It's difficult to offer really concrete advice without a bit of knowledge on your growing arrangement. It sounds like you're probably growing in soil based on what you're saying, but it's not completely clear if that's the case.
Advanced Nutrients products are mainly designed for hydroponics. They work great in soil too, but they're really going to shine best in a hydroponic environment. Any decent hydro nute can run in soil, the trick there is that soil has some nutritional value for the plants already, and the media can trap additional nutes and create salt-buildup. So you have to be careful not to overfeed soil plants using hydroponic nutrients. Of course you can overfeed them with soil nutrients too, and you can overfeed hydro plants with hydro nutes... it's always something you have to keep in mind. But the point is that hydro nutes in soil is a common way for new growers to burn their plants. (Newer growers are frequently prone to the "if some is good, more is better" mistake in feeding plants.)
My experience is that Advanced Nutrients has always given me the best grows. Every single time I've stood in my grow room right before the chop and felt like my chest was going to burst in pride, the bottles on the shelf said Advanced Nutrients on them. That that for what it's worth. I would say if you're going hydroponic, AN is the way to go. I know lots of guys who just as well (some even better than me) using AN in soil. Personally, I think soil is an unnecessary headache and I like the faster growth of hydro. To each their own.
Ultimately it matters more how you grow than what you feed your plants. (That said, you don't see any cup winners using Miracle Grow. For a reason.)