Advanced Nutrients LIE on their labels...

so you saying im just the fucking man? my friends cant do this and been growing ten years.. how is it that i just kill it if the nutes dont matter

Like I said above,the first thing to get credit is one's environment. According to your journal, you paid a professional to setup your room and it appears they did a nice job. Strain and the skill of the grower are also extremely important. Your plants don't look like they were grown by a beginner but in this brief interaction here, you legitimately sound like a beginner. You've either got dumb luck, a naturally green thumb, or it's not actually your room. The salts matter, the company that bottled them doesn't. Stay safe.
hey patrickkawi37 i just checked out your thread and your room actually looks pretty clean. Kudos to whoever set it up.

I didn't read the whole thing but you can't just throw a green CFL in there to turn on during lights out. You gotta use LEDs that only emit a certain nanometer of light. A green CFL isnt the same thing. Not sure if anyone mentioned that
ya i got a green t5 in there now.i have a new thread up check it out. i switched all my raptors for adjusta wings and am going to be running that through the winter. if i didnt have a big head before i guess i do now. i am definitely still a beginner, my 6th run is about to come down. alot of help from good people on roll it up. i really doubt id be able to do the same thing with a different nutrient line up. but i cant say that i will be trying anything else anytime soon.
green led?...for what.
id say credit the room if its no nice and proper not the nutes. rooms are number one in a good grow. not nutes. ive used almost every brand out there being that i used to work in that bizz and almost all did the same...within reason that spending that much on tat many bottles didnt get us more using that stuff. i used a 7 buck jug of urea nitro based dry shit from cambodian tire and got same yields....quality sucked but it got the weight and to you commercial guys thats all that counts, and still have enough to use for about another year for that 7 buck to
so your 6th run but you used them other nutes and gave a fair chance???..kinda just said you didnt by saying only 6th grow. im not insulting the grow but your not going to get away with rediculous cliams to exp people....
you want to see some fats on mr advanced lies go read integral hydro. he to is just a salesman but they did test the products and show what is missing or other lies then go look at oregon agri web site at stop sales orders and thats the facts. he cies they want to expose his recipe so he ran to urope to sell now but we all know its just a bottle of sugar lies and gimiks

like i said from the begining most dont give a diff line a fair shake to show its the same and blame the bottle but the bottle is the same just diff ratio and stuff in them that cant be proven by fact to work by science. plants arent that fussy on ratio as they know what to take and leave on their ow so as long as it isnt waaay diff in ratio the nute are the same thing. ....and again other than quality of sources for availabilty. maybe thats why advanced used urea in their latest con of the ph not perfect shit. uses urea as its nitro. worst and cheepest source their is...and it isnt ph perfect either
ok i just read about your green light i think...for seeing in the dark...can be any green light bulb. flood lamp to night night led or any light
and your suposed to foliar with light o or it ist working right. stomata are closed at light out so nothing will be systemic. burning is a myth by kids on forums that do shit wrong and blame a product again or other. but its always them hitting to hard, you can raise them while they dry to avoid excessive light, not off
these iothers claimin to get hermies from the green bulb are wrong on why, i can even grow under a street light on my derck and n hermies. light isnt strong enough down at street level even for tat to hermie. they had unstable plants is why usualy
Like I said above,the first thing to get credit is one's environment. According to your journal, you paid a professional to setup your room and it appears they did a nice job. Strain and the skill of the grower are also extremely important. Your plants don't look like they were grown by a beginner but in this brief interaction here, you legitimately sound like a beginner. You've either got dumb luck, a naturally green thumb, or it's not actually your room. The salts matter, the company that bottled them doesn't. Stay safe.

Is there a compliment in there somewhere?
i am being hated on not complimented. i post pics of where i killed it and i get the "this must not be true" haters. people can hate on advanced all they want. this is why im a rookie and can yield more than these fools that think theyre pros. above the guy stated that commercial growers only grow for ALOT of bud. i grow for quality and quantity. this is why i use advanced.. because i know i am not growing the best strain out there. but i know its going to yield. and if i give it good nutes, it always turns out fire and i have no problem losing it.

all i got from cannabis works spew above was... if you have 15 grand to put into a room you can kill it no problem.( doesnt require a skill to grow 2.5+a light) if you dont have that kind of money your grow is going to suck and you cant pull high numbers?.. nutes have nothing to do with it. your guys are hilarious. and thats why a 24 year old kid whos been growing for a year makes you look like a tool. peace
home brewer spends most his time on here hyping dyna grow and i know you been growing longer than me. so lets see your 2.5 p a light pics with dyna grow and i will leave this thread. if nutes dont matter then why do you spend all your time hyping a nutrient company?

honestly. what do i care about how much the bottles cost when im getting 10 pounds + everytime? i care about continuing to get that yield everytime, not saving a couple bucks trying to get there. i think alot of growers try to nickle and dime in the wrong place. you get out what you put in, thats a fact.
ya i got a green t5 in there now.i have a new thread up check it out. i switched all my raptors for adjusta wings and am going to be running that through the winter. if i didnt have a big head before i guess i do now. i am definitely still a beginner, my 6th run is about to come down. alot of help from good people on roll it up. i really doubt id be able to do the same thing with a different nutrient line up. but i cant say that i will be trying anything else anytime soon.

