Advanced Marijuana Smoking : Laser Bong Smoking

Working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lol yup i gonna do a video with all my lasers the green blue violet and red

ive recently found a yellow hand held laser really rare and expensive they want 400 !!!!!!!!!!! Bucks lol its is very rare though hard to find
i would suspect it would be more rare to find

getting lazers outside the RGB basic color range can be a bitch

when i was goign for Electrical Engineering Tech

we used the 1mW lasers all the time for etching boards and stuff

dah glasses are for sure needed because those things will and can fuck a eye up

even if it was a peripheral hit with it

but yah never thought of using them outside the lab though next trip down to the campus i may have to stop at the old prof's room

they have a store room with enough 1mW lazers for 2 periods of class to use so i might be able to get one cheap from him lol
lucky you especially if you can get yellow
i would suspect it would be more rare to find

getting lazers outside the RGB basic color range can be a bitch

when i was goign for Electrical Engineering Tech

we used the 1mW lasers all the time for etching boards and stuff

dah glasses are for sure needed because those things will and can fuck a eye up

even if it was a peripheral hit with it

but yah never thought of using them outside the lab though next trip down to the campus i may have to stop at the old prof's room

they have a store room with enough 1mW lazers for 2 periods of class to use so i might be able to get one cheap from him lol
I saw a Crystal Skull Vodka bottle in that video. I have one but drilled in the forehead centered over the eyes and made it into a slider bong. Add in a few drops of red food coloring into the water...It makes an interesting piece.
meet the laser bong Mr. Bond........
"You know I won't tell you anything Goldfinger."
"I don't want you to say anything, Mr. Bond; I want you to get high."

I used a 14mm crinkled diamond core bit bought from a on-line rock shop ($18.00) for those interested.
Drill wet and SLOW. That worked for the parts I had. Your drill size will vary depending on what pieces you have.
If you don't add a extension for the mouth piece, I didn't, it is a slow draw piece. Draw too fast you get a little water on the lips.
If you want an extension, drill out the cork and insert glass or plastic into it.
you can get one with a RGB setup they come in triangle set up like

the circles represent the position on the face plate


just ignore the periods it ouldnt let me post it with out em
if i can find a link it would be nice lol