Well-Known Member
At least buy a fucking emerald! Lol
At least buy a fucking emerald! Lol
If you really want to save money on nutrients, buy dry nutrient salts.What I'm showing you here is not fake, rather to show you the water your buying if your buying advancedI know the marketing and labels are cute but a third cheaper and 2 parts. Who wants to buy watered down products. Like 40 of em. Wow What a sucker I've been for over 8 yrs
Wake up growers
Da fuck you talking about, home boy?One branch from one plant will pay for months of watered down hydro nutes without ever handling pure basal salts, breathing their dust, or making errors.
be tripping over dollars to pick up nickels
price? so what. all the watered down nutrients I've used performed as expected, just awesome. who cares what the cost is, its all about the consistent results, ease of use. anyone seen the mark up on diamonds, gold, oil, furniture, hell, you could build your own table for pennies on a dollar right, make your own bio fuel, mine your own gold too for the savings win lol
One branch from one plant will pay for months of watered down hydro nutes without ever handling pure basal salts, breathing their dust, or making errors.
be tripping over dollars to pick up nickels
Whats the npk? Ill buy a gallon!!!! Link to the nutes?I've got some "special" nutes for you, just $500 bucks a gallon
Whats the npk? Ill buy a gallon!!!! Link to the nutes?
Da fuck you talking about, home boy?
I spend less than a dollar to make 50 gallons of plant ready nutrient solution.
I know exactly what's in it and what isn't. I can alter my ratios at will need on this knowledge, no guesswork required.
Trip over THAT dollar, I dare you!
This is, without a doubt, the STUPIDIST thing I think I've read on these forums!! If price isn't important, than I've got some "special" nutes for you, just $500 bucks a gallon, lol. Yeah, if you have more money than common sense, then go right ahead and throw it away, but anyone with even a modicum intelligence understands that there is no point in paying more for something than it's actually worth.
I think when they came up with that old saw, "A fool and his money are soon parted." they had someone like you in mind, smfh. If you think mixing up dry ingredients is actually any more difficult than mixing up a batch of over-priced, watered-down crap, I'd have to believe you've never done it, because IMO it's actually far easier, and I've also never had a problem with this "dust" you speak of (but then I'm not a commercial grower so I don't use large enough quanities to worry about either.
Once you understand what is is that you're trying to accomplish and what these plants need in order to flourish, then you'd know that MOST OF THE OVER-HYPED CRAP sold to growers is exactly that, way over-priced and/or just snake-oil and aimed at taking advantage of the gullibility of people who don't actually understand horticulture. And on the topic of over-priced, I'd include a lot of products labeled "organic" - don't get me wrong, I'm totally into organic, but I also KNOW that the nitrogen in the dry "chem mix" I use is the same as the nitrogen in the organic bat shit, and that on a cellular level the cells can't tell the difference, nitrogen is nitrogen no matter the source, and the same for a lot of other nutes.
That silly dust comment pegs you for someone who's swallowed the bullshit.If saving money in the garden is the point.........Awesome!! then you win!
no need for posters to be mad at those that lose cash wasting it on bottled nutrients proven to work well for them
i got off the bottle years ago, but know many using AN for instance, and they are happy, they're patients are happy, and pretty sure thats all that really matters.
Don't get confused between nutrients and beneficial additives. Nutrients- N, P, K, Ca, S, Fe, and so on ARE all the same.AN sounds like it IS formulated to be a simple measure and poor solution assuming you don't mind dropping the $$ on all those bottles. Like their Silica being ph'd right out the bottle making for less work in the res if you were in a hurry.
That said, I have not and have no plans to use it simply due to price and # of bottles.
I can see a lot of the "All Nutrients Are the Same" folks have found this thread, just know that they are not!
There are many different ways to incorporate elements and then when you bring in the bio-stimulants things get even more different.
Think there is a difference between a nutrient that contains fulvic/kelp or amino's vs one that does not?
Half truth at bestDon't get confused between nutrients and beneficial additives. Nutrients- N, P, K, Ca, S, Fe, and so on ARE all the same.
Additives like humics, kelp, enzymes and PGRs are clearly helpful, while remaining not strictly necessary.
The advantage to the use of dry nutrient salts is in knowing exactly what you're using. If you want to use additives that's fine- but now you know and can add them with intention.
The money you'll save with dry salts will allow you to get plenty of additives and still come out ahead.
Wicked cheaper. Did you miss the part where I do 50 gallons of nutrient solution for less than a dollar?Half truth at best
Try to add to your powder the organic biostimulants that are in Flora Nova and tell me how you come out in reality on a cost comparison.
Are you adding Amino Acids to your mix? How much are they costing?Wicked cheaper. Did you miss the part where I do 50 gallons of nutrient solution for less than a dollar?
And if you're going to advise me of a half truth, where's your evidence, bro? You sure haven't brought any yet.
For the third time, I'm saying that adding them yourself is not only still cheaper than water bottles but that since you know all the components, you're in better control of your grow.Are you adding Amino Acids to your mix? How much are they costing?
I am a powder guy too, just making the point that all this shit is not "the same"
Anyone to think many of the top nutrient companies have not done some fairly extensive lab quality testing on ratio's, additives, etc. is just being silly