I think a green t5 will do the same job as a green CFL. It's still a standard bulb with a green coating, right?
The reason for a LED is that it only emits one wavelength of light.

But I guess if you're not getting herms, then it's not really a problem.
imagine how stupid it was to tell him it has to be an led. thats why the confusion smart ass. wrong info is better??.its all im seeing here and lies from both grower and nute makers
someone dont know what quantity is then to say that commercial guys dont grow for weight. everyone avoids the fact nobody has same dam strains and are all shooting their mouths sounding like fools.
thats what you get when not growing the best strains..and you just said your after quality and quantity?? contradict your self dont know what quality is then or means also i see. you use advanced cause your new and razzle dazzled bu hype and marketing like others have. if you knew what tyoe of illegal shit they were involved in and more about nutes you wonuldnt support a co that is involved in gangs and murder. then the lies they spout about how they seem to have a unique periodic table nobody knows about to make the potassium any better than others..or any ellement.

where did i say put 15k in a room bubba. cant real to well i see. maybe if i put a flashy label on my posts youll see it better. doesnt matter if its a 2 watt cfrl grow to a 200k room. advanced wont make it one bit better, if it sux then its the grower or room isnt set right..usualy both.
funny dont feel like a older guys sure think your spouting off like a punk tool with that punk mouth though...typical..24 snot nosed kid thinks hes the man....lololol..hillarious kid..
stop your bullshiting kid your as bad as the nutes you of a feather flock together comes true once again, got cought lying now try and make others look bad...clown
Could you explain why Urea is so bad and why AN might use it?

thought you guys knew ellements and forms??..keep saying how were wrong then you should know this.
urea is the cheespst lowset quality of nitro we can buy. its salty and doesnt remove from roots well at all, doing tat causes it to block other foods from absorbin to the root tissues and membranes. its junk. plants like nitrates not ureas....miricle grow type people use urea. it does have the highest avail nitro of them al but if a plant cant eat it well then it doesnt mean more gets in the plant. but does mean it can cause alot of burns and other issues.
why advanced uses it is cause they like conning people again. charge he money but use inferiour ellement sources. more room for mark up. profit margins. thats why hydro ntes arent in main stream stores....profit margins...but urea based cheep shit is available there
Try growing 120 day landrace sativas and if you have the skills needed to grow those types of plants, you'll quickly realize how boring and weak high-yielding indica doms really are.

actualy dood a true landrace is one of the weekest going.most arent true landraces as most didnt go to some mountain themselves and pick seeds from the wild. and no way is it stronger than a bred genetic been we use, in all m years seeing the testing done ive yet to see a real landrace be more potent than what we grow mostly. most are tall lanky spindly week plants till we get hold of them. then its no longer a landrace, then again to many have thier own opinon what a true landrace is now. ones i see listed dont rsemble anything to what we see on a mountain side the kid that thinks hes the man and all abut commercial crap and yields...lolol...grow up kid, your making your self look even more stupid now
actualy dood a true landrace is one of the weekest going.most arent true landraces as most didnt go to some mountain themselves and pick seeds from the wild. and no way is it stronger than a bred genetic been we use, in all m years seeing the testing done ive yet to see a real landrace be more potent than what we grow mostly. most are tall lanky spindly week plants till we get hold of them. then its no longer a landrace, then again to many have thier own opinon what a true landrace is now. ones i see listed dont rsemble anything to what we see on a mountain side

I'm beginning to think you just like to argue with people. :?
nah...i just post facts and truths to any side. not here about making a clicky friends thing like so many do. dont matter who it is if i see info i dont agree with id post ,my view. doesnt make it arguing till you dont like it. you seem to be one only lookin for guys to just agree with you.
i just post facts and avoid the personal poop as much as i can...unless its thrown at me. it wasnt posted as an insult to you, its just posting facts not opinions
nah...i just post facts and truths to any side. not here about making a clicky friends thing like so many do. dont matter who it is if i see info i dont agree with id post ,my view. doesnt make it arguing till you dont like it. you seem to be one only lookin for guys to just agree with you.
i just post facts and avoid the personal poop as much as i can...unless its thrown at me. it wasnt posted as an insult to you, its just posting facts not opinions

And now you're arguing about the fact that you're not arguing? Look at your post history in this thread, I rest my case .:hump: