Add more soil?????!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I repotted my plans recently and I’ve noticed that I can see the roots a little bit on the top of the soil. Would it be smart to add more soil to the top of it so that everything is covered completely. There’s not much showing but just enough for me to be able to notice that it’s the roots.
I repotted my plans recently and I’ve noticed that I can see the roots a little bit on the top of the soil. Would it be smart to add more soil to the top of it so that everything is covered completely. There’s not much showing but just enough for me to be able to notice that it’s the roots.
Yes won’t hurt to cover em up
Right on. That’s true. Good point.
I would put some in right before you next know you would normally water, loosely place some fine soil on top and water in as normal....water in slow though so it doesn't wash away. I put some on the rooting stuff(great white is one brand) on too before covering the roots up but that's not necessary nor proven to do anything but I add some anyways why not. I think with cloth pots soil shifts a lot as well vers potted plastic. Keep the lower leaves out of the soil though or prune them if needed.
I would put some in right before you next know you would normally water, loosely place some fine soil on top and water in as normal....water in slow though so it doesn't wash away. I put some on the rooting stuff(great white is one brand) on too before covering the roots up but that's not necessary nor proven to do anything but I add some anyways why not. I think with cloth pots soil shifts a lot as well vers potted plastic. Keep the lower leaves out of the soil though or prune them if needed.
Thank you. That was very helpful. I appreciate. Puff puff pass