about 5 years back, adderall was going around very cheap. i dont remember, something like 20 cents a 30mg cap. they were XR, extended release. well i bought some to see what it was like, and i opened the capsule to see what was inside. hundreds of tiny white spheres. i would eat them that way.. well, some got into a bowl i was smoking.. i had final exams that day at school, so i didnt have to go to school til 12. i accidentally showed up an hour early. maybe a clock wasn't set right where i was smoking, idk. but what you say about being really alert and focused, tis true. very true. i was sitting in that classroom, following 30 different conversations at once. when it came time to take the test, i was all obsessive compulsive about that shit and i did really fucking good. well, i stayed late to keep taking the test to get it perfect.. and after test time the teacher had another class, so i was once again concentrating on 30 different people talking, and the teacher, and the test. and i did really fucking good. but see this was an algebra 2 exam and i couldnt even get into algebra before i started smoking the herb. it helped me to understand the algebra and concentrate on my homework, and when that adderall got into my herb on final exam day, it was like superman's heightened sense of hearing &shit. now i had never used adderall for school before then, and i graduated with honors, despite being a massive pothead. actually, the majority of the people at the honors party were massive potheads. but so were many of the people that had to cheat off me to graduate.
\ so i like adderall, but i wouldnt pay alot for it. plus i am probably one of the people they would prescribe that shit to anyway. it doesnt make me all hyper, just like caffeine, i can drink a fuckload of espresso shots and go right to sleep. i dont remember all the effects, but i do remember talking to my friend when i had taken adderall and smoked and he said he thought i should probably be on adderall because it made me 'normal' when i smoked + took adderall. because i am usually crazy. not violent crazy just weird or something crazy. like "you're a crazy fucker" crazy.
i should prob. get some of that shit so i can be normal and get a girlfriend and knock her up like all the normal kids are doing