Adding Nutes to FF Ocean Forest after a weeK?


New Member
I just transplanted my two clones to foxfarm ocean forest one week ago, and from what i have read ffof has lots of nutes already. should i be adding nutes to my two plants after just one week? today is my wattering day and idk if i should be adding nutes. one of my plants looks fine but the other has green leaves but the stem(not the stem but the stem on the leaves)has like an almost yellowish color to it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i use that soil and start using nutes after a week, just give it a small amount and foilar feed so it has access to some nutes right away


Well-Known Member
I agree. Ocean Forest is very rich and it's worth letting the ladies get a little bigger before you start adding nutes.


Well-Known Member
A light folair feed probably wouldn't hurt but I would probably hold off another week, specially because its a clone.. Need to give it time to build some roots.