Additional CFL Forum

New CFL/Floro Forum

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Well-Known Member
I was not going to comment on this subject again, however I now feel the need to defend myself, first I'd like to say "you guys are getting it all wrong, completely backwards".

Please be more observant.. it was fdd that was offended by a couple posts, then he goes and deletes them blaming it on being stoned, come on now .. who deletes posts on accident?

don't worry he still thinks i did it on purpose. he's threated me now so this should get funny.
first mistake i make i the guy wants my head.
Yeah I threatened him via PM, threaten to go to rollitup, I'm not about to sit here and let fdd get away with what he did.

"first mistake i make i the guy wants my head." You wanna know why that was the first mistake .. because you don't make the mistake on deleted posts accidently..

"he's threated me now so this should get funny" that's what this is to you isn't it fdd? Fun & Games!

All insults aside,

Not only does he purposely deletes posts that he personally didn't like, he goes on to insult me with the following line,

did you not see my apology. must all those CFL's fuckin' wich yo eyes.
"must all those CFL's fuckin' wich yo eyes" .. the letters CFL coming from fdd is an insult in itself, however the true insult is him calling me blind by me using cfls witch he seems to hate with a passion, do you not get my drift? if that is not an insult I don't know what is..

I responded with the following,

Originally Posted by Humboldt

Yes these cfls are probably screwing with my eyes but not my brain, you aim to tell me that you accidentally deleted them posts, get real .. those posts got to you, you and I as well as anybody else who got the chance to read them know better, either you need to slow down on the dope, or you're just flat out stupid or dumb, take your pick..

After chilling for a bit with my handy pipe in hand, I got a chance to think about this situation, yes you absolutely pissed me off, witch doesn't happen very often, I can handle your nonsense but deleting posts such as you did, that's just not right. I have been biting my tongue not to reply to some of the crap you post and then you come to this thread and pull this shit, now I feel I need to say a few things, damn it!

I normally ignore people like you and have been doing a pretty good job of it thus far, I admit I did get flared, however I came to the conclusion that you are not worth the space in my brain, I don't have that much left and I'm not going to fill it up with yours or anybody elses nonsense, I don't want any animosity in my life right now, lord knows Iv'e had my share.

I do apologize for the above statement, however the only people should take offense is the actual losers and by you responding to it only confirms this.. in my past I would be happy to continue this with you, I personally thrive on it, however I'm here at rollitup not to fight or argue about stupid shit but to learn how to grow while enjoying myself.

I do not like you or anything about your cyber personality .. let that be known and I would like nothing more than to mess with your world, however this is not the time or place, let's just say we drop this and be on our separate ways, I ask that you ignore me and I will be happy to do the same for you.

This thread is turning into chaos, if you want that I suggest you head over to fdd's thread concerning cfls .. CFL's are stupid. I took them down. please take your insults and negative comments there.

This is the end of the story fdd as far as I'm concerned, I will stick a fork in my foot and keep biting my tongue, after this post I will not post anything further concerning this subject and will keep telling myself to ignore the nonsense..

I ask nicely if you don't have anything positive to contribute or something construtive to type, please don't type anything at all.

It's not the word HID it's how some people use it, fuck is not necessarily a bad word, only if you make it.. thanks for trying to help however I'm perfectly happy with the results I'm receiving and don't need anybody telling me that the hid is better, I'm thinking we all know this from the start.

Why do you persist on the following words? .. "why do we need a cfl forum", you made your point long time ago and as for everyone calling you dicks or losers, are you a dick or a loser? cause it looks to me that you just called yourself one or the other by using the word "us"

I have three girls three different sizes, one is topped and has four colas, I have around 48000 lumens, if you are interested in learning more please visit my journal..

Again this is the last I will be commenting on this matter here in this thread!
As soon as he sees it, he gets pissed and gives me an unjustified infraction for insulting him, however he insults me before hand and then gives me an infraction for speaking my mind, it's not right, It's not like I can give him an infraction in return..

As you can see fdd marked the insults in red, however he left out a few.

Insults fdd forgot to charge me with,

"I can handle your nonsense"

"I normally ignore people like you"

"you are not worth the space in my brain, I don't have that much left and I'm not going to fill it up with yours or anybody elses nonsense"

"the only people should take offense is the actual losers and by you responding to it only confirms this..."

"I do not like you or anything about your cyber personality"

Just a point, he highlighted only the insults that mostly bothered him, why not do the job right? my point is he's taking advantage of his MOD status, deleting posts that involves him (pissed him off), and insulting a member before giving an unjustified infraction for insults.

I'm asking rollitup or a decent MOD to look at this situation and consider removing the unjustified infraction I received from fdd, or give him the same infraction for his insult...

If you are going to be a MOD, lead by example ..not with the number of posts you have, what fdd did is not MOD qualities and his position to these forums should be looked at..

PS: Tokes,

last time i checked this was a forum on the internet, and that anything posted on here thats offending somewon or was posted by accident in this case, would not be something that anyone with any level of maturity would take as any real offense. Its a post humboldt get over it smoke a bowl do whatever but why make and argument out of nothing and then turn the whole thread around into a fight fest and then nothing is accomplished. Like i have said to other people if you don't like a post then don't even respond to it just let it go and go help a newbie out or something. But if you really do get offended by a internet post then you have some issues
The above post clearly belongs to fdd, please get your facts straight before posting, you say I should smoke a bowl, maybe you should lay off of it..

Please Be More Observant!


Well-Known Member
i can't even read it all. it's pure rubbish. you offended me? good luck with that. i think i'm the last person here to get offended. RANT on!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i hate seeing grown men cry. i reversed your infraction. you're free to slam. hit me with some more. i can take it. :)


New Member
Hey humboldt, you do seem to be taking this a little too personally. Accidents can and do happen... even to fdd.

A cfl forum might be a good idea. personally, I don't care. The only trouble that I can see is that all of the top growers (therefore the most knowledgeable) grow with HID's or the sun. I feel that a cfl forum wouldn't often be visited by the more knowledgeable growers.

Personally i wouldn't ever consider flowering under cfl's. I don't even rate them for clones, and that's the truth. I clone under mh... but then I've always been an impatient guy. If someone told me that I could cut a week off flowering time by using 2 1000w HPS, i would find a way to fit them into my tiny flowering area...

You guys keep buying the cfl's though... you never know once you give the companies enough money they may design a super cfl. Low heat with HPS intensity. Until that day, I'm quite happy just mounting one HPS light above the plants, rather than 40 cfl's surrounding it.


Just some idiot
Hey Humboldt I'm sorry I didn't realize it was a yes no simple thread. I read the poll and not the whole thread...the poll say yes, no, whocares get a MH/HPS which lead me to believe it was an open discussion. I meant nothing personal. And you should just shake hands...FDD isn't a bad guy I'm sure it was an accident, honestly. Anyways like I said I meant nothing personal just different ways to grow you know and maybe I let my HID bias get in the Keep on growing those plants look good like I said earlier good luck with them.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hi guys... I am locking this thread..

I have not talked to anybody...not FDD not Humbolt... nobody...

And I like all of you.. BUT I can not tolerate this negativity...

IF rollitup wants to open it back up he can.. please settle down and have fun today... just let it all go... you are all great contributors to this site... so please EVERYONE JUST chill...


I will try and GET a CFL forum.. I think it is a great idea...
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