Add More Awards Obama Should Receive....


Well-Known Member


LOS ANGELES, CA (October 09, 2009) - Motor Trend (, the world's automotive authority and part of Source Interlink Media, today announced the selection of the new 2009 Barak Obama as the 2009 Motor Trend Car of the Year™. The complete report on Motor Trend's 2009 Car of the Year will be published in the magazine's January issue, available on newsstands December 4, 2009.

"The Barak Obama marks the first time in decades an American automobile has been designed and engineered with an eye on the global marketplace," said Angus MacKenzie, editor-in-chief of Motor Trend. "Among its many excellent qualities, perhaps the most valuable one is that it shows Chicago can build a world class car to compete with the best Munich, Stuttgart and Toyota City have to offer. With the Obama, Chicago is officially back in the car business, not just the crime or cronyism business."

"The Obama's winning attributes go far beyond a well-designed facade," said MacKenzie. "It's the star of a new GM revival, and with a base car price of just $787,000,000,000 the car is truly accessible to a wide spectrum of car buyers."

The base model Obama includes an impressive 263-horsepower, VVT V-6 (a 304-horsepower direct-injection version is optional), eight-speaker Bose audio, 17-inch wheels and a dual zone climate control. In addition to offering a classy, distinctive interior, superb fit and finish, and starched-crease tailored design, the six-speed automatic version of the Obama goes from 0-to-60 mph in 6.3 seconds. Motor Trend editors particularly enjoyed the car's road-hugging dexterity, responsive feel, and sporty acceleration.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Continue hating someone because someone else gave them an award. Your logic is infallible. If you don't like the man, give valid reasons. All I hear is "I'm bitter because a crotchedy old republican isn't president." Your transparency is quite demeaning.


Well-Known Member
no wonder he can't spare the time to worry his pretty little head about the troops in afghanistan.

i just heard that he is in the running for both miss universe and miss teen america. his name has been thrown in the hat as a possible successor to the current pope and barak has become the most popular name for both boys and girls born this year. his likeness has been seen in cloud formations, on tortillas and slices of toast, in a water stain in an amsterdam brothel and peeking from behind waldo's cap. he has been beatified in seven separate religions and his tears are said to heal the lame. his daughters are the product of immaculate conception and his virginal wife is the illegitimate daughter of martin luther king. so you see, the nobel prize is a mere bauble to such a great and revered man.:roll:


New Member
Russia is naming him Commissar of the year. They have been trying for twenty years to get a President to link nuclear disarmament with missile defense..... not a single President would fall for the ploy.... UNTIL NOW!!! :lol:

But hey, he has had his eye on the Nobel Prize for 8 months now!!! He's so smart. The USA is well worth trading for a Nobel Peace Prize.... right?

Guess he didn't tell you huh!!?


Well-Known Member
Russia is naming him Commissar of the year. They have been trying for twenty years to get a President to link nuclear disarmament with missile defense..... not a single President would fall for the ploy.... UNTIL NOW!!! :lol:

But hey, he has had his eye on the Nobel Prize for 8 months now!!! He's so smart. The USA is well worth trading for a Nobel Peace Prize.... right?

Guess he didn't tell you huh!!?
And here it is - conspiracy theory formed! The only reason Obama's been doing what's been doing is because he wanted the peace prize. He didn't leave Iraq and remained in war to get the prize. He didn't leave Afghanistan and remained in war to win the prize. It was all a ploy.

I agree 100% that Obama did very little to nothing since he took office and sometimes you agree. But at other times, you claim that he's ruined the US with all the big changes he's made. Now you're claiming that every decision he made was solely for the purpose of receiving an award. Keep trying...


Well-Known Member
Yes. Continue hating someone because someone else gave them an award. Your logic is infallible. If you don't like the man, give valid reasons. All I hear is "I'm bitter because a crotchedy old republican isn't president." Your transparency is quite demeaning.
Let me make it quite clear that i do not hate anyone for their accomplishments as long as they are deserved. The truth is there is no logic to the reason behind obama receiving a nobel peace prize. Humanitarians that dedicate their lives to humane living and world pacification receive the prize. Now we give it someone, the president, because of his unfulfilled promise of international diplomacy (globalization) and his attempt at reducing nuclear power? Barack received a prize for literally NOTHING! He never accomplished anything to receive the prize. It sounds like the prize was a nice pat on the ass from the trilateral commission for Barack to invade Iran.

I dont dislike the man barack obama im sure he had good intentions but he has become nothing more than another puppet for our shadow government. He has gone back on every promise he made while running for president and has done nothing but prove that our government is corrupt and so is every fuckin person in it, reublican or democrat.

With that being said, noone is hatin on obama because hes a dem. and he received the prize;People are hatin on obama winnin because when it comes down to it, as a human being, he doesnt fucking deserve it. Therefore, i find youre attempt at defending someone based of political bias fuckin useless. Go kick rocks...


