Advanced Nutrients- Kushie Kush


Active Member
Dude I know had some Bubba Kush a while back.. he said it was organic and grown with nothin but kushie kush..It looked smelled and tasted bomb..especially for somethin with a little more moisture than I like


New Member
Again, marketing,pure marketing. Do you mean to tell me that AN has their crack team of scientists now optimizing down to the strain? Amazing. See what they do? They plant that little seed in your mind (pun intended) that your grow won't quite be the best without it. Next will be "Sativa Sally" or "NL icicle" . But ok, to each his own.


Active Member
i bought it along with bud candy. haven’t tried it yet. An is like the Ferrari of nutes your getting the best product for a high price.


Active Member
Funny how not one of the AN haters on here has ever used any of the products.. or if they have they tried it for 1 plant and decided it was bullshit and went back to their 1970's nutes :lol:

Guess your right.. no one could ever make a fert specialized to a specific type of plant.. should go throw away my cherry tomato fertilizer, it's prolly just marketing bullshit. :(


New Member
Funny how not one of the AN haters on here has ever used any of the products.. or if they have they tried it for 1 plant and decided it was bullshit and went back to their 1970's nutes :lol:

Guess your right.. no one could ever make a fert specialized to a specific type of plant.. should go throw away my cherry tomato fertilizer, it's prolly just marketing bullshit. :(
OK, that was towards me and yes I am old. So old I know overly aggressive marketing when I see it. I just don't see how Kush is so unique that it warrants it's own formula. I honestly think they are just taking advantage of the latest fad and that is Kush. I see your point with the tomatoes.

I will try AN Base nutes next time because the price is now reasonable. That's all I'm sayin, you can be the best so why not also at a reasonable price? Now the price for AN's 3 gallons grow/micro/bloom is under 100$. Has it always been that way? I could have sworn the price used to be much higher. Maybe AN is coming down to earth. I just think if they come down in price than more will buy it.



Maybe theres something i dont get here is this meant for marijuana kush strains ???

And has anyone used this nutrient ???
I've totally heard of this Kushie Kush, but I haven't seen it in my hydro store yet, so I'm not sure where anyone can find it.

And yes, slick marketing? Sure. But really, everyone's doing the flashy marketing stuff these days. I think that if you aren't the biggest, the boldest and the best, then companies are just left in the dust.

Think about Coke and Pepsi. They keep one upping each other in the ad department, but no one talks about how they're a scam. BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT.

Ever seen the Super Bowl ads? Talk about crap, but they got your attention, didn't they? People are still talking about them, looking at them on YouTube, etc.

Marketing isn't the problem folks. The fact that we all have attention spans the size of gnats is.

Companies feel they need to wow us at every turn in order to get our business.

I admit it, I need to be wowed in order to pay attention.

I actually like the Advanced Nutrients advertising for the most part. I mean, yes, some of it is corny, but overall, I've see the results they've promised, so I have nothing to complain about.

When I do, I'll let you know :weed:


Active Member
An base nutes are nothing special. IMO. Get the stuff the makes a difference Carboload, bud candy, big bud, over drive, final phase. These are all items that turn your crop that much danker. They have alot of money for research and development probably hiring some smart people to make this stuff.
Another question if anyone is still following this thread. Yeah i've grown some dank from AN, dank that would still stink places up even after it was gone but the buds aren't that big. I only used sesi grow and bloom two part along with big bud. I was thinkin of switchin to FF (fox farm) any opinions on which has provided a danker crop and what combos you used. Mostly for AN cause fox farm is pretty straight forward.


Active Member
Another question if anyone is still following this thread. Yeah i've grown some dank from AN, dank that would still stink places up even after it was gone but the buds aren't that big. I only used sesi grow and bloom two part along with big bud. I was thinkin of switchin to FF (fox farm) any opinions on which has provided a danker crop and what combos you used. Mostly for AN cause fox farm is pretty straight forward.
i used kushie kush for my first grow, which finished last week, but i cant give a reliable review because my friend fucked the grow up by changing the light cycle accidently 4 weeks into flowering. they ended up getting two straight days of light. the weed ended up loose, and tasted awful. though, one plant did turn out amazing despite the abuse. it was crystally and had purple hairs. it was nlx skunk, not kush.