Adding/Changing lights!?


Well-Known Member
I'm 2 weeks into flower in a 55x55x74 tent I have a single 1000 HPS over 9 plants in a Cap Ebb N Gro.

I was thinking of adding a 400 I already own or buying 2 600's and getting rid of 1000!!!

Dumb question! Would it benefit my crop to do this now? What is the best option for my plants??

Thanks alot


Well-Known Member
well, it sounds like you have a more complicated setup here.. than I do. I keep my grow area simple and clean.

I personally use my 'Sun Systems 250watt MH/HPS lamp system' that I ordered from HTG over the internet.

But then again, I never have more than 4 plants going at once.. since I only grow for my personal use plus I help

out a few 'very close' friends of mine with buds from my grows. So, I don't need (or want for that matter) a higher

wattage lighting system (attracts attention from the power company). I also have another 150watt HPS lamp from HTG

that I can add to the 250watt if I need/want to.

And as for your question about adding light... of course you can add light man. The more light.. the better!!!

[more light = more lumens = happier plants = bigger yields]

You can add more light whenever you want too.. doesn't really matter when you add the extra lighting.

Now, to answer your other question. I would just save your money.. and add the 400watt light you already have to your
existing 1000watt light. Combined you would end up with 1,400watts of total lighting.

Now, if you were to get rid of the 1000watt lighting system you have... and replaced it with two 600watt systems.. your only
going to have a max wattage of 1,200watts.

So like I said.. the more light and lumens.. the better!!!

Hopefully you can figure out the best thing to do.. with the information I have given you.

Good luck dude.



Well-Known Member

Your forgetting something. On a lumens per watt basis a 600w is the most efficient light you can get. I'd be willing to bet that two 600w will put out just as many lumens as the 1000w and 400w combined will, and since they are pulling 200 less watts of energy it will cost less to run them.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I'd just drop a 400 vertically in the tent and see what that does, may cause some heat issues though.

For the long term though I'm going to research a set of 600's with coolable hoods and see what theyd set me back.

I think 2 600's would be optimal for this size tent? Anybody agree disagree?


Well-Known Member
What temp's are you geting with that 1000w? as puting that 400w in there cud add 10c, the 2x600w with cooltubes is the way to go, and as EDGRAYFOX said about the same lumes too.


Well-Known Member
Depends. I use a single 600w to cover an area about the same size, but I only grow 8 plants at a time and have them on a rotation so that only half of them are close to full size at any given time (the other 4 sit on raised stands to keep the bigger ones from blocking the light). My area is also designed around plants that don't get more then 4- 4 1/2 ft tall and that have some of the lower branches pruned off (I like fimming), so you may need the extra light if your growing more/bigger plants in your grow tent. I'd experiment with the 400w for now and see what it does your heat levels- you might also want to play around with using a different type of bulb then what you have in the 1000w. If the 1000w is a HPS then you could try an MH in the 400w and see how well mixing both spectrums through the entire grow works for your strain.


Well-Known Member
I vertided the 400 hps right next to the 1000's hood intake and it adds alot of light.

Would 2 600's be a better option for my tent size, I'm gonna stick with tent growing. What would be the best setups to buy for this size tent? Thanks alot


Well-Known Member

With Cool tubes? Dont I lose alot of light that way?

Anyone hang all the bulbs vertically and just use bigger fans to keep tent temps down? Are they more efficient that way? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Anyone? Get the 2 600's or just stick with the 1 1000 and 1 400. I'd invest in something else for my grow op???? Thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Whith cool tubes you lose about 5-10% but you can grow alot closer to the lights so possibly taller plants.
I would stick with your 1000w& 400watters if you are not havin any heat probs? but just get a good in&out fan setup.
Good luck.