Adjustable light sockets


Well-Known Member
Hey All,

I have been noticing that some of you have adjustable light sockets. Where do you purchase them and how much are they? They would work great in my setup.


Sherman420 IMG_00000149.jpgIMG_00000191.jpg IMG_00000181.jpg IMG_00000149.jpg IMG_00000149.jpg
Thanks Concord Dawn,

I ordered those light extenders last night. Thanks that plant was fun to grow. She was a Nordic Jack.The yield was 3 ounces dried. What a great indoor specimen.
I recommend this strain to those who need to deal with low odor levels. Also thanks for the input on the soil or soilless mix for African violets. I'm just trying to figure out the best possible grow medium for my Super Pig seed. I still don't know why I ordered it. I guess maybe just a new challenge. I'm just finishing up my screen for the scrog method. I need to maximize my space in my grow box. I will keep everyone updated on my progress and discuss how I built my box on a budget, but for now I got to get some sleep, long week. Oh ya sorry for the multiple pics on the last post, I'm still trying to figure out how to add attachments properly.

Ya, it's the only spot I could get decent light for a picture. Plus, she did a lot less complaining than my wife!
