Adding Epson Salt. How Long Until?


Well-Known Member
i think when i get my ph meters, ill start writing down on a pad what works with what soil and so on, learnt loads today !


Well-Known Member
Yer it takes time and experience to get it right, when you do get things right it becomes a lot easier. I really wanted there to be a sticky that explained pH, soil and guided you through it. A lot of information is not correct or needs more explaining. Check up on tomato grow sites, generally weed growers are not gardeners but pot heads wanting to grow weed. A gardener will teach you a whole lot more hence why a gardening site is more usefull than this site for growing weed. Peace


Well-Known Member
That is why I came here
I can grow anything. I've been gardening for many years. I always thought I could do it. But I didn't know until I actually did.
The growing part wad pretty easy. I didn't have a clue what to do next. And I found a bunch of old head stoners who prolly do this shit all day long and are prolly retired. And they schooled me on the rest. But I found out that my shit was pretty good when I flipped 1.5 lbs of god bud in two weeks. Now it's white widow. I got sour d and WW almost ready. I'm like addicted. I was in the grow room till midnight last night just transplanting seedlings

Edit: this is why I have no


Well-Known Member
Finding out that gardeners grow better plants than pot heads! I get purple stems in seedling soil and people on rollitup say genetics or cold, i say this on a vegetable growers site and they say add between 400/600ppm of ferts right now and the purple stems dissapear and plant grows amazingly.

Yep gerdeners know a lot more than pot heads.

Whilst your here dannyboy got any ppm advice for the grow, i think i am seriously undernuting at the moment and the only problem i got, i also grow whitewidow and youd love my genetics. Anyway i am thinking 500ppm for seedlings at first true leaves as a one of soil drench and then moving up to 800ppm for young veg plants. I have never gone over 1000ppm for any plant and think that is the problem for the flowering. I benn keeping a steady 800ppm flowering most waterings but still lower leaf drop and fert problems. Please advise of ppm for a whole grow as i know i am seriously not feeding enough, 800 for flowering organic nutes is low right for my hungry whitewidow plants, pH is perfect, drainage is perfect but still lower leaf drop, upper leaf burn and some lime green leaves.

Plants finish good but recently the more ferts the stronger smelling and smoking the buds, am i on to somthing here and need to up my nute levels, have always been very wary about the nutes and think it is seriously showing. Know people say dont fert seedlings but i think it is totally b0!!0cks with seedling soil and my seedlings take up to 600ppm no problems and show rapid growth. Peace and thanks Dannyboy.

Edit: this is why I have no[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
hey king ! i am growing WW also, and i too feel that im under nuting, im using miracle grow 3-1-2 plant food, any advice ?

Also , good to see you posting, the post above has got my attention too...


Well-Known Member
All new to me too, now i solved a few issues i find my plants wanting over 1000ppm in flower, this scares me but i feel they look underfed and reckon i will go that way, as for purple seedling stems, they got my attention too and 500ppm, they are looking good now but i use seedling soil and feel maybe in all-purpose or flowering soil they would have enough nutes in the soil. As always i am learning too. Peace


Well-Known Member
hey king ! i am growing WW also, and i too feel that im under nuting, im using miracle grow 3-1-2 plant food, any advice ?

Also , good to see you posting, the post above has got my attention too...


Nah it is good ferts but there are a lot better, i like miracle grow honestly but it would mean me changing a lot of


Well-Known Member

Nah it is good ferts but there are a lot better, i like miracle grow honestly but it would mean me changing a lot of
lol it was the right ratio so i grabbed happy to change if my plant can tolerate it ? ive read a fair bit on widow and it sounds like a hungry weed...

you think ill be right sticking ? or twisting ?


Well-Known Member
Who knows, i think with every fert you got to learn what extra additives or supplementary NPK it needs. I never seen a miracle grow with the right NPK's or a two part miracle grow fertilizer, i use biobizz and seaweed but took me a while to get it right, found out i needed seaweed the hard way. See how it goes but what is the NPK? would be an intresting grow none the less!lol!

Nah its up to you dude, everyone slates miracle grow but i understand miracle grows point of veiw, they certainly sell a lot of soil and ferts. Not so marijuana specific i fear. I would not like to influence you either way. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
the npk is 312, i will deffo NOT be using it again, i grabbed it as it that ratio was suggested to me for a starting point...
King grow your awesome man! Your replys have really helped me..

Im repotting with lime and topdressing the mom I have going..

When I bought the promix I read the bag and it seemend like it was perfect without adding you mentioned I thought they called it promix for a reason!! But u have made me see the light dude!


