Well-Known Member
for small grows it could make sense financially, however when you scale up the cost it just doesn't seem practical for large operations, therefor they are targeting the smaller home growers. if your content making them rich so be it, but you'd save a ton consolidating down to dry fertilizer. also only growing 5lbs over 5 years is nothing compared to the tank size for many large scale operations, again for them this makes zero sense. why do they split everything into different mixes, it seems most people need all the bottles to get results. it seems like a sleezy method to entice novice growers into thinking that the fertilizer is the main component of growing good weed. they slap a pot leaf on it and all of the sudden its marked up. idk I shelfed my 3 part along time ago, inconsistent results , ph Flux, and that was GMB. did I get bad results because I didn't buy the rest of the line?
I totally agree with most of that and if you're going large-scale then bulk salts and mixing your own up makes great sense. I'm a retired chemist and don't want to be f'ing around with that shit. I just want to grow my own meds with the least amount of effort and getting rid of pH issues is huge for that. I'm getting f'ing old man at 66 and have been growing bud since 1978 on and off but the last 20 years there is always plants in my house. I've posted thousands of helpful posts to new growers on this and many other forums.
AN 3-part costs no more than GH and it's not owned by Monsanto/China like GH so that's a huge plus right there. The pH Perfect works great if you leave it alone and that saves a lot of time and expense right there. I used their older stuff and it wasn't as bad at keeping the pH regular as the batch of GH I tried so fug them.
AN is still it's own company and not part of a corporate cannabis takeover like GH, Botanicare, Gavita and many others that have been folded into the Scotts/Monsanto/Hawthorne/Bayer/Roots comglmerate lie so many I haven't mentioned.
Hate all you want but get educated about why you hate first. I hate corporate takeovers and companies like GH that have always denied us growers where AN came out of the gate saying they made their products for pot and have been getting nothing but shit from the corporate owned hydro industry ever since.
I don't shop Walmart either for much the same reasons.