Well-Known Member
no wonder he can't spare the time to worry his pretty little head about the troops in afghanistan.

i just heard that he is in the running for both miss universe and miss teen america. his name has been thrown in the hat as a possible successor to the current pope and barak has become the most popular name for both boys and girls born this year. his likeness has been seen in cloud formations, on tortillas and slices of toast, in a water stain in an amsterdam brothel and peeking from behind waldo's cap. he has been beatified in seven separate religions and his tears are said to heal the lame. his daughters are the product of immaculate conception and his virginal wife is the illegitimate daughter of martin luther king. so you see, the nobel prize is a mere bauble to such a great and revered man.:roll:
Fucking hillarious ice!!


Well-Known Member
I guess some people can't let their anger go for one second. I THOUGHT my post was, at the very least, somewhat funny. It's good to see you back and posting JRH, but can't you just contribute to the thread without reducing it to the exact same, BORING, set of arguments every other thread ends up containing.

Even you can see why many would find todays announcement humorous and I'll bet you could come up with a doozy if you would just let go of the vitriol and play with us.


New Member
He defends all things Obama, no matter how preposterous. That's a true indication of a person with an open mind... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Let me make it quite clear that i do not hate anyone for their accomplishments as long as they are deserved. The truth is there is no logic to the reason behind obama receiving a nobel peace prize. Humanitarians that dedicate their lives to humane living and world pacification receive the prize. Now we give it someone, the president, because of his unfulfilled promise of international diplomacy (globalization) and his attempt at reducing nuclear power? Barack received a prize for literally NOTHING! He never accomplished anything to receive the prize. It sounds like the prize was a nice pat on the ass from the trilateral commission for Barack to invade Iran.

I dont dislike the man barack obama im sure he had good intentions but he has become nothing more than another puppet for our shadow government. He has gone back on every promise he made while running for president and has done nothing but prove that our government is corrupt and so is every fuckin person in it, reublican or democrat.

With that being said, noone is hatin on obama because hes a dem. and he received the prize;People are hatin on obama winnin because when it comes down to it, as a human being, he doesnt fucking deserve it. Therefore, i find youre attempt at defending someone based of political bias fuckin useless. Go kick rocks...

Haha, nice try, but don't think you're going to get anywhere with jrh, I've already tried. So long as facts, history, and downright common sense come into the equation, you can count out any sound reasoned remarks from this dude. He's seriously off the rocker! LOL!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Yes. Continue hating someone because someone else gave them an award. Your logic is infallible. If you don't like the man, give valid reasons. All I hear is "I'm bitter because a crotchedy old republican isn't president." Your transparency is quite demeaning.
I don't believe anyone used the word "hate" to describe the absurdity, of Obama, receiving the Nobel piece price.Are you attempting to put words in peoples mouths?

I think Obama should get "playmate of the year", from playboy, and a purple heart!

1. He's a sex symbol - who cares if he's male.

2. Purple heart is just a nice thought... and he deserves nice medals!


Well-Known Member
Let me make it quite clear that i do not hate anyone for their accomplishments as long as they are deserved. The truth is there is no logic to the reason behind obama receiving a nobel peace prize. Humanitarians that dedicate their lives to humane living and world pacification receive the prize. Now we give it someone, the president, because of his unfulfilled promise of international diplomacy (globalization) and his attempt at reducing nuclear power? Barack received a prize for literally NOTHING! He never accomplished anything to receive the prize. It sounds like the prize was a nice pat on the ass from the trilateral commission for Barack to invade Iran.

I dont dislike the man barack obama im sure he had good intentions but he has become nothing more than another puppet for our shadow government. He has gone back on every promise he made while running for president and has done nothing but prove that our government is corrupt and so is every fuckin person in it, reublican or democrat.

With that being said, noone is hatin on obama because hes a dem. and he received the prize;People are hatin on obama winnin because when it comes down to it, as a human being, he doesnt fucking deserve it. Therefore, i find youre attempt at defending someone based of political bias fuckin useless. Go kick rocks...
Did he give the award to himself? NO! Someone else gave it to him. I don't think he deserved it either. Call me partisan, but I'm not. I don't like Obama. But he can't help that someone picked him for an award.

So let me repeat, he does NOT deserve the award. I've made that clear. The award should only be given when it's deserved. But Obama should inspire no ire because of his completely passive role in this matter. Do you understand? It's quite simple.


Well-Known Member

Haha, nice try, but don't think you're going to get anywhere with jrh, I've already tried. So long as facts, history, and downright common sense come into the equation, you can count out any sound reasoned remarks from this dude. He's seriously off the rocker! LOL!
Yeah, nice. Resort to insult. I know no history, possess no common sense, and remember no facts. Laughable. Make sure your kid doesn't go to college then, because apparently professors are all idiots in your book. Let me guess, you're not educated, so you envy those who are. Your envy translates to insult. Weak. Weak.