Advanced Seeds - Auto Strawberry Gum - PEV Grow


Well-Known Member
Seed Bank: PEV Grow (
Seed Bank Location: Spain
Genetics By: Advanced Seeds
Seed Strain: Auto Strawberry Gum
Lineage: Bubblegum X Strawberry

Tues, Aug 4 2020:

After waiting 3-3.5 weeks for my first small 3 pack of seeds they finally arrived! I swear, years ago when I used to order them from overseas banks and they didn't offer tracking it seemed like suffering waiting for them! But with tracking I found myself CONSTANTLY checking and obsessing over how quickly they were moving thru the system lol. Well... after all of my impatience I finally have them!

Let me start with a list of equipment and other things associated with this small experiment grow....

Light: Mars Hydro TS600 ( @MarsHydrofactory )
Tent: Mars Hydro 39"x39"x70"
Canopy Fan: VivoSun 6" Oscillating Tent Post Fan
Exhaust Fan: IPower Inline 4" Fan w/ variable velocity controller
Can Filter: IPower w/Activated Filter (not connected yet)
Starter Soil: Roots Organic Potting Soil
Starter Pot: 4 inch Jiffy Pots
Final Soil: SoHum Living Soil
Final Pot: 3.5 Gallon planters
Water Type: RO

First up... time to germinate my seeds... im only starting off with 2 considering my light size and grow space. I know the light is small and before anyone decides to give me shit about what im using in a negative manner then drag ass. Im not here for the antics and passing contests... this is ok for now and should i find i need more light then i will pick up a secondary foxture but for now I'm all set.

I plan on using low stress training throughout the grow. Remember this is my first AUTO grow so anyone with tips while I'm along this journey please feel free to help me out. Same goes for anyone thats had experience with this strain.

As soon as the water gets to room temp I will toss the seeds in the glass for 24 hours then pop the seeds in my jiffy pot with the roots organic soil (pre-moistened :wink:). Once I notice the roots hitting the outside of the jiffy pots that's when they will go into their final pot.... just a few added pics of my setup and my package from PEV... Seeds were in good condition and safely packaged. Free sticker and pack of papers.

Glad PEV came thru because I also ordered LaMota Do-Si-Dos Cake and OSS Blueberry Ghost OG about a week after placing the order for these so ill see those in a week or two.

:bigjoint::peace: Jah Bless

Edit*** at 4:30pm today my cup of water to germ the seeds in was 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH was at 6.7

Will stay in cup for 24 hours then go into the jiffy pots


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Wed, Aug 5 2020


I removed my seeds from the glass of water that they sat in for 24 hours and are now in their jiffy pots with only Roots Organic Potting Soil and water. Water pH was at 6.7 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mars Hydro TS600 is roughly at 30 inches from the top of the medium and set on a timer for 18 hours light/6 hours of darkness. Vivosun 6 inch Oscillating Tent Fan is operating at max velocity. 4 inch inline fan is not exhausting air buts temp is 79 degrees F @ the canopy and the RH is 59%. If I see anything change I will dial in according.

I couldn't get these in the soil fast enough! I also ended up having to temporarily use my Vivosun fan box as a stand to keep the jiffy pot off the ground.. I'll pick something up tomorrow to replace it. Crossing my fingers I see the seeds pop the surface over the next few days. :bigjoint::weed::blsmoke::peace::fire::hump: Leeeets Goooooo!


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Thur, Aug 6 2020

I got good news! When i originally ordered my Vivosun fan the seller on eBay that I bought it from sent me the fan but it was missing the bolt that attaches the fan head to the tent clip mount... no big deal as I'm a builder and have tons of nuts and bolts... including a few loose ones :wall::bigjoint: but anyways... i found a bolt suitable to put the two together and it works fine... well big shout out to that seller! I just emailed them asking if they knew they sent me the fan without a way to bolt them together. Well I waited 3-4 days thinking they forgot about me but I woke up to a response saying to keep the fan I have and to wait patiently for my new fan as its been shipped and on its way! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me... now I can use one to intake more air from outside of my tent at the bottom! Fucking score!

Anyways back to the grow....

So far they've been in a cup of water for 24 hours, then put into Roots Organic for 2 full days. Still no signs of life...

The top of the soil seemed to dry out a bit overnight so I put literally a few drops around the outside edge of the jiffy pot just to make sure it wasn't drying to quickly yet not watering near the seed.

