayb something for the greenhouse
gonna post a few pics of ma wee plant let u all n o whas happening