Adding live worms to super soil

actually you'd be surprised, I think the native earthworms do more for my containers than the reds, the reds just compost, and don't do much past the first couple inches of the soil, but the natives dive up and down, back and forth, making little gopher hole-type piles of castings.
The 2 together in your medium would be beneficial in two ways, supposing your temps stay low enough to keep them alive. Night crawlers are less hardy to the heat, which is why they burrow. In nature they can burrow up to 10 feet deep. If they can't stay cool enough it will cook them.

Night crawlers aren't as active of feeders as red wigglers. That being said, having both would feed the girls and help them breathe deep in the soil.

I like to compost my fan leafs right in the pots throughout the entire grow. I do this for my microbes, but if you're going to add worms to the mix, then its almost a must.