Water pH: 6.7
Water Temp: 75F
Tent Temps: 82F
Tent Humidity: 54%
Light Height: 30 inches
Canopy Fan Speed: Low
Inline Fan Speed: Off

Still waiting on a few more strains to arrive! Do-Si-Dos Cake Auto, Blueberry Ghost OG Auto, Sweet Cheese Auto, Peanut Butter Cookies Fem & Blueberry Banana.

Wellll... heres to better luck tomorrow! Hopefully one of those will break the soil!


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Sun, August 9 2020...

So I haven't had much time to post the last few days so here goes a quick update...

Friday and Saturday not much happened above the soil. I was actually getting a bit nervous as I dont typically germinate my seeds the way I did but I am happy I did after all! Normally, I toss my seeds in a glass of distilled water and throw the glass in a cupboard and check them once daily until the taproot shows then I plant em.

This time obviously, I only soaked the seeds in pH water at 6.7 and the temps of the water in the glass were 72F for a full 24 hours then planted the seeds directly into jiffy pots containing only Roots Organic Potting Soil.

Man was i losing faith fast and getting nervous as nothing had happened yet. I lightly watered with my water pH 6.5 and temp of 74F. Well I'm thankful to say both seeds broke ground yesterday evening when the lights came back on! I still have one Auto Strawberry Gum seed left over from Advanced Seeds.

Also I upgraded to my setup with a secondary light on Sat, August 8 2020. I purchased a Viparspectra V600 Reflector Series. It draws a true 260 watts from the wall along with my Mars Hydro TS600 which draws a total 100 watts from the wall... so now i will not only have 360 true watts for my garden but I will also be providing full spectrum white and blurple which is able to be used as blurple (full spectrum) or blue light to promote vegetive growth or i can use it as just far red spiked lighting during flower. Cost $150 which I didn't think was bad.

My temps are just about where I want them for using LED however I will turn my canopy fan on high instead of low as to drop the temps a little and I need to bring in the hunidifier and bring the RH up by 15-20%. Hopefully lowering the heat inside the tent will hope hold more humidity in there.

Current temp from August 8, 2020: 86F
Current RH from August 8, 2020: 44%

Attached are pics of the sprouts from last night... i will be home later this evening to update today's pics and info


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The, Aug 11 2020

Day 4 (from sprout)

Last night before i went to bed everything looked great considering my temps. The sprouts grew another inch so I filled the rest of the jiffy pot up with Roots Organic Potting Soil to the rim to further support the stem even tho the main stem has been swaying in the breeze from the canopy fan and strong enough to already hold up the top leaves.

Woke up and my temps were a bit off because I didn't run my inline fan to exhaust hot air at the top of my tent overnight so when i checked this morning the temp was 88F and the humidity was 49%. Temps a bit high but not horrible. And the hunidity is about 5-10% lower than I'd like it be.

I rechecked my ten early this morning before leave for work with my inline fan running and was able to get my temps down to 84F and my humidity to 56% (I forgot to snap a pic for record keeping unfortunately) so im happy with that.

Lights shut down in about an hour and a half so I dont have to battle high heat during lights on at the hottest time of the day. My tent temps and RH literally stay at 83F with 58% RH during lights out.

Everything looked perfect before I left so when I get home this evening I will update after the lights turn back on.

Last night i purchased new pH calibration and storage solutions because I feel like my meter is off a little but just enough to make me nervous. Im not trying to stress these AT ALL considering they are aitoflowers! I want maximum yield! That will be here in about a week but my sprouts seem to be loving the water Ive been giving them so i will continue to water with that until the solutions arrive, i recalibrate my meter, test and adjust if needed. My water pH reads 6.7 but I feel like its closer to 6.2/.3

Either way the leaves were praying to the lights again when I left so im not worried for now! I also ordered the garden wire tie downs to begin LST in a week and a half or so. They should arrive right on time.

My second VivoSun 6 inch fan arrived last night so ill use this one to intake fresh air every other hour for 45 minutes or so on a timer. I dont need much honestly.

Everything is good so far. Like I said I will update again later when I get home and the lights have turned back on


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If you decide that you want to top, it's a good idea to cut just below the fifth node and between the 2nd and 3rd week (of having its first true leaves) ..Top only if the plant is healthy ..After topping, allow five or six days of recovery before beginning with LST. Here's a real good thread about topping autos.

Try to have the majority of any defoliation done by day 35. This video does a good job of explaining what to take and what to leave.

If you want/need to gain several more inches of vertical space, consider making a central connecting point by connecting your TS 600's hanging cables together with a zip tie. You can then ditch the ratchet hangers. Kind of like this..
MarsHydro TS600 hanger 12-21-19.jpg
After awhile, you might want to consider mainlining rather than spend a bunch of time and effort on LST. If/when you decide to go that route, here's part one of a really good five part series on how to mainline autos. Good luck!
If you decide that you want to top, it's a good idea to cut just below the fifth node and between the 2nd and 3rd week (of having its first true leaves) ..Top only if the plant is healthy ..After topping, allow five or six days of recovery before beginning with LST. Here's a real good thread about topping autos.

Try to have the majority of any defoliation done by day 35. This video does a good job of explaining what to take and what to leave.

If you want/need to gain several more inches of vertical space, consider making a central connecting point by connecting your TS 600's hanging cables together with a zip tie. You can then ditch the ratchet hangers. Kind of like this..
View attachment 4650347
After awhile, you might want to consider mainlining rather than spend a bunch of time and effort on LST. If/when you decide to go that route, here's part one of a really good five part series on how to mainline autos. Good luck!

Lots of good info thanks!
Wed, August 12 2020

Well so far from the time I dropped the seeds into a glass of water til now its been a week! Day 4 going on day 5 of sprout.

Soil looked a little dry so I watered only around the outside edge of the pot. My water pH was 6.7 and water temp was 72F.

After filling the jiffy pots up to the rim with Roots Organic it seems that the sprouts have grown about another inch in height.

Tent temp: 84F
Tent RH: 39%

My humidity is still a bit low but its most likely from the air conditioner since we have had a heatwave and will continue with one for the next week or so. But as long as the girls look happy then thats all I care about.

Cotyledon leaves still have not fallen off yet and the upper fan leaves are growing bigger by the day!

My second Vivosun tent pot fan is here and will be getting hooked up before i head out to work. Still waiting on the second Viparspectra V600 Reflector Series light and the pH callibration/storage solution.


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Fri, August 14 2020

Haven't posted in a few days but as for an update..

The two girls are now about an 1.25-1.5 inches in height and the fan leaves have grown approximately .5-.75" since the last time i post a few days ago.

They are currently day 6 of sprout (Technically day 10 overall-4 days to germinate)

They have been doing great and praying towards the TS600 light. My temps have been staying between 84-88F and my even though my humidity is getting better its still in the mid to high 40's. I'd still prefer it be in the low to mid 50's at the very least.

A few days ago my second Vivosun 6 inch oscillating tent post fan and today I received my Vipraspectra V600 Reflector Series and set it up inside my tent so I hope to see better results than just running the TS600. I feel like the TS600 is great for veg but am afraid of it producing airy nuts and who wants that after waiting all that time?!

The two girls got watered today.... everything seems happy and healthy! So far so good!

The pics show the new light with the TS600 in the tent in each mode... blurple, blue and red... and i love the fact i can daisy chain the new light so it saves me an outlet!

I also received my green soft rubber garden wire ties to beginning low stress training when its time! Only thing I'm waiting on is my pH calibration solution so I can readjust my pen and make sure its accurate. That should be here within the next day or two.

My Do-Si-Dos Cake auto and Blueberry Ghost OG auto seeds from PEVGrow have hit the states and will be here this upcoming week. I also have an order of Sweet Cheese auto from herbies im waiting on, Peanut Butter Cookies photo fem, Blueberry Banana auto, OG Kush Auto(2 freebies) and Mazar auto (2 more freebies) from Grizzly out of the UK. And i also ordered a 5 pack from a private breeder in the states that should be here either this evening if not then tomorrow. That strain is called Snowman Runtz. Snowman(unkown lineage) x White Runts (Zkittlez x Gelato)... i can't wait to grow that out immediately so I can have it ready for at least the end of winter. It'll be close but we'll see! I may save the photos to grow throughout the winter so I can take my time training in veg and not have to battle heat and humidity. Anyways.. ill be updating again soon. Happy growing :blsmoke::peace::joint:bongsmilie:weed::hump:


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It is still day 6... after lights shut down and come back on the plants will be one week old officially!

I just wanted to post results from the new light I added to the tent last night!

In under 12 hours my leaf growth has gotten much bigger already!


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Wed, Aug 9th 2020

Day 11(from sprout)

Ever since I added the Viparspectra V600 in my tent I've noticed considerable growth on the two girls... ive also added two more to my tent however they are not Strawberry Gum autos. They are photo fem Blueberry Runtz and photo fem Snowman Runtz. I will start a separate journal on here for those as soon as they break surface. But so far so good... saw taproot after germinating in a cup of distilled water with a pH of 6.5 and a temp of 74F after less than 36 hours in a dark cupboard.

I also received some free seeds from a breeder on IG so I will eventually run journals on those. The strains are Blue Bear OG and Hi-C F1.

