Getting her ready to handle anything in life i see.... still looks like a take out pan. but none the less, shes eating. I think?so what im supposed to cook a top notch meal for me and an 8 year old in 30 minutes. its ground beef with a bangin sauce with 4 cheeses some garlic and herbs in it. baked with some garlic bread made with hamburger buns. or should i have takin her ass to some place where everything is actually fried and i would have had to pay for it? yeah that makes sense. homemade food that is healthy and tastes awesome. so hate away. i dig it and if u don't cool with me i could honestly give two shits.
im sorry but u can go fuck urself homeboy. she isnt fat or overweight nor would i ever let her get that way. u need to slow ur roll asshole. she does eat healthy and so fuckin what if i like a shit ton of cheese on my food once a week or so. no one asked u for ur awesome fuckin parenting skills. we have rude on the scale and we have asshole and u have gotten them both topped. so back the fuck off with what u think is awesome daddy advice cuz some people may not agree. u arent in my house hold and u dont make the same amount of money as i do so u have no idea what the fuck happens. so i honestly feel u have no room to open ur loud ass fuckin mouth on any subject that has anything to do with my fam. keep ur parenting to ur fuckin self. cuz this wasnt a parenting thread to begin with. it was about food and asking what ur grubbin on.Here, I will attempt to put my personal feelings about this aside for a bit and lend some advice.
Take a big toke watch some video's read a few recipes (maybe even print one out?)
I own their cookbook and it made a world of differences. It has healthy food that tastes good too.
Learn to cook something that isn't shit and the women in your life will appreciate it and won't assume that you are just a shitty stoner dad (I sometimes feel like the shitty stoner dad too, but that's tough with Barbies and girl stuff. did you know that Selena Gomez is AWESOME!)
exactly. i could have cared less about the food comments. it was ur shitty attitude that got me pissed. and that does sound good but i couldnt live off of asked what we were chowing on... i told you. Poached eggs & toast on a bed of fresh salad greens. It was delightful.
Then I was a dick and called you a shitty parent, that part is true.
Not much bag appeal ther mate. Bet it tastes goodi am ninja cook and i need an appreciative stoner woman. lol.
30 minute meal. ground beef with a bangin sauce with 4 kinds of cheese some garlic and herbs in it. baked with some garlic bread made with hamburger buns.
im single and its better than eating fast food everyday.
homemade pasta bake.
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