Advanced Nutrients Question Grow Micro Bloom and Blackstrap mollasses HELPP!!!


Active Member
Hey guys I am having trouble trying to figure out a schedule feeding regimen dosage I went on AN's website and went to there fertilizer calculator. Well it seems to me that the recomeded nute usage would cause some nute burn there saying all 3 nutes per gallon of water at 12ml each per gallon this seems to be extremely high!!!. Also I have some great molasses that worked out great last grow I was wondering if using this molasses with the nutes will throw off the ph since there nutes are suppose to be ph perfect now should I cut out the bloom and use just grow micro and molasses? I dont even know how much molasses to use in conjunction with the grow and micro to substitute for the bloom or just use it all with the molasses ! please help I would greatly appreciate it im thinking of just using half dosage of whatever the recomended dosage on the site is for the whole grow.... also I heard that they doubled up on the dosage from the old grow micro and bloom because the new ph perfect version is dilluted more for some reason ??? any questions would be greatly appreciated thanks guys !!!


Active Member
Also this is the first time im using AN's nutrients I was using peters and molasses but i figure I try AN out for one grow to see how it goes ! thanks guys ! also im using the molasses this time again only because I heard bud candy and other carb ferts they have is just pretty much molasses so.....


Active Member
You grow in soil I assume, since you mentioned molasses. I use Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow (A and B) and currently Sensi Bloom (A and B). I use the dosage they recommend on the table (on label) and thankfully no nute burn yet. It is first week of flowering for my ladies and I use EC 1140 recommendation on label. I think it was 800 ppm. I never needed to adjust pH yet up to this point because whenever I prepared the solution it was on recommended pH leves. In my opinion if you are using their set you wouldn't need molasses, but I am not that much expert, just speaking from my own experience with their nutes. This is my first time using their nutes too :) Happy growing :)


Active Member
yeah sorry about that im growing in promix-hp has alot of perilite mostly peat moss so yeah ..... any more info would be greatly appreciated...
I use Connoisseur A&B along with the hobbyist bundle I use the recommended dosage on the bottle from the 3rd week on, "money back guarantee". One thing I did learn the hard way and I don't fault AN or the dosage is the soil I use is Fox Farms Ocean Forest. If you use a soil like that you don't want to use ANY nuts at all during the first month of growth, "this allows for the soil to leach it self clean" (that's what works for me) otherwise you may experience nute burn. I also tend too ease into it in the beginning if growing a different strain. Start off with 1/2 strength the 1st week & 3/4 the 2nd finally a full dose the 3rd week. Again like I said this works for me.


Active Member
i cant really afford any more nutes from AN besides the 3 part base maybe one more quart of something but I dont know what yet ..... maybe you guys can help ...
im also using the same nutrient but i have questions of my own it says 12m per gal corect but my plants drink more then that ever few days am i supoosed always feed them the nutrient water solution or feed them the dose once a week then plain water?


Active Member
i think its suppose to be when they need water within that week feed but i hear some people say feed water feed water which would make sense to not build up alot of sediment or not end up burning your plants...


I believe somewhere on there website it says "recommended 1:1:1, but could also use 3:2:1 or 1:2:3" as for ratios of it go.


The label on all fertilizer bags is required to show the percentage by weight of nitrogen, available phosphate and soluble potash. This is called the guaranteed anaylsis of the fertilizer.
  • The first number is Nitrogen (N), which promotes overall grass shoot growth.
  • The second number is available Phosphate (P), which promotes strong root growth.
  • The third number is soluble Postash (K), which helps grass withstand stress, drought or disease.
For example, a 24-2-8 fertilizer has 24% nitrogen, 2% available phosphate and 8% soluble potash. Nitrogen, phosphate and potash are also sometimes referred to as N-P-K.


Well-Known Member
Yep exactly! I was having the same problom as you were be careful tho it does tend to build up salt in your soil you might end up flushing. And your soild is going to be very acidic im running roots organic and it has alot of moss and stuff, good soil but bad ph run off! but your nutrient line is going to rock just use it wisly and use it every other watering. Good luck on your grow Bro!!!


Active Member
anyone else just got my nutrients today will probably star next week with a mild solution its saying on each bottle 4ml per gallon i guess but on the website its about 16 ml per gallon for each nutrient !!!! 4liters equals a gallon so it is right this has to not be right its gonna burn the hell out of my plants ... does anyone actually use 16ml per each solution per gallon of water ...???


Active Member
Well I called advanced nutrients hotline and me and a tech got a feedin regime worked out... he seemed to know the deal he askex which strain I'm growin and all was great


Well-Known Member
He was okay with talking about cannabis on the phone ? Thought that was a NO NO .The hydro store will kick you out if you say cannabis or anything related to it because it is a Federal offense to cultivate . Did it say you was being recorded for quality assurance purposes? LOL

Most growers when starting a new nutrient program will start off at a fraction of the recommended dosage , then gradullay work up each feeding till the first sign of nute burn then back it off one step . This way you find your threshold , without terribly nute burning them .

I saw a question about watering and feeding . It depends on you. You can feed them less all the time or set it up to feed every time . Be sure to flush once a month or so when using synthetic nutes , they leave salt build up in the soil.

(edit) #1 Additive Liquid Karma or AN equivalent #2 Additive Silicone Supp.
I started using these and ditched molassas all together .Molassas will get u by , but these products are more complete with vitamins and all kinds of good stuff .Def worth the investment instead of just getting by.