I also ordered a 5 pack of 5 gallon fabric pots, a 10 pack of 8 gram - 62% boveda packs, 2 pairs of trimming scissors (cuz the old lady knows how to trim so she can help lol) and clear plastic runoff trays...

I was supposed to recieved the following strains Monday but I was not around to sign for my packages so I am waiting for redelivery...

Do-Si-Dos Cake auto - LaMota Seeds
Blueberry Ghost OG auto - OSS
Blueberry Banana auto - Anesia Seeds
Sweet Cheese auto - Sweet Seeds
Peanut Butter Cookies photo fem - Tastebudz Seeds

I may stick to the IG "pollen chuckers" genetics here in the states... regardless of anyone's opinions I've seen some amazing crosses and flower results. If these Runtz crosses turn out good then ill stick with whats good. Bottom line.

I'm hoping to start LST in about another week or so. The plants are inky a couple inches in height. One is short and bushy and the other seems slower growing but taller with more spacing between branches than the other one. Maybe two different phenos of the Strawberry Gum? Not sure but not worries. Not too shaby for only being day 11 though id say! Everything is happy and healthy.

Tent temps have been steady between 83F - 88F
RH has been steady between 40-50%. Adding the larger pots helped to keep more moisture in the tent. Thankful for that easy solution! Hoping to begin low stress training either way next week. They should be big enough by then. I saw someone on day 27 and his is the same size as mine at day 11.

Photos of the two jiffy pots with only soil in them has freshly planted and germinated Blueberry and Snowman Runtz. The cup with the B is Blueberry Runtz and the cup with the S is Snowman Runtz. Just waiting for em to pop!


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Seed Bank: PEV Grow (
Seed Bank Location: Spain
Genetics By: Advanced Seeds
Seed Strain: Auto Strawberry Gum
Lineage: Bubblegum X Strawberry

Tues, Aug 4 2020:

After waiting 3-3.5 weeks for my first small 3 pack of seeds they finally arrived! I swear, years ago when I used to order them from overseas banks and they didn't offer tracking it seemed like suffering waiting for them! But with tracking I found myself CONSTANTLY checking and obsessing over how quickly they were moving thru the system lol. Well... after all of my impatience I finally have them!

Let me start with a list of equipment and other things associated with this small experiment grow....

Light: Mars Hydro TS600 ( @MarsHydrofactory )
Tent: Mars Hydro 39"x39"x70"
Canopy Fan: VivoSun 6" Oscillating Tent Post Fan
Exhaust Fan: IPower Inline 4" Fan w/ variable velocity controller
Can Filter: IPower w/Activated Filter (not connected yet)
Starter Soil: Roots Organic Potting Soil
Starter Pot: 4 inch Jiffy Pots
Final Soil: SoHum Living Soil
Final Pot: 3.5 Gallon planters
Water Type: RO

First up... time to germinate my seeds... im only starting off with 2 considering my light size and grow space. I know the light is small and before anyone decides to give me shit about what im using in a negative manner then drag ass. Im not here for the antics and passing contests... this is ok for now and should i find i need more light then i will pick up a secondary foxture but for now I'm all set.

I plan on using low stress training throughout the grow. Remember this is my first AUTO grow so anyone with tips while I'm along this journey please feel free to help me out. Same goes for anyone thats had experience with this strain.

As soon as the water gets to room temp I will toss the seeds in the glass for 24 hours then pop the seeds in my jiffy pot with the roots organic soil (pre-moistened :wink:). Once I notice the roots hitting the outside of the jiffy pots that's when they will go into their final pot.... just a few added pics of my setup and my package from PEV... Seeds were in good condition and safely packaged. Free sticker and pack of papers.

Glad PEV came thru because I also ordered LaMota Do-Si-Dos Cake and OSS Blueberry Ghost OG about a week after placing the order for these so ill see those in a week or two.

