

Well-Known Member
Any thoughts? How does it compare to cocaine? I love cocaine. I do not do cocaine often, maybe once a year if that. I have been feeling the urge but I cannot get in contact with my guy who has the good shit. A friend of mine suggested I try doing a few rails of his adderall but I'm sort of hesitant without much experience. He has extended release 30mg capsules.


Well-Known Member
been ten years but i grinded my teeth real bad . but my house was real clean... more addicting than coke i am told...
stick with the yayo seem to be working for ya ;)


Well-Known Member
They last a lot longer and are more speedy and less euphoric. Probably not a great substitute for coke. Amp is a pretty common cut for coca in though.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I rarely indulge. Probably won't hurt to try anyway, right? If it's snorted how long lasting is it compared to just taking the pill?


Well-Known Member
xr is crap..especially if your gonna sniff some up

Its not exactly euphoric, not recreational for me.. cant sleep or eat, or fuck. And it lasts too long..But it doesnt cause as much anxiety.
Doesnt hit the same receptors coke does and i hate adderall ..i was a coke head though


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I rarely indulge. Probably won't hurt to try anyway, right? If it's snorted how long lasting is it compared to just taking the pill?
If you decide to do it definitely look into methods of defeating the time release. I really have no idea what's going on in with abuse resistant time release formulations these days. There's a lot of smart people working to make them and break them.
I can see how people would like coke for partying. I can't for amp other than to give you the energy to keep going. Otherwise it's suited for focusing on a task for long periods.


Well-Known Member
Im prescribed it..
There's 3 hrs of hit or muss euphoria on 80mg,you can fuck,teeth grinding is a minimal for me,xr does shit snorted get the ir and do 'sweet rails' cause the whole pill is sugar and sucrose and a pile the size of this ---->O
Is the actual drug..redose isn't a common need unless you like snorting,some bet is plugging,I know a girl who swears by it..I've got enough,I think I'll just try the oral administration:-)..some throw em back with sodium bicarbonate to potentiate but I see no need...
Good luck,but if you're looking for a coke sub,this will just piss you off..


New Member
I find that Ritalin is closer to Cocaine. its been labelled as Kiddy coke for a long time. cheaper that adderall also.


Well-Known Member
I find that Ritalin is closer to Cocaine. its been labelled as Kiddy coke for a long time. cheaper that adderall also.

Yeah.... Kinda, sort of. Snorted it has some of the ethereal swoopy feeling of coke but none of the spinal rushes and dead on euphoria.

Aderall? I recall it was OK, not a go too substance. Wife likes them when they come my way.


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts? How does it compare to cocaine? I love cocaine. I do not do cocaine often, maybe once a year if that. I have been feeling the urge but I cannot get in contact with my guy who has the good shit. A friend of mine suggested I try doing a few rails of his adderall but I'm sort of hesitant without much experience. He has extended release 30mg capsules.
Coke is way more euphoric then any amphetamine


Well-Known Member
Eve. Crystal meth though alleged to realease much more dopamine then coke isn't imo as euphoric as Coke. I'd need to do a combo of mda and Mdma to somewhat get a close enough euphoria to rival coke
I don't think I get the euphoria from coke. But for me its
3)coke and this is only from time to time. I like that it doesn't screw my system up like adderal or meth

But just goes to show the different effects it has on people. Not one person will have the same experience. Like I said I guess I do feel euphoria with adderalls. But I can do without the up all night and teeth grinding.

I still have a full med bottle some chick gave me.

All the euphoria I need comes from weed. And I'm not just saying that cuz this is a grow forum.

I don't even know what's my point


Well-Known Member
Eve. Crystal meth though alleged to realease much more dopamine then coke isn't imo as euphoric as Coke. I'd need to do a combo of mda and Mdma to somewhat get a close enough euphoria to rival coke
Cocaine has a different mechanism of dopamine release and also releases serotonin. Different receptors for the same neurotransmitters have different effects and compounds will bind to them differently. I know more about how it works with serotonin but a good analogy would be MDMA and LSD. They have vastly different effects despite both working on the serotonin system.