Advantages to using NO FERTS


Well-Known Member
a plant will grow without nutes if there are enoug natural nutrients in the soil. added nutes help provide healthy roots and a sturdy growth habit.


Well-Known Member
i saw your plants in the other thread, they look good and i see the cotyldons are still green but they will start turning yellow and fall off soon, as soon as they do you should start feeding.


Well-Known Member
i heard that miracle grow slow release formulas was really bad for weed. but personally i have never tried it.

oh and btw your avatar made me laugh LOL

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Mg has nutes. I dont think its possible to grow without them. Grow anything worth your time anyway. Think of trying to go with out food. Would you grow or survive? Neg mate.


Active Member
will the buds be smokeable if i used miracle grow 3 week feed potting soil and add no nutes?
If your using clones i guess this is possible..

But i started with the 3 "Month" Slow release MG soil and it was too potent.. The Nutes in the soil alone were killing my sprout/seedlings before they could even start to grow.


Well-Known Member
i have grown plants with just cheap soil, water and water. they grew fine, i didnt have any bad deficiencies. and the bud was nothing to complain about. i would call it a success with a little luck.

actually it is the plants in my avatar, i think they are at around 5 weeks there.