:bigjoint::peace: Jah Bless

Edit*** at 4:30pm today my cup of water to germ the seeds in was 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the pH was at 6.7

Will stay in cup for 24 hours then go into the jiffy pots
We hope your crop goes well!
Thank you for trusting us :eyesmoke:
We hope your crop goes well!
Thank you for trusting us :eyesmoke:
Thank you for your services and products! You follow me on IG also... my grow journalnis posted there. These 2 auto strawberry gums from you and a Blueberry Runtz and Snowman Runtz, both photo fems from Bay Area Cannabis Seeds (BCS)... im about to post an update! Thanks for stopping by!
The, Aug 27 2020

Auto Strawberry Gum - Advanced Seeds
Bank -
Lineage - Bubble Gum x Strawberry
Sativa/Indica - Sativa Dom
Fem Snowman Runtz - @bayareacannabisseeds
Bank - BayAreaCannabisSeeds (BCS)
Lineage - Snowman Cookies x Runtz
Fem Blueberry Runtz - @bayareacannabisseeds
Bank - BayareaCannabisSeeds (BCS)
Lineage - Blueberry Kush x Runtz
Light - Mars Hydro TS600 & Viparspectra V600
Canopy Fan - VivoSun 6 inch Oscillating (x2)
Inline Exhaust Fan - IPower 4 inch 150cfm Inline
Tent - Mars Hydro (39"(L) x 39"(W) x 70"(H))
Seedling/Sprout Soil - Roots Organic Potting Soil
Initial Grow Container - 4 inch Jiffy Pots
Veg/Bloom Medium - SoHum Living Soil
Final Container Size - 4 Gallon pots
Light Schedule - 18 on/6 off

Day 19 - Strawberry Gum (x2)
Day 5 - Blueberry Runtz (x1)
Day 5 - Snowman Runtz (x1)

The two strawberry gums have grown a bit from the last time I've posted. The only real issues I am facing is low humidity. So I went ahead and ordered a cool mist hunidifier that I will put on a timer and dial in so that my hunidity stays between 55-65% for veg. Should I run into any issues down the road during winter I already own a dehumidifier. The bigger plant stands around 4 inches tall and so does the other one. The other one im guessing is a different pheno. One is bushier with fat leaves, not much spacing yet between branches... the other three leaves are a bit skinnier and there's more spacing between branches already.

Some may tell me it's too early to begin LST but after much extensive reading I've learned other than it being a seedling that you can start LST whenever you feel comfortable with doing so. Besides I wanted to see how it would turn out if I began training much earlier than normal on the strawberry gums. I did the bushier one only so more light would get to the lower portions of it and also just to see how it would react to it... so i started last night on the one and let them rest during lights out... when I checked em again at lights on the one with the garden wire tie seemed to be perfectly fine.. the stem almost staying in the shape that it was slightly bent/curved from the night before. So I decided... what the hell its an "experiment" with these autos so why not tie down the other strawberry gum? So thats exactly what I did! They've only been fed filtered water with a consistent pH of 6.8 and a water temp of 74F. Watering every other day and still semi-lightly (until they get a little bigger). I also pushed some of the living soil up around the stem over the top of the jiffy cups. This way the plant can now get some nutrients if it hasn't broken thru the side of the jiffy pot yet. But overall they are doing great!

They Blueberry Runtz and Snowman Runtz are now currently 1.5 inches tall from the top of the soil! And they were already 2 inches before i buried the main stem with more roots organic to better support the stem. I have had no issues with these and im hoping they are crazy producers. Ive heard nothing but good things about this breeder and his creations. They were showing taproot at only 36 hours... then were transplanted and in 3 days both broke soil. The first set of fan leaves came in fast and then the second... both sprouts looking great and growing fast! Just as promised! I ordered only a 5 pack of Snowman Runtz and he sent me 8 Snowman Runtz and 3 Blueberry Runtz! Qt no extra charge! And because I've posted my grows on IG he plans on sending me more free gear from his new photo fem line in 3 months! Who doesn't love GOOD FREE beans?! I know i sure do! Anyways... these have been getting fed daily because its been so dry and with no overwater issues, with distilled only water with a pH of 6.5 consistently and a water temp of 74F. I hope with how quick these seem to grow that I will be topping in a week or two!

The way I'm working this grow out with autos and photos... i currently run my lights 18/6 both for the autos and photos... i will grow out the photos until maybe a month after I harvest the autos, taking clones halfway thru of course, then letting them veg with the mom until that month past the auto harvest then flip the lights to 12/12 and flower everything... or ill just SCROG the 2 plants and cover my entire tent with flowers. Who knows what tomorrow holds lol.


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Thank you for your services and products! You follow me on IG also... my grow journalnis posted there. These 2 auto strawberry gums from you and a Blueberry Runtz and Snowman Runtz, both photo fems from Bay Area Cannabis Seeds (BCS)... im about to post an update! Thanks for stopping by!
Of course! What is your Instagram?
Of course! What is your Instagram?

My IG username is pheno_hunting

I'm kinda bummed this is my first auto grow... the plants are only 23 days old, still kind of small and have began flowering already! I mean its not a big deal I just expected these to get bigger before flowering... not impressed with Advanced Seeds genetics