Adding a dwc bucket to 10 bucket RDWC


Well-Known Member
What’s up-

I want to add a few more plants to the flower room.

I have a 10 bucket rdwc. Well a 6&4.

Under1000&600 HPS.

I have some room around my scrog where I could take advantage of.

Is DWC same as RDWC really?


Get bucket that’s black, get net pot. Air stone.

Just my main question is, do you never drain the bucket?

Like with my 4&6 I might do a res change at like 5 weeks but usually let it ride.

But I feel like since it’s rdwc it never sits in one area so dosent get stagnent. I know a single dwc has a airstone, just haha I don’t know almost seemed to simple

I was going to cut a little hole in my net pot so i can just put a hose in to from my nutrient mix fill it once a week or so.
The benefit of RDWC is that you don't NEED air pumps or stones at all anymore. You pump from the res to a manifold that waterfalls in to each bucket. Then gravity returns the water back to the res through large, low to the ground 2-3" piping.

I suggest highly you upgrade. They drink so much, replacing the water is impossible. All you'll ever do is add water every 2-3 days. It's great.


I’m asking about a single bucket set up and the logistics of that.

I currently like my airstone and don’t want to destruct my set up at the moment
Especially if you use trellis netting. Makes it impossible to lift the plant off the bucket to do rez changes. Single DWC only works if you can move the plant.
He's not trying to expand his current rdwc. Just wants to know the jist of single site dwc.
Yeah exactly.

If i cut a hole in the net pot and then could cover it with tape so no light is hitting roots. Then could just put my hose in to fill it up. would avoid having to lift.
It's ok if your growing small plants but as been said it's a pita to try and keep water level, nutrient concentrations, nutrient ratios, and fill and drain. Plants can easily drink a gal or more a day. Out of about 4 gal of water in a 5gal that's a lot of changes to try an balance properly.
I have a 27 gallon tote with air stones with 2 mothers in it right now. Its doable, its just depends on how much work you want to do like these guys said. I keep about 20 gallons in it for the 2 plants and even that takes quite a bit more attention to keep stable than my full systems. Ive noticed that with just air stones I have to adjust my ph up a lot more frequently.
I put a drain valve in the front of mine that I can just connect a tube to and I have a filtered water line that reaches across my whole room for easy filling. Mine is raised off of the floor though, so youd have to pump it out if you want it on the floor.

My opinion after playing with this mother box, if you want to add on a bubble bucket, id figure out a way to at least get some circulation into it from your main system. maybe a small feed pump into it with an overflow line that dumps into your main system.