Adding Pineapple Juice to my Pineapple Express

how did we find out what makes plants grow and be strong? ..with experimination and thinking outside the point is not if fruit juice works or not its the more simple aspect of trying something new and observing the results...thats how we move i previously stated there really hasnt been any sicentific research on the effects fruit juices have on marijuana...sooo slamming the guy for trying something that hasnt really been tested before is somewhat close minded..just my opinion...and yes... your underoos have been bunched up for the last several posts far as drinking nutrient water sure you wont die from it ...just like the fruit juice...maybe it will energize you..maybe it wont..give it a try and let us know the results..thats how most things are discovered in this world..trial and error..not... "thats stupid dont do it"...LOLZ

Did you even read my first post or are you just spewing shit like Bmeat?

Seriously here it is read it.

What the hell is wrong with some of you people, so far today Ive seen a guy wants to use pool ph down for his water and now you wanna give your plant pineapple juice? Diluted or not that shit is sticky and will attract bugs for sure. Im all for experimenting but cmon...

Anyway not bashing or anything, im just saying.. its a plant, treat it like a plant.

I never called anyone stupid, I just gave my opinion and what I thought to be some good advice.

What pisses me off is people like who come in here and start bashing me for... hell you know I really have no idea why. And then you tell the guy to go ahead and experiment and basically water his plant with juice. Like do you know how many people have probably read this and not responded because of how it silly it sounds and they are probably just laughing there ass off at the thought of it.

Anyway to the OP, dude you do what you wish, I was simply giving you my advice on the matter.
This could be a total coincidence, but I figured I'd pitch it in.

I've used lemon juice to PH down since my first grow. A cap full goes into every gallon I water with.. I ALWAYS get lemon smells in my strains. Always. Its the only fruity scent I get, its kind of annoying, I am getting sick of lemon.

My first few grows, I flushed heavily with molasses. 2 tablespoons per gallon. I'm telling you, when I open the jars of those buds, strait up like molasses smell. Uncanny smell of molasses. Again I wasn't a big fan of the smell so I stopped flushing with molasses cause I could smell it so strongly in the final product.

Maybe its coincidence, I'm not saying that the lemon juice or molasses for sure had an effect, but damn the smells are clear as day.
Did you even read my first post or are you just spewing shit like Bmeat?

Seriously here it is read it.

I never called anyone stupid, I just gave my opinion and what I thought to be some good advice.

What pisses me off is people like who come in here and start bashing me for... hell you know I really have no idea why. And then you tell the guy to go ahead and experiment and basically water his plant with juice. Like do you know how many people have probably read this and not responded because of how it silly it sounds and they are probably just laughing there ass off at the thought of it.

Anyway to the OP, dude you do what you wish, I was simply giving you my advice on the matter.

Your pair of these :14superman.jpg +This: The-art-of-trolling_4391522_lrg.jpg = This : wrong-2.png
Instead of adding juice, try and find pineapple extract and use that instead. I used orange extract in an experiment on one of my California orange plants and the buds on that plant smelled SO much more orangey than on the plants I didn't add the extract to! One thing you definitely need to do is to cure the weed for a bit longer if your planning on doing this because of the extra sugar intake into the plant. I didn't add the extract until right before harvesting personally. I let the plant become thirsty by not watering it for a few days and then I gave it one last watering with orange extract mixed in which it lapped up greedily. I have also heard that some dude used a fish as fertilizer and it made the buds smell like rotting fish... Not sure if that was true or not but good luck with your grow!

It has almost nothing in it.

They have a new purple version that has energy boost in it.

You can literally give your plants electrolytes and it might even turn them purple!
i didn't read the entire thread, so excuse me if someone else has said this already...

but the obvious reason this doesn't work for me is as follows.. look at some ingredients in organic grows... bat shit (guano), worm shit, castings, fish shit, emulsion... one of the stinkiest, foul smelling ingredients out there ime, etc, etc, etc...
people feed this shit, literally, to their plants all the time and do the buds smell like bird shit or worm shit or even worse, fish shit?? fuck no, they smell like super bomb bud.. you know how people say organic imparts the best flavors and smell out of all grow styles, well, there's the proof that what goes in most definitely doesn't come out.. :D
Yeah and I know another guy that flushed with Red Bull, we smoked a bowl and I could not sleep for 2 days.
It is my understanding that pineapple jucie will change the flavor of some things if you drink it. Seems like it would be a better use of the juice. Do your girlfriend a favor.
Yep I figured you would start acting like a child. Your a bmeat in the making.

I'd love to continue this battle of wits with you but I can clearly see you are unarmed. I'm done with you.
chillax my got trolled no happens...:bigjoint:
I was reading somewhere that people are adding juice to the plants the last 2 weeks to the plants to give more flavor and smell. Has anyone tried this and does it work? Now it's not straight juice it is diluted with water.

I'm growing the same PE strain right now. I will use water, good ORGANIC soil, oxygen, and light. Approved by plants worldwide.

Keep us posted on your results if you take the p. juice leap. I recommend that you grow an identical control plant (w/o P. juice) to compare your findings.

I'm all about experimentation and taking risks to expand my knowledge and understanding. The grow is your blank canvas. Don't let others tell you what to paint.

Good luck brother!