Well-Known Member
I dont know if pro mix needs lime but seems that way, go easy on the lime, hard to add too much but if you do it is impossible to get out. Dangers of adding too much are pH goes up to 7.5/8 and this is bad, it took me a while to get the levels right.

Anyway i just like to offer food for thought, i work the same stuff and things with my plants, what works for most growers also seems to work for me.

Anyway food for thought, even a failure results in more learning. Peace.


Well-Known Member
People seem to recomend mixing nutes ( dont mix organic and chemical though) This is the point of a two part nutrient, with my biobizz i can mix many different ratios by varying the levels of grow and bloom. Peace


Well-Known Member
man this thread is good for ph ! last week i had issue with ph over 8.0 , since i tried all purpose food nutes once water and topping with garden lime, it still going at 8.0 it wont be go down...i decided to leached it till water run clear....and checked ph is at 7,0 until yesterday my plant started to have brown spot, little burn on edge of leaves...maybe nutes today i leached it again..i will not use nute for while....try different method by 1 tsp of distilled white vingear per gallon, hopefully it will work. y all know im doing my trial and error after all i do have two plants thats it. i will come back here to update if i have sucessful or fail with ph :p

happy growing


Well-Known Member
man this thread is good for ph ! last week i had issue with ph over 8.0 , since i tried all purpose food nutes once water and topping with garden lime, it still going at 8.0 it wont be go down...i decided to leached it till water run clear....and checked ph is at 7,0 until yesterday my plant started to have brown spot, little burn on edge of leaves...maybe nutes today i leached it again..i will not use nute for while....try different method by 1 tsp of distilled white vingear per gallon, hopefully it will work. y all know im doing my trial and error after all i do have two plants thats it. i will come back here to update if i have sucessful or fail with ph :p

happy growing
Sorry dude but to me this got fail written all across it, dont wana get too into it but dolomite garden lime (dont use any other lime hydrated, slaked carbonated or anything similar) has a pH of about 7.5 to 8. Too much will bring the soil up to these pH's. if lime is mixed with soil then it will be hard to take it out. There is no way i know to lower soil pH when overlimed, sulphur brings down pH but apparently will not work if there is lime in the soil. Water, vinegar etc etc pH down do not lower the soils pH, soil holds fert salts, chemicals etc etc which get washed out in the runoff and give you your pH, this is not the soils pH but what is held in the soil.

Damn i wish i didn't know about pH, freaking almost impossible to explain, hydrogen ions, buffering, salts, alkaline salts, soil runoff is not soil pH but built up ferts. There should be a sticky on pH and it should explain why soil runoff has little to do with the actual soil pH! PEace


Well-Known Member
My guess is very soon your soil pH will rise back up to pH8 because of the lime. One last question- What was the pH of the water you watered with? pH7 by any chance or different?????


Well-Known Member
My guess is very soon your soil pH will rise back up to pH8 because of the lime. One last question- What was the pH of the water you watered with? pH7 by any chance or different?????
yeah it looks like im already killed my two plants....sad day for me...but its worth becuz i learned answer to your question about ph in soil , last time i checked it was 7.1 ph and water that i use is distilled water. right now i just fed up and put plants outside in the shade and my wife is taking care of those plants becuz i told her that the plants are already dead and she said no dont think so and she can bring those plants back with her secret recepies...i believe she use SUPERthrive, i dont know if its actually work...anyways i think i will get DWC next month and start all over again. but thanks for advice. i appreciate it. peace


Well-Known Member
yeah it looks like im already killed my two plants....sad day for me...but its worth becuz i learned answer to your question about ph in soil , last time i checked it was 7.1 ph and water that i use is distilled water. right now i just fed up and put plants outside in the shade and my wife is taking care of those plants becuz i told her that the plants are already dead and she said no dont think so and she can bring those plants back with her secret recepies...i believe she use SUPERthrive, i dont know if its actually work...anyways i think i will get DWC next month and start all over again. but thanks for advice. i appreciate it. peace
One last thing distilled and ro water is not recomended with pots and indoor grows. If you know you need to adjust the ppm to 150/250 with cal/mag or theoretically it will suck certain nutes outa your soil or plant. Tap or bottled water is better, take your pic and look into water the most essental ingredient in any grow. Ph aint like a lot tell it but the fact that you know about lime is a good start.

Well done, good philosophy, if i kill a plant and learn somthing=SUCCESS (would rather some weed!lol! but maybe next time hey). Good luck