AdvancedLEDlights ..Please Help


I'm new to the LED lights, I need help determining if anyone recommends purchasing from this company

NEW - Diamond Series LEDs - Extreme 3w LED Technology

and those are the specifications:


Total Coverage

Core Coverage

LED Specs

Avg. Power Draw


3.5ft x 4ft

3ft x 3ft

(150) 3w High Output LEDs (single chip)



3ft x 4.5ft

2.5ft x 4ft

(200) 3w High Output LEDs (single chip)



3.5ft x 4.5ft

3ft x 4ft

(300) 3w High Output LEDs (single chip)



4.5ft x 5.5ft

3.5ft x 4.5ft

(400) 3w High Output LEDs (single chip)


I'm thinking of buying 2 lights of the DS 300W

Also another questions please, it says here under the LED Specs [ (150) 3W ], does that mean that the actual Watts or if compared to the HPS/HID would be 150*3= 450 actual Watts?


Well-Known Member
These are good lights. One of the few companies I would purchase led lights from. I've used the DS200 and it did it's job very well. I've also used the xml 150 which was also good. I think i would go with the xml series over the diamond series so if you can swing the extra $ to get 2 xml350's then that's what I'd recommend.

The 150*3 = 450 max watts. However, you will see their actual wattage is lower, like the ds300 being 274w. they under-power the leds to get better performance and longer life compared to running them at max.


so basically it produces 450watts if compared to HPS, and consumes 247 watts? thats kinda cool

okay so I'll definitely give it a thought about the xml350. another question should i be worried about the heat signature?


Well-Known Member
the heat shouldn't be too bad, but it really depends on what the grow area size is. With the wattage you are looking at, anything less than a 3x3 you'll need to consider ways to deal with heat buildup.


Well-Known Member
I suggest save your cash get a good t5 or better a metal halide . I used led and not impressed at all . slow growth .


do i get watts of 450W compared to HPS or just 247? because i have an idea that LEDs draw less but give more watts?


Well-Known Member
It's a mistake to get hung up on "X number of LED watts equals X number of HID" equations. There are too many variables. You keep asking about that and all you'll get is fanbois bickering.


Well-Known Member
I have two of the DS XML 350s, and I've been happy. Not the same line (these have 10w white Crees in addition to the 3w), but you might want to look at them as well. Check out my grow in my sig, I'm about to finish up my 3rd round with these lights. Either line, I think you'll find them a solid choice.