[adult swim]


Well-Known Member
Quite possibly the greatest thing evar! Hard to beat athf, xavier, and the mighty boosh all in one night!


Well-Known Member
I like the old school adult swim; Aquateen Hunger Force, Venture Brothers, Sealab 2021, etc.....


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of Adult Swim that I've either never seen, or just don't like. That said, I do enjoy Robot Chicken and Boondocks as well as the Family Guy and American Dad reruns.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of Adult Swim that I've either never seen, or just don't like. That said, I do enjoy Robot Chicken and Boondocks as well as the Family Guy and American Dad reruns.
Check out the adult swim website, they have tons of shows.
I love the black jesus skits, they are made by the boondocks creator...