Adult Swim


Well-Known Member
i fucking hate that show Look Around You. its too long and its like the worst video you ever had to watch in school except everythin that it tells you is bullshit. british people are fucking weird.
yea that one is a kinda retarted... but still good for tripping.


Well-Known Member
i like that they play king of the hill now but i wish they would only play one episode instead of 2 cause it gets boring fast. they should get beavis and butthead.


Well-Known Member
i like that they play king of the hill now but i wish they would only play one episode instead of 2 cause it gets boring fast. they should get beavis and butthead.
beavis and butthead disapointed me alot, in my head i thought they were funny when i was younger but the only good one beavis and butthead do america. king of the hill is good, familiy guy is boring as hell when they keep playing the same ones over and over again,robot chicken is alright most of the time, i dont like drinky crow show,


Well-Known Member
ATHF is bomb, Superjail is bomb, Family Guy of course.

What I really miss is Home Movies, Mission Hill, The Oblongs, Harvey Birdman, and Lupin the 3rd. And Super Milk Chan. That shit was trippy as fuck.

I recently started to enjoy Tim and Eric, but Delocated and Xavier are stupid.

The only Xavier episode I like is the one where he has a flute battle with himself. It's fucking trippy.

Other than that most of the line-up I enjoy.


Well-Known Member

This show was on adult swim for a short time and let me just say it was nuts on mushrooms....shits whack but its fuckin funny


Well-Known Member
Lupin is good, but ... I liked Shin Chan. Quite a bit, actually. Heh. As for the anime [as] runs, most of it I'm not too big on... but I love Cowboy Bebop and Fullmetal Alchemist. Both shows were excellent.