

Active Member
I hear good things about adderall highs from alot of people. personally i cant see what would be so great about being really alert and focused but maybe i should give it a try. Anyone tried it? How is it?
my neighbor kid used to give me adderrall in high school and i took 2 of the super strong orange ones the first time and i used to pop the blue and white ones whenever.
all's the do to me is make me clench my jaw and grit my teeth and focus really good. but i jiggle my leg when i sit down and i cant sit still. and they make you stay awake and you wont get hungry. its not tons of fun like trippin on shrooms or relaxxin' with a big fatass blunt..but its interesting
its basically a mega caffine most people.

its a lame drug though. do it just so you can try it, but dont go crazy over it.
have fun :P :eyesmoke:


I'm a total pill head. I love adderal. I take one 30mg adderal and 2 or 3 vicodins every morning to get out of bed and go to work. I prepare the mixture every night before I lay down and have a bottle of water handy. Now I wouldn't recommend taking an adderal without the vicodin at least its a bad "high" for me. I become irritable and "bitchy" but if I combine it with the vicodin I have a mellow buzz. The adderal kind of just intensify the "speeding" and "euphoric" effect you get from an opiate buzz.


New Member
adderall doesnt make you "alert" unless you have adhd, its a stimulant and not really a feel good euphoric one either, it'll just make you fell like chugged 10 mountain dews, you'll probably fell pretty hyphy but thats it.


adderall is speed. Plain and simple. It is slightly different structurally from Methamphetamine. I think adderall is a dextromethamphetamine.. either way it effects you just lke speed, and is converted into meth in your body. The same shit people smoke out of glass pipes.


Active Member
about 5 years back, adderall was going around very cheap. i dont remember, something like 20 cents a 30mg cap. they were XR, extended release. well i bought some to see what it was like, and i opened the capsule to see what was inside. hundreds of tiny white spheres. i would eat them that way.. well, some got into a bowl i was smoking.. i had final exams that day at school, so i didnt have to go to school til 12. i accidentally showed up an hour early. maybe a clock wasn't set right where i was smoking, idk. but what you say about being really alert and focused, tis true. very true. i was sitting in that classroom, following 30 different conversations at once. when it came time to take the test, i was all obsessive compulsive about that shit and i did really fucking good. well, i stayed late to keep taking the test to get it perfect.. and after test time the teacher had another class, so i was once again concentrating on 30 different people talking, and the teacher, and the test. and i did really fucking good. but see this was an algebra 2 exam and i couldnt even get into algebra before i started smoking the herb. it helped me to understand the algebra and concentrate on my homework, and when that adderall got into my herb on final exam day, it was like superman's heightened sense of hearing &shit. now i had never used adderall for school before then, and i graduated with honors, despite being a massive pothead. actually, the majority of the people at the honors party were massive potheads. but so were many of the people that had to cheat off me to graduate.
\ so i like adderall, but i wouldnt pay alot for it. plus i am probably one of the people they would prescribe that shit to anyway. it doesnt make me all hyper, just like caffeine, i can drink a fuckload of espresso shots and go right to sleep. i dont remember all the effects, but i do remember talking to my friend when i had taken adderall and smoked and he said he thought i should probably be on adderall because it made me 'normal' when i smoked + took adderall. because i am usually crazy. not violent crazy just weird or something crazy. like "you're a crazy fucker" crazy.
i should prob. get some of that shit so i can be normal and get a girlfriend and knock her up like all the normal kids are doing :D


Oracle of Hallucinogens
adderall doesnt make you "alert" unless you have adhd
Where do you get that idea? It is apparent you have never done amphetamines. You'll be alert as fuck (think: drink coffee > hightened mental alertness).. this is super coffee.

its a stimulant and not really a feel good euphoric one either, it'll just make you fell like chugged 10 mountain dews
eh.. not so much.

adderall is speed. Plain and simple. It is slightly different structurally from Methamphetamine.
You should have stopped here. Well.. methamphetamine is slightly different structurally than amphetamine, but close enough.

I think adderall is a dextromethamphetamine..
It is amphetamine, not methamphetamine.

To be exact:

  • racemic amphetamine aspartate monohydrate
  • racemic amphetamine sulfate
  • dextroamphetamine saccharide
  • dextroamphetamine sulfate

and is converted into meth in your body.
What the fuck? No it is not. And shit doesn't convert to meth in your body, you'd probably be much closer to say meth converts to this.


New Member
Where do you get that idea? It is apparent you have never done amphetamines. You'll be alert as fuck (think: drink coffee > hightened mental alertness).. this is super coffee.

eh.. not so much.

You should have stopped here. Well.. methamphetamine is slightly different structurally than amphetamine, but close enough.

It is amphetamine, not methamphetamine.

To be exact:

  • racemic amphetamine aspartate monohydrate
  • racemic amphetamine sulfate
  • dextroamphetamine saccharide
  • dextroamphetamine sulfate

What the fuck? No it is not. And shit doesn't convert to meth in your body, you'd probably be much closer to say meth converts to this.

WOW look at this knowitall


Active Member
i must agree with everything that shepj said, adn add the only reason to do adderall is if you want to clean your entire house


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Im convinced that Shepj DOES actually know it all lol
I try to constantly educate myself. There are some guys on Zoklet and Bluelight that make me look retarded, on Zoklet the chem gets above my head and on bluelight the neuropharmacology tends to be a little overwhelming for me.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
And that is why you should pay attention when shepj has something to say my friends ....
It has nothing to do with ego .... or being a 'knowitall' .... please learn 'how to tell the diff'
cause everything stated can be easily fact checked.

With shepj's intel ..... I don't have to do that.
Cause I have learned .... by paying attention to wise words.
And that saves me tons of time in research.

No thing knows all.
That is a huge error in your mental faculty.
The more I know the dumber I feel !
For not knowing what I have just learned !


Active Member
I dont shit about the science behind aderall but I have a pretty good story.

When I was in highschool My buddy would alwase sell his scripts of xanax and adderal( the big ones with the beads inside, 30 mg maybe, idk.). So one day at lunch I buy a few xanax( they were bars) and addys, crushed them up together and just snorted it all in one line, lol, things get a lil fuzzy from here out. I can remember bits and pieces of the ordeal but not very good. I do know I ate both his scripts plus some more in a 3 day period and accumulated a nice sized debt with him, didnt go home some nights and didnt sleep( atleast as far as i know), but i went to school evryday, and was walking around my school with some fat chic telling everyone shes my gf and later got a BJ from her( a fucking gooood one too! that i def remeber lol) she gave me a bunch of addys too and i was doing lines of them while getting head, and other random shit that is too vague to put into words. For years after that I would bump into people and they would tell me new shit that I did during the

I think what happened was the xanax made me black out but the addys kept me from sleeping so i just kept unkowingly re-dosing...dangerous combo lol


Active Member
I try to constantly educate myself. There are some guys on Zoklet and Bluelight that make me look retarded, on Zoklet the chem gets above my head and on bluelight the neuropharmacology tends to be a little overwhelming for me.
You can't know it ALL, but damn sure good to know that you stay on top of things