Advanced nutrients big bid feeding?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Anyone use big bud for soil? How much should I mix the liquid ml per liters?the bottle says
2ml per liter, is this right? I can imagine starting at 2nl
Per. Also it says on the bottle use through week 2 to 4, so I can use this with my other nutes through the entire flower phase?

Also I am useing fox farm ocean forest. And useing bio buzz
Grow and bloom for my other nutes. An I planning on feeling an overdrive too at some point.

Any help and advice would awesome, especially from anyone who
Uses big bid for soil.


Active Member
Yes you will be fine using together. Do u use your current nutrients at full strength now? I would start at 75% recommended
When I grew in OF I never used full strength nutrients. The foil itself has a lot in it.
I have never used bio before. But I use big bud. I use 75% on my Base and full strength on big bud weeks 2-4

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Well-Known Member
Usually you use half strength with additives like that. So, 4ml/gallon. When i was using bigbud i was using 5ml/gal(in coco and other hydro setups) Its just easier for me to go by tsp. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't use more than that especially being in soil.
But, i don't use snake oils like that anymore. I can't believe i used it for so long. Especially bigbud. I did a side-by-side grow. Same everything in both trays, except big bud in one of the trays. Gues what? The trays yielded almost identical, with the bigbud tray a little more yellow in the end. Same size buds. What a waste of money.

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Usually you use half strength with additives like that. So, 4ml/gallon. When i was using bigbud i was using 5ml/gal(in coco and other hydro setups) Its just easier for me to go by tsp. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't use more than that especially being in soil.
But, i don't use snake oils like that anymore. I can't believe i used it for so long. Especially bigbud. I did a side-by-side grow. Same everything in both trays, except big bud in one of the trays. Gues what? The trays yielded almost identical, with the bigbud tray a little more yellow in the end. Same size buds. What a waste of money.
Thanks for the advice dude, I also go by tsp with my nutes. Also when you used big bud did you feed 2-4 weeks (like the bottle states)? Or all the through bloom? Someone told me I could use it to week 7


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we used it weeks 2,3,4. I no longer use any "flower enhancer" like that because it's straight bullshit. I grew for 15 years without using crap like that. 5 with using additives like that, and i quit about a year ago. It's like an addiction. The whole time using bigbud, it's like i probably shouldn't use this, but i couldn't stop.
The only additives i recomend using on top of your synthetic base nutes are:
Calmag(if deficient)
A chelate(fulvic acid)
And a pk boost(overdrive's cool) for the last few weeks. Powdered koolbloom is the best bang for your buck though.

Stoned Drifter

Well-Known Member
100% agree w/ aeroknow. Those are about the only additives I throw in, except for the pk boost. I too was addicted to buy and adding a bunch of additives. now I got around 15 additives just sitting in my garage cause I grow better w/out em. What a waste of my money, but I learned.


Active Member
I've always loved Big Bud for growing, but I haven't tried to combine it with nutes from other brands. I think you should totally try it out, but I might suggest calling up the AN customer service line, since they have a better grasp on how to work all of these things together.

Sorry for not being more help. I've totally used Big Bud in soil, but I don't want to tell you something that might kill your grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we used it weeks 2,3,4. I no longer use any "flower enhancer" like that because it's straight bullshit. I grew for 15 years without using crap like that. 5 with using additives like that, and i quit about a year ago. It's like an addiction. The whole time using bigbud, it's like i probably shouldn't use this, but i couldn't stop.
The only additives i recomend using on top of your synthetic base nutes are:
Calmag(if deficient)
A chelate(fulvic acid)
And a pk boost(overdrive's cool) for the last few weeks. Powdered koolbloom is the best bang for your buck though.
Well by these additives you do recommend you have no less bullshit in your boot then an AN user. Koolbloom? So you are saying bloom enhancers work just not AN's? Prove it. Silica when the OP uses soil? Really?


