Advanced Nutrients has class....

I give the guy credit he is a very fair salesman. But in all honesty how hard is it to root clones? Maybe these products are meant for the harder to root variety of pot.
True enough.... and the first part of ur sentence clinches the reason why I made this thread....

some like UB simply don't get it...... don't WANT to get it. Always with the hate and negativity.
It is the consumer which dictates the price in the end. Companies, any company will sell you overpriced long as enough ppl pony up the $$$$ to keep sales up.

It's a PT Barnum world out there....and it's up to YOU not to be a sucker, no one else.
It is the consumer which dictates the price in the end. Companies, any company will sell you overpriced long as enough ppl pony up the $$$$ to keep sales up.

It's a PT Barnum world out there....and it's up to YOU not to be a sucker, no one else.

What part of that statement do you not agree with UB? It seems like that is all UB is trying to say right there what you said... :lol:
I say UB can't follow a simple thread subject......and obviously sells for the competition.

I give the guy credit he is a very fair salesman. But in all honesty how hard is it to root clones? Maybe these products are meant for the harder to root variety of pot.
[FONT=&quot]Not everyone is good at everything. I struggled a bit with cloning at first before I found my groove. A buddy of mine can’t clone anything unless I practically do it for him. Ain’t nothing wrong with making something to help out the people who have trouble cloning. Heck, I use it myself just to speed things up and improve my odds for success.[/FONT]
this video has finally made me decide 100% that I will not be buying any AN product ever. such a con.cmon guys think about it really..he is trashing his product that doesnt even sell I bet to make him look like he is being honest about saying all his other products are the best on the market...really how can you make such a claim
Wow. This whole thread just goes to show one thing: say anything about Advanced Nutrients, good or bad, and you're going to get lambasted.

It's sad, really.

I think it's clear that some people will NEVER use Advanced Nutrients based on some immature logic that something that says it's amazing simply can't be. I mean, yes, when something is too good to be true, that is usually the case, but I know from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that AN lives up to its promises of bigger buds and bigger harvests.

But that's not to say that I think everyone should use it. I mean, some people just don't want to believe it. That's cool, they don't have to.

The only thing I care about is my harvests and how they're great each and every time.

And I actually laugh every time I see things like 'snake oil' in reference to nute companies. Seriously? Wasn't that something that was a big deal in 1800s?

No one can get away with selling crap anymore. If anyone had proof that Advanced Nutrients was snake oil, then it would be ALL OVER the Web. But I haven't seen any proof yet.

All I see are other nute fanboys that seem to speak up any time someone says they support Advanced Nutrients. Really, don't you guys have better things to do than to argue against a nutrient you've obviously never used?

Me? I don't care what you use. I just wish folks would step up with some proof of their argument.

And as for that video, I caught it on my Urban Grower subscription and I have to say that Big Mike has balls. I don't see any other nutrient companies supporting another company's product.

No matter what Big Mike's intentions are, that video should get attention. That's something remarkable. I can only hope other companies do the same. I mean, wouldn't it be great if all the nute companies just worked together for the GROWERS and not just for their bottom line.

I use AN because they do support growers. That means something to me.

And yes, I'm bracing for an attack since that's certainly what all of the AN haters seem to want to spend their time doing. Me? I'm going go back to my grow room to setup a new round.

Do your research folks, then argue. Then I'd have more respect for people who just go after a company whenever they've even mentioned.

