Advice about passing a drug test?


I've been clean for about a week now I was a regular smoker (almost everyday) I would smoke a little less then a gram a day but I was wondering how long a urine drug test can detect THC. I have been trying to clean out my system by drinking nothing but a ton of water each day. I know that there are ton of factors that can change the amount of time but i just want a general guide line if possible. Thanks in advance.

Buddy of mine quit for three days used one of these and got the job. Or you can always wear a fake cock with clean urine.(wizzinator)
They say the more expensive ones are best so don't skimp out
I get tested on Saturday, I smoke last Saturday but only a small bowl and I been running every day since , should I be clean or not? what will help me moreto get it out in the next two days? should I keep running or will that keep it in my system more?
Heard of people eating canning pectin before a drug tests and passing it. Then they passed