Dude seriously? this thread is over a year old!
you only have 4 posts, non of which give any sort of helpful info!
I'm sorry you have to grow with CFL's but its okay, you might be able to get a few ounces if you try hard enough.
I like to think I have gained respect from some of the biggest people in cannabis society, famous stoners such as, Tommy Chong, of the hit comedy duo Cheech and Chong, Arjan from Green house seeds, and George Cervantes from High times, and of course the author of the Cannabis grow bible, translated into over 30 languages, and maker of many great grow videos!!! just to name a few! you should go buy the grow bible btw, ( I get a nice percentage) as I'm the co-author!
and Chong wouldn't take kindly to the forming a sentence remark, he has a real tough time with that.