*advanced techniques

If i think its bad I'll explain why its bad as i did... would you prefer me to say "this thing is no good" and leave it at that? You're foolish KushRx if you think this thread is only going to get positive info. You get the ups and downs... thats the reality of learning. So stop criticizing those who criticize and learn to pay attention to all the information given to you.

I never said it wouldn't work... I said it requires salts in the water and can leech metals into the water and can release poisonous gases... make your own decision.

Chances of anything bad happening are very slim but also don’t say you know something if you haven’t ran it first hand makes you sound like a kid
interesting idea but a waste of electricity. you won't gain more oxygen than with good quality air pumps and stones. there is a limit of dissolved oxygen in water, and breaking down water into oxygen won't increase it.

also electrolysis can generate OH- radicals wich are detrimental at high concentrations, and can displace micronutrients of metallic ions (iron zinc and manganese for instance)

Actually it’s one of very few ways you can
I thought I would start this thread to gain and share interesting and in depth technical growing tips and tricks with everyone.

I will start this off with oxygen in your water, obviously super important for healthy plant growth. Many dwc operations fail or do not achieve what can be yielded due to a lack of air brought to the water. Oxygen generators are being used in agriculture today to increase DO levels in water majorly. I have ordered an Oxy-Gen system that converts the hydrogen molecule in water into oxygen. If that didn't blow your mind how about Sulpher Plasma Lighting. It is the closest spectrum man has come to the sun so far and looks just like something from star trek!.

If anyone is interested in how to build your own oxy-gen system you can built it with only 75 bucks in gadgets from an electrical store.

It basically electrifies your nutrient solution at 10,000 intervals per second charging the water creating oxygen rich water.

anyone have a way to keep pH stable through healthy plant consumption?
I know this is from a very long time ago, but I’m just wondering how you build your electrolysis system. If you’re still around, would you mind sharing it?