Advanced cloning question...calling all experts!

buds o' plenty

Active Member
I cloned my babies and put them in the flowering room 6 days ago. All off the clones I took from one plant are dying (no mommies yet I'm afraid), and I want to know if I can take clones from an already flowering plant and re- veg them.

Anybody tried it?


Well-Known Member
I cloned a flowering mother...i took some right before 12/12 and some after....the ones i took early did better...but two from the flowering mother rooted really depend on where your taking the clones from....uknow which say if your more than two weeks into flower.... you better hurry..

buds o' plenty

Active Member
I cloned a flowering mother...i took some right before 12/12 and some after....the ones i took early did better...but two from the flowering mother rooted really depend on where your taking the clones from....uknow which say if your more than two weeks into flower.... you better hurry..

yea, they have only been in the flowering room 6 days now, Do you think we should clone from a specific area? Lower?


Active Member
when you clone from a flowering plant after 72 hours , your clone will still be flowering, it will take months to get it back into a normal veg cycle. NEVER PLACE ALL PLANTS INTO FLOWER WITHOUT HEALTHY MOTHER TO BACK THEM UP!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If you look, rich only has 32 posts...and under his name it says able to roll a joint...meaning hes more of a newb than you....i have two clones that have trichs on em...from a mother that was a week already flowering...and it converted back too veg immediatly....and looks great... I think your timing is almost perfect(right before flower is best) it now...if you post pics ill tell you exactly where to cut from...if no pics make sure you take em from the 5-6 node and that there at least 2-3 inches long....


Well-Known Member
lol, you guys are a trip :p

you can clone a flowering plant. however, if the cutting is from a plant halfway through flower or better, it will have to do some serious revegging, which takes awhile.

clones taken 10 days into flower root faster than average (more phosphorous) amd will reveg in a day or two, putting out new growth from the top and from nodes.

high nitrogen will cause a cutting to stretch and take longer to root. therefore, clones from vegging plants often take longer.

hope this helps somebody ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, you guys are a trip :p

you can clone a flowering plant. however, if the cutting is from a plant halfway through flower or better, it will have to do some serious revegging, which takes awhile.

clones taken 10 days into flower root faster than average (more phosphorous) amd will reveg in a day or two, putting out new growth from the top and from nodes.

high nitrogen will cause a cutting to stretch and take longer to root. therefore, clones from vegging plants often take longer.

hope this helps somebody ;)

Very very useful information, thanks!


Well-Known Member
If you look, rich only has 32 posts...and under his name it says able to roll a joint...meaning hes more of a newb than you....i have two clones that have trichs on em...from a mother that was a week already flowering...and it converted back too veg immediatly....and looks great... I think your timing is almost perfect(right before flower is best) it now...if you post pics ill tell you exactly where to cut from...if no pics make sure you take em from the 5-6 node and that there at least 2-3 inches long....
who said post count and knowledge of growing were equal? most long time growers post little because they dislike playing with children.... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
im sure you know more about the subject kind p... i respect that...all growers have different opinions....but your opinion trumps ours.... my thing was that the last two clones i took(6 all together) were in flower for 2 weeks already.....opposed to the one i took right befor flower and right after...they are having a tuff time rootimg....and one died already...+++++rep princess

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Taking cuttings (clones) from a plant in flower is not a bad thing. Depending on amount of flower time, the cutting usually takes a few more days to grow roots. The cutting that has been in flower needs to change it's hormonal structure before it can revert back to veg. This is totally strain dependant in the amount of time this takes.

I have done it a few times and have never experienced any issues. Granted, it's always easier to take the cuttings from a plant in veg but it is not a absolute must. Good luck! :peace:

buds o' plenty

Active Member
If you look, rich only has 32 posts...and under his name it says able to roll a joint...meaning hes more of a newb than you....i have two clones that have trichs on em...from a mother that was a week already flowering...and it converted back too veg immediatly....and looks great... I think your timing is almost perfect(right before flower is best) it now...if you post pics ill tell you exactly where to cut from...if no pics make sure you take em from the 5-6 node and that there at least 2-3 inches long....
right ! its totally worth a shot.

I got these plants as clones from a local dispensary. These are the second clones from the clones I purchased

in other words, I flowered the original clones .

what is flowering now is a clone of the clone I bought at the dispensary.

i have included some pics of the clones we are concerned about, one pic shows sour blackberry and that clone has looked very healthy, leaf was nice and flat, it has benn showing roots through the small rockwool for about a week, and lately, it looks like the leaves aren't as happy.

tell me what you think.

thanks alot:blsmoke::blsmoke: ill post some flowering room pics in a minute, computer needs to re-sstart baaddd .....:roll::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
im confussed now already have clones...well thats all you had to say negro.......i water clone personally... those close are nice size....i dont know if you have a plant that you want to take more clones from...???

buds o' plenty

Active Member
im confussed now already have clones...well thats all you had to say negro.......i water clone personally... those close are nice size....i dont know if you have a plant that you want to take more clones from...???

yes, we have clones, but we are worried that they might not pull through, and without mothers .......


Well-Known Member
you can trim down the growth is key ...and plus with alot of leave weight..its hard for the stem to hold....


Active Member
As for my lack of posts = my experience , LOL, I have 14 light setup , 6 clone machines and have been doing this for a while. When I first started this I had bought 45 clones that were triggered ( that MFer) and it takes a while to bring them back into producing mothers.
If your having problems cloning I strongly suggest a clone machine, like the ez cloner wich for the 120 site is about 400$ On e-bay you can find a rapid cloner for about 140$ it comes with everything you need and they are the easiest to do , set it and forget it ( a little misting is all you need).


Well-Known Member
why would i spend money on a clone machine when.....water cloning cost o cents...?????? and i have three successful clones out of 6 and one gonna sprout....Fuck an aerogarden...


Active Member
50% results is why, you would spend the dough. And I do believe that your clones dying is why you are here. Its a one time cheap investment that pays for itself the first time you use it, you can also sell them to your friends as well.


Well-Known Member
well right now im 3 for 5.....cause ones still in water....i took it to long into flower...they were my first clones.....the one that died was due to me droping it and snapping it in half....the other one that died was because i putt it in the sun right after transplanting it into soil....and left it there only to burn it too death...the last one is far along in flowering and is taking a while to convert into basically all rooted except for one....thats 5 for 6 and the last still has a still in water.....i would say its harder to get the roots going when there furter in flower...water cloning is 100% for rooting a clone....just make sure you pick them at the right time...and dont drop gardens suck....


Active Member
As far as Aero gardens suck, I think that you should do your homework. Aeroponic clone machines produce fantastic results without failing, of my last 540 clones I had 1 that did not root. Also if you are doing water cloning I would suggest House and Garden Root Excelurator, its spendy but the amount of growth and health of your root system is money well spent, also a little goes a hell of a long ways.