Well-Known Member
Well by these additives you do recommend you have no less bullshit in your boot then an AN user. Koolbloom? So you are saying bloom enhancers work? Prove it. Silica when the OP uses soil? Really?
You just hate AN. Why shouild I believe your so called side by side test. Maybe an additive provides protection from an unforeseen environmental stress factor. So maybe yield isn't the only thing. Think about that?
Yeah, i think "flower enhancers" are bullshit. Liquid koolbloom and big bud alike. Not so much a hater of advance nutients as a whole. Good base nutes, and a COUPLE of useful additives. But for the most part, they are king of selling/marketing a bunch of bullshit snake oils, that are completely unnecessary, and haven't proven to do shit! Just complicate grows, especially for newbies.
Now, pumping up the P and the
K(pk boosters)during the last few weeks of flower, isn't necessary either, I feel really helps finish up the buds. Kinda hard pumping up the P and K with most one part bloom nutes without adding something. I pump it up with the flora series by messing with the ratios. I currently use cns-17, and
Achieve a pk boost by switching to "ripe" at the end.
Silicate in soil? Why not? Sure seems to me and allot of other growers that it makes plants sturdier, in both inert and organic mediums.
Now, whether you believe or not.
I've been growing indoors for about 20yrs.(more of a complaint sometimes than bragging:-( )allot of my buddies and family, allot longer. The ONLY way you would learn what works and what doesn't is do a side by side, as controlled as possible. It is pretty slick that we have forums these days. Although you can't believe everything you read on here, you can usually weed out the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
My experience shows those boosters are not worth it either. I witnessed that the base is where it's all at. High N, low P, moderate K. The silica thing is overblown IMO. Soil has more than enough of it. I can see adding it in hydro but soil I'm not convinced. No studies to support that more is better which would be the case if you added it to soil. but there is proof it aids in strength so I can see using it in hydro. WHen you use a pk booster, all you are doing in reality is decreasing the N (after all you have a finite PPM measurement to contend with) and I find that maintaining a good percentage of your N-P-K in N throughout is more beneficial. To each his own brother.


Well-Known Member
My experience shows those boosters are not worth it either. I witnessed that the base is where it's all at. High N, low P, moderate K. The silica thing is overblown IMO. Soil has more than enough of it. I can see adding it in hydro but soil I'm not convinced. No studies to support that more is better which would be the case if you added it to soil. but there is proof it aids in strength so I can see using it in hydro. WHen you use a pk booster, all you are doing in reality is decreasing the N (after all you have a finite PPM measurement to contend with) and I find that maintaining a good percentage of your N-P-K in N throughout is more beneficial. To each his own brother.
Well, lets agree to disagree about the PK boosting thing. The only way for the OP to figure that out, is on his own through a controlled experiment. As this will continue to be a debate amongst growers. My buddy who graduated major in ag from UH Hilo says its stupid, i'm still doing it though. Lol. The OP had stated he was gonna use orverdrive, I suggested using powder koolbloom, as its cheaper and does the same thing. As far as silica in soil...I dunno...a couple of my buddies grow trees(indoor) starting with soil, switching to synthetics, and sware by silica.


Well-Known Member
My experience shows those boosters are not worth it either. I witnessed that the base is where it's all at. High N, low P, moderate K. The silica thing is overblown IMO. Soil has more than enough of it. I can see adding it in hydro but soil I'm not convinced. No studies to support that more is better which would be the case if you added it to soil. but there is proof it aids in strength so I can see using it in hydro. WHen you use a pk booster, all you are doing in reality is decreasing the N (after all you have a finite PPM measurement to contend with) and I find that maintaining a good percentage of your N-P-K in N throughout is more beneficial. To each his own brother.
Im pretty sure that's what big bud, b52, bud ignitor do is add various amounts of NPK to their fixed NPK ratio on the base nutrients when using the sensi aB. So in theory big bud is worth it then?


Well-Known Member
Once you have mono potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) (if you want more potassium), those bloom booster products all look expensive, even the dry ones.


Yes you will be fine using together. Do u use your current nutrients at full strength now? I would start at 75% recommended
When I grew in OF I never used full strength nutrients. The foil itself has a lot in it.
I have never used bio before. But I use big bud. I use 75% on my Base and full strength on big bud weeks 2-4

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What's snake oils I keep seeing this mentioned exspically towards an products


Snake oil just refers to nutrients we add hoping for a better finished result simply because it sounded good...
Basically there not doing what it says on the tin lol I'm with you.. Allways more refered towards an products.. I'm using at the minute and having some good results.. But I have cut alot of them out