Advanced Nutrients new website and products

Well heres my slam on AN.

I contacted advanced nutrients online about the new bundles, and apparently theyre not gona be released until 2 months from now. Retarded that they would put it in their product listing that soon =P Atleast imo.
Um, ever heard of Apple? I think they talked up the iPhone for two months before it was ever released. They did the same thing with the iPad.

It's a good marketing tactic that everyone uses...builds up the suspense for those who are already interested in buying it. And it worked, didn't it? You now know when it's going to be released because you called and now you can decide whether or not to get it.

Or you can be whiny about the fact that you can't have it right now. Honestly, it sounds to me like you're not even interested in it so I'm not sure why you even care.

I'm interested in it, but then again, I like shiny new things in my grow room. Even if I have to wait for them....LOL


Active Member
Um, ever heard of Apple? I think they talked up the iPhone for two months before it was ever released. They did the same thing with the iPad.

It's a good marketing tactic that everyone uses...builds up the suspense for those who are already interested in buying it. And it worked, didn't it? You now know when it's going to be released because you called and now you can decide whether or not to get it.

Or you can be whiny about the fact that you can't have it right now. Honestly, it sounds to me like you're not even interested in it so I'm not sure why you even care.

I'm interested in it, but then again, I like shiny new things in my grow room. Even if I have to wait for them....LOL
No, im interested in it (since I created the thread, and took the time to call AN, I thought that was fairly obvious). Theyve just been going on about it for over a year now. Alot of people have started to think thats its all hype and theyre not even gona come out with it lol (thats how long theyve been waiting).

Its safe to assume that theyre going to come out now, but the extra months added ontop of whats already been over a year is just a little annoying =P
Yea I got a buddy in Santa Cruz who's neighbor said it's already out and then went to the shop and the guy at the shop said it's the new formula gave him the new chart ect but yet I still see people saying it's not out yet? I live in Nor Cal and my shop I go to just got all the AN stuff in cuz they opened a while ago and all the additives are the new ones that are Coco Coir Safe but the 3part and Sensi and Connie still look the same and don't say anything about them being ph ppm perfect. But yet this dude my buddy knows says he follows the chart with 16ml a gal on base and 8ml a gal with addys and dude is pulling 2.5lb per 1k in a coco perlite mix!!! I for one am not a AN user and JUST got Bud Candy the other day to add to my H&G line cuz the chart I'm following of a online buddy called for Sweet and CaboLoad so I switched those out for the BC. But yea I can't see using 16ml from week 1 all the way through and not taper down at the end to be any good and would expect burn like a mofo!! I do have another buddy that runs AN in hydroton and runs the whole line and is doing really great BUT!! He uses only 6ml for EVERYTHING and he sucked at growing and is now really doing GREAT! Needless to say I'm willing to try out AN but what bugs me is the new system as I would rather follow the old Light Feeding schedule with Sensi Bloom A&B but will that not be enough with the new line is it watered down that much?


I really like the new website, particularly that there isn’t that annoying video with sound stuck on the first page that would start up every single time you loaded it.

As far as Chrome not being supported, yeah that’s annoying. But if you look at it from a practical standpoint it costs money to design a website, and the more work you give the programmer the more it costs to get it done. So the practical thing to do is to have them do the work that will get your site available to as many people as you can. Chrome is getting bigger, but you’re still going to get the most people with IE, Firefox, and Safari.

So does it bug me that I have to start up Firefox just to look at the site? Sure. But no more so than I would be annoyed at the local gas station not having hydrogen if I had one of those sweet new hydrogen cars. We’re using the cool new browser. The world still has to catch up to us.


I really like the new website, particularly that there isn’t that annoying video with sound stuck on the first page that would start up every single time you loaded it.

As far as Chrome not being supported, yeah that’s annoying. But if you look at it from a practical standpoint it costs money to design a website, and the more work you give the programmer the more it costs to get it done. So the practical thing to do is to have them do the work that will get your site available to as many people as you can. Chrome is getting bigger, but you’re still going to get the most people with IE, Firefox, and Safari.

So does it bug me that I have to start up Firefox just to look at the site? Sure. But no more so than I would be annoyed at the local gas station not having hydrogen if I had one of those sweet new hydrogen cars. We’re using the cool new browser. The world still has to catch up to us.
I agree - I'm a lot better without the video on the front page of the site. It used to make my computer freeze up and crash. And that sucked when I was in the middle of reading something or I was ready to use the calculator.

The AN website is much easier to use now.

Yeah, it doesn't work on Chrome for me either, but Firefox is the better browser anyway. IMHO

So, yeah, seems like the new website is getting good reviews from what I've been seeing on the boards. I still haven't gotten a chance to look at all of it, but it seems just a lot cleaner than the old version.

And I guess as long as their nutrients stay as good as they've been in the past, the site doesn't really matter much to me. LOL



Well-Known Member
Word I just saw the new website today and it looks pretty sexy :).

But they just made there products sound even more overhyped.