Adding Flavor ?

Tha Hustle

Well-Known Member
could u possibly add a flavor such as lemon lime or strawberry to your plant somehow? like watering it with a certain water or mixing it


Well-Known Member
i've always added lemon juice to lower my ph and its tasting sweet and smells fruity but i don't know if its from that...


Well-Known Member
This is a topic I've thought about too. Anybody have any experiences they'd like to share?


Active Member
I'm a big fan of keeping orange peels inside my jar as I let them dry, it give's them some flavor. Also I store most of my bud inside of POM - pomegranate juice jars. Personally, peach is my favorite!! happy medicating :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Ive never heard of anything like that, but they do have flavor and aroma enhancers like bottanicare's sweet or advanced nutrients sweet leaf. basically juss molasses.


Well-Known Member
Roots are very selective as far as what they absorb... Adding flavors will more than likely just fuck up the PH. Be careful when experimenting...


Active Member
I'm a big fan of keeping orange peels inside my jar as I let them dry, it give's them some flavor. Also I store most of my bud inside of POM - pomegranate juice jars. Personally, peach is my favorite!! happy medicating :joint::joint:

I love the way that peels from citrus fruit smell as well. However, orange peels and the like are very moist; therefore adding them when you are trying to dry your buds would be counterproductive. On the contrary, in the past I have (not always) revived overly dry bud by placing it with peels from a lemon or orange. I think in those instances it only made the herb smell orangey/lemoney but not really taste much different.


hmmmmm, shall i experiment? i have 7 strawberry coughs and 1 kush, i should give one of the strawberry coughs like strawberry juice or something, or even a citrus mixture, i dont mind testing one plant out.


Well-Known Member
I read an article that said during the last week you can add juice. (grape, orange, strawberry....) But It said not to add too much, I think it was 50% water, 50% juice. I've never tried this. I'll be harvesting in a few days. I think I'll try some grape juice and let you know how it turns out.

Cindy 99 X Mango Kush........+ grape juice?????

We'll see!


Well-Known Member
I harvested 1 day ago. I put 1 plant in grape juice but the lights are not on. It is sitting in the dark. Wish I would have read this thread a few days before I harvested. Let you know how it turned out in a few weeks!


Well-Known Member
peels off fruit, such as oranges or lemons... slice up the slice into little pieces, put them in a freezer w/ ur ganj overnight and remove in the morning, you'll have sweet tasting and delicious smelling herb. rock on


Well-Known Member
Years ago when I was still growing, I heard that watering with beer would make the plants stronger. This was years before anyone had heard of hydroponics so this was an indoor crop in dirt, the only way I have ever grown pot by the way. It made it taste like beer, stale beer but beer non the less. Did it make the plants any better? It is hard to say. I made home brew for the CO2 gas it would produce. I am not sure if it was the CO2 or the beer, but the buds were bigger and seemed to be pretty darn strong too, if I remember right. It was good stuff, if only it didn't have that skunky beer taste to it. I was always going to try watering them with stawberries, but never did...always ate the darn things, haha.
In those days, I smoked the bud and sold the leaves to people. The leaves would get you high and were actually pretty good. I remember one outdoor grow where I had like 30 lbs of leaves. They sold for about $150 a pound and bud sold for less. Most people did not even realize back then that bud was better then leaves. In fact, most prefered the leaves and got mad if you sold them buds with seeds in them, they wanted the leaves. That all started to change in the early 70's, maybe even as late as 73 or so.
Anyway, thought I would throw my 2 cents in. I am helping a friend with his grow which is why I am here now.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that honey can do the trick instead of molasses?? Has anyone tried that???


Active Member
I have found that the only true way to get a noticible flavor change out of your plants is to use molasses and a mixture of juice concentrates to the growing medium, when doing this be sure to very consistantly moniter your ph levels and adjust accordingly