Advanced Hydroponics Chart


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!
Does anyone use the table that comes in the Advanced Hydroponics starter kit? Is it advisable to follow the indicated measures or is it better to use half measures?
In this case I will use it in a Wilma system that contains 30L
It's always a good idea to start at half strength, and add more if your plant starts showing signs that it needs a higher dosage of nutes. In hydroponics, you even need to be more conservative than that.

There are so many different strains of cannabis, and each needs its own adjustments here or there. Some need more nutes, and some need less. Some require additives, like CalMag, while others do great with the standard nutes. The companies that makes the nutes have no idea what your special requirements are.


Well-Known Member
I would mix up a gallon at full strength and measure the PPM to get a benchmark. I stay at 1000 - 1200 PPM on my plants.
I have been using renfro's rations on GH trio this round and the plants are very happy. A special thanks to you for all your help on this run I've learned a lot trying hydro out!
I appreciate you taking the time to help people here man, things are getting better and better