That would cost me 500 for my new batch, and another 5 for replacements!! I can build 3 hoods for $20!!
I just got back from HD, got some 42W 2700K bulbsI'm going to design a hood for my style grow. I also found the IDEAL sockets also. The kind from bbig commercial building sites. @ wires run under the top, then then the top is screwed back down. Under the top are 2 SS points that puncture the wire cover for connection. They are rated at 660W and @%)volts plent strong enough. These will make it so simple to wire in as many lights as wanted, as close as wanted without all those screw in splitters, which are dangerous as hell. These sockets are $2.50 each.
I will take pics of every stage of the build, and when I find out where that missing security token went..I'll upload the whole shebang.