Advanced Nutrients

yah they do have a extreme advertizment but the market out there is a rough one.
I to stayed away for a long time using FF and GH, but I just didnt feel I was reaching
the potential I could have. not saying ive reached it now , I just like the results now
better. if something else was out there that was tailored to MM I would try it also.
yah they do have a extreme advertizment but the market out there is a rough one.

Oh c'mon now! Not trying to be over-argumentative with ya hell raizer, but seriously, lets pretend the marijuana industry WASN'T recession proof… does that mean putting out ads that look like articles to 'trick' people is okay? If the market is that rough how do they afford putting out a free publication, sponsoring youtube videos, growers, and hiring people to post on these forums etc? Its obvious by this thread that they have lots of people buying their products… I serously doubt their marketing stunts are fueled by necessity. I'd say they are trying to DOMINATE the industry by brute force, a business style that seems to validate the darker rumors going around about the company. Some growers might be fine with the fact the products work well, however I'm the kinda dood that doesn't wear Nikes, not because they are bad shoes, but because they run sweat shops… I also don't shop at walmart because they treat their employees like shit and have real negative effects on communities… my argument here is about principals, integrity, and voicing your opinion with your dollar.
Just to throw my 2 cents in. I started growing using AN base + everything except voodoo. I seen it was a good line but it cost a lot because I bought 1L bottles. I didn't like any of the pricy root shit, I felt it was snake oil after limited side by side testing . Then I herd about Dutch master liquid light and was running out of all my AN stuff so I decided to switch to the FULL DM gold line up. My yields went down and I went back to AN. This time I bough big ass bottles of AN like I did with the DM. If I went with the full AN line up it would cost way more then the DM gold but it would still be worth it IMO due to yields, BUT you would have a lot of snake oil to measure and if your a dwc grower that would suck.

Sensi grow/bloom a/b
Sensi cal grow/bloom (soft water, other's shouldn't need)
Big bud
Bud candy (If this is snake oil they got me)
Overdrive (last along time)
Final phase (last along time)

I also picked up rhino skin but I think it may have been a bad purchase. I was impressed by size of my stems while using DM silica which was used in veg but the AN product is only used during flower. I know they are money grubbers but I'm ok with that because I feel I'm getting my moneys worth. I don't have time to try another line so I can save 200 bucks.
all I use is g/m/b with big bud/b52/overdrive the cost per grow is 220$ and the yield was crazy.
seems theres alot o folks on here that are on the fence about AN. and this debate about them
being bullys whos knows if its true or not, to me its all gossip and like the news I dont believe
it or watch it . so im not going to feed into the this debate anymore! if anybody interested about
it il be happy to help.