Adding Sugar to bud during flowering?


Well-Known Member
there r many products that "make ur bud taste better" well grown herb always tastes good with no additive


Well-Known Member
I plan to add molasses to my nute mixture during flower, it helps the microbe levels from what I read, which helps with nute uptake. There are people that swear by it on here. That is basically adding sugar in a sense, and it does the same thing your talking about, affects the end taste of the buds in a good way. Never heard of the particular product you mentioned though.

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
yea what he said kinda, use molass. $ 1.70 at the super market. The plant will use the carbs, sugar, iron, along with alll the micro nuts. in molass. As far as taste goes most of the comes with the curing process, which i recommend reading about if you already havent. Personal experience molass. tends to give it a sweater smell, after curing of course.


Active Member
Would it be good to use just molasses for my flowering nute or do I need to add a regular bloom nutrient too?


Well-Known Member
use one tablespoon of molasses to one gallon of water well mixed. along with other nurtrients. we start the molasses the last three weeks of flowering before harvest day.

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
1 tablespoon per gallon is correct, or atleast that is what i do. I use it through out its life including during Veg. period. Once a week is all i give it and yes you do need to give it nutes too, the molass. alone doesnt have enough to sustain life just adds to the cause.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
you can also use molasses during he flushing stages of your harvest. cut back the molasses to about a 1/3 of what u would use in flower.


Active Member
Don't use too much molasses. I did and my buds came out smelling a little like sulfur :/ I was using about 1 teaspoon every watering starting about the 3rd week and it seemed to be too much. I don't know if I'll use any at all this time around.


Well-Known Member
Just agreeing with everyone else. molasses at 1 teaspoon a gallon all the way thru flowering. cant beat it
well i downloded a book somone made on how to make your buds taste like fruits or anything really it said to get a fruit concentrait and add some water to it and feed to your plants an hour befor harvesting. this is suposed to work becasue you dont water your plants befor you harvest and your plants are thursty soo they suck up all the fruit consetrait dont take my word fully on this and dont blame me if you try it and its bad mayb research it
hope i helped good luck :)