My Newb opinion is that after growing many crops of kitchen produce, I decided to grow my own flowers to smoke. I came into this reading as much as possible and tried to make a good decision about ferts, (went with GH, but will not again. Good harvest though.) money IS an object. I often wondered if buying fish at the market isn't cheaper than going fishing... But the again, I like fishing.
Aside from that, I feel UB is right in that plants needs are not everchanging as Fert marketers hype is.
A plant needs certain things and it will not change in our lifetime. As long as what you put in there is what the plant needs, it does not care what the label says.
Is it worth it to spend another couple of hundreds bucks to see a marginal increase in your yield? That is your money and your call....
I believe it isn't.
We are growing WEED guys!
Weed will grow in spite of many efforts by caring growers like myself. After all, it is for me.
My lesson from my first grow, prepare the grow from the go and the least you "help" the better.
When you are trying to help, it usually means you overlooked something.
Don't. Easier said than done, but our ladies are so forgiving...
If you can dial in your technique, blessing to you!
This bullshit banter has nothing to do with the op. Instead of hearing opinion and conjecture on why AN is better or worse or snake oil or whatever, it would have been nice to hear more about H&G's Root Excelerator. Seriously I think that this could have been a good thread for RIU patrons to have posted their own experiances with H&G's Root Excelerator.
Maybe then some of us who wanted to know if it was good or not could have gained a little knowledge from others on here that have experience witht the product.
Instead the AN haters and AN lovers come out and hijack the thread. You ASSHOLES turned it into another flame/love AN fest. Get over it.

Can all of you haters and fanboys let it go for just one Fing thread. I don't give a rats ass about your hate for or love of BIG MIKE or AN. I clicked on the post to see what it was about. The OP laid it out very clearly. Then the rest of you hijacked the thread and turned into another BS fest.

Like we don't know that UB detests AN. Check it out UB I know you "hate" AN. Do you think that with your experience and background you could have instead added something helpful about H&G's Root Excelerator. Or maybe just maybe you could have recgonized that this post wasn't about AN.

Do you think that could have used your knowledge to help inform less knowlegable readers about how auxins and other hormones are used to encourage root development and discourage foilage growth.

OP, I appologize for ranting in your thread. I thought that I may gain some insight from the thread, but I find myself reading another F'd up thread about how crappy AN is.

I gained no knowledge other than what was afforded by the op and the video that "big Mike" presented. I still have no better information on H&G's Root Excelerator, and none of you posted any relevant expertice, knowledge, or insight about the product.

I did confirm one thing though; some of you will "search and destroy" any thread that even mentions AN, even if it's not about their product.

So now that the thread is sufficiently side tracked and generally F'ed, does anyone else want to share their knowledge about H&G's Root Excelerator?[/QUOTE

(newb here)
Thank you for expressing your opinion outside of conformity in this thread.
(I've been reading)
I think if we all focus on the reason we are here, we will all profit.
Dismiss the morons and haters and help who we can...
Love to don't have to do what you do, but you love it and I appreciate it...
I know it is easy to get a thread deflected and that is what has happened here.

The main idea of this thread was simply for me to tip my hat to a company willing to admit it had been bested by a competitors product.... that's all. Any other conclusion is being interpreted by you, not I.

I simply found it REFRESHING to see the mea culpa by AN.... it's unusual.

It took no time at all to bring out the cynics of human nature.... and that is a direct reflection upon the person posting, not the owner of AN.

No good deed goes unpunished...
I know what you mean.
roots exelerator works good but it is expensive... it was expensive enough for me to avoid trying it even though i had a ton of experienced growers telling me how well it worked... well eventually i tested it out using a large number of plants and the results were obvious. every plant that received roots exel. had thick fury bright white roots filling all 5 drain holes and starting to circle in every pot, while the plants that didnt recieve R.E. had 1-2 skinny roots barely sticking out 1-2 of the drain holes. Now im not saying that you couldnt get these same results cheaper by experimenting and mixing your own vitamin B1, and kelp extracts, hormones, ect. but i rather not bother... if you are doing any grow thats worthwhile then you should be able to afford the R.E. and any other products you need that have proven to give good results.

but as far as i know Roots Exelerator is not a cloning product like Rootone F or Dip-N-Grow, Clonex, ect... It is meant to be used AFTER you get roots not before like with the products i just mentioned.

H&G recommends using it at 1.1ml per gal. with every watering all through veg and continue using it until around the 4th week of flowering depending on the flower time of your crop.

I am so happy to hear that some of us have no money problems,
God bless
(pass the ammunition)...