Adding soil to compost or?


Well-Known Member
So I harvested all my outdoor and that jazz.

Curious what i should do with all my soil I just used.

Have 12, 15gallon smart pots and then 6in ground i filled with soil/ amendments. they were about 4x4x3.

Should I add it all to a compost pile? Assuming it’s no bueno to reuse it?
For stuff in the ground, I just leave it. You may want to switch up where you plant things though. Next year's tomatoes are going across the yard from the last few years. In the late fall (or early winter depending on your area) after a few years I get one of those huge bags of soil, you know the "cubic yard" bags (more like 4x4x4 feet), and spread it over the garden. The only place I didn't get last time was where I had my first outdoor plant. Did well anyway.
Pots go in the compost, but the compost goes in the garden, and in next year's pots. There's food waste going in there too, so what comes out is pretty rich, only problem is it compacts really easily, so perlite is a good idea. The only issue with reusing soil is you can get some weird deficiencies that ferts can't rectify if there isn't anything else added.
Long story short, ground, don't worry; pots, compost. For me anyway.
Hope that helps.