Add More Awards Obama Should Receive....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, nice. Resort to insult. I know no history, possess no common sense, and remember no facts. Laughable. Make sure your kid doesn't go to college then, because apparently professors are all idiots in your book. Let me guess, you're not educated, so you envy those who are. Your envy translates to insult. Weak. Weak.
Whatever education it is you think you've received that makes you think you're more "educated" or "smarter" than any of us is ultimately what is laughable! In here, you've no captive fucking audience, and have facts, links, and actual debate to deal with, and you're getting your ass handed to you. Be a man and deal with it. :dunce::bigjoint::finger::rolleyes:

Oh, and I'm alumni of UCSB. That is all.


Well-Known Member
But Obama should inspire no ire because of his completely passive role in this matter.
this isn't some hick, stumbling onto a winning lottery ticket. this is one of the most powerful men in the freakin' world and he is being handed what should be a great honor for failing to live up to the hype. surely, with his famed oratory skills, he could refuse an honor he knows he is undeserving of with an eloquence that would fail to offend the nobel committee and the world. surely he should see the absurdity of this travesty and have the humility to pass so that someone of actual achievement could receive an acclaim that they have truly earned. of course we bridle at such a foolish choice, as do many across the globe. the blatant politicization of what should be beyond petty politics seems a final straw, breaking the back of any respect there may have remained for this dubious distinction and lessening the importance of the debts we owe so many past recipients.


New Member
Well, to keep it objective, the "peace" prize is the only Nobel that is not linked to performance. It's actually a very good fit with Obama. He hasn't performed at all, nothing positive that is.

Check this out....

Neville Chamberlain Posthumously Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

In an unforeseen turn of events, the Nobel Committee has posthumously awarded
former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain the Nobel Peace prize.

In a prepared statement, committee chairman Snidely Quisling said, "The selection
criteria has been modified this year to accomodate those who have good intentions,
but lack quantifiable accomplishments. As we looked back in history, the name that
stood out above all others with well-intentioned but fruitless efforts was Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain. His "peace in our time" speech is legendary in the annals of
international diplomacy."

In recent years the committee has presented the award to unrepentant terrorists
such as Yassir Arafat and Nelson Mandela. As such, it was a surprise to observers
that the committee selected a naive pacifist as the winner.

The announcement came on the heels of news that U.S. President Barack Obama
won the Peace Prize for 2009.

Critics have claimed that the winners chosen in recent years have eroded the
credibility of the award, pointing to former Vice President Al Gore receiving a Peace
Prize for his poorly researched and unscientific propaganda film about global warming.
Reacting to such criticism, the committee is reportedly considering a posthumous
award to Josef Goebbels to balance the scales.

When questioned for the main reason why President Obama was selected for this year's
prize, Quisling replied, "He's not George Bush. That is enough. President Obama's
speeches about closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and ridding the world of nuclear
weapons surpass any real-world accomplishments by imperialist Yankee warmongers."

He went on to add, "When you consider his profuse aplogies for American arrogance
and the devaluing of the dollar, he was a shoo-in. He is the first American president
who really makes us feel good about being Europeans."


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama and Jesus are going to have to duke it out for the unified title of "one true Messiah." I wonder what it will cost to watch it on pay per view.


Well-Known Member
I stopped taking the Nobel guys seriously when they gave the award to Yesra Arafat.

Then there was this:

There recently was a death of a 98 year old lady named Irena.

During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist.

She had an ulterior motive...

She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews, (being German).

Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of her tool box she carried, and she carried in the back of her truck a Burlap sack, (for larger kids).

She also had a dog in the back, that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in, and out of the ghetto.

The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog, and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.

During her time and course of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants.

She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, and arms, and beat her severely.

Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out, and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard.

After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it, and reunited the family.

Most of course had been gassed.

Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes, or adopted.

Last year Irena was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize....


Al Gore won, for doing a slide show on Global Warming.


New Member
That is such an overwhelming story and an indication that society has lost it's moral compass.

Oh, and Al Gore was 100% incorrect, ....but no matter.


Well-Known Member


LOS ANGELES, CA (October 09, 2009) - Motor Trend (, the world's automotive authority and part of Source Interlink Media, today announced the selection of the new 2009 Barak Obama as the 2009 Motor Trend Car of the Year™. The complete report on Motor Trend's 2009 Car of the Year will be published in the magazine's January issue, available on newsstands December 4, 2009.

"The Barak Obama marks the first time in decades an American automobile has been designed and engineered with an eye on the global marketplace," said Angus MacKenzie, editor-in-chief of Motor Trend. "Among its many excellent qualities, perhaps the most valuable one is that it shows Chicago can build a world class car to compete with the best Munich, Stuttgart and Toyota City have to offer. With the Obama, Chicago is officially back in the car business, not just the crime or cronyism business."

"The Obama's winning attributes go far beyond a well-designed facade," said MacKenzie. "It's the star of a new GM revival, and with a base car price of just $787,000,000,000 the car is truly accessible to a wide spectrum of car buyers."

The base model Obama includes an impressive 263-horsepower, VVT V-6 (a 304-horsepower direct-injection version is optional), eight-speaker Bose audio, 17-inch wheels and a dual zone climate control. In addition to offering a classy, distinctive interior, superb fit and finish, and starched-crease tailored design, the six-speed automatic version of the Obama goes from 0-to-60 mph in 6.3 seconds. Motor Trend editors particularly enjoyed the car's road-hugging dexterity, responsive feel, and sporty acceleration.

Awesome! I wonder if it'll come in a hybrid/electric model, or diesel (so I can run it on used vegetable oil)?


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama and Jesus are going to have to duke it out for the unified title of "one true Messiah." I wonder what it will cost to watch it on pay per view.
Well only 29.95, however, after the green cable tax passes, it will be 139.55, okay it was just a guess, shoot me.


New Member
Yes, every President except Obama was smart enough to not allow the Russians to link nuclear disarmament with the missile defense shield. :roll:

Eastern Europe no longer trusts us. I don't blame them one bit. they stuck their necks out with this one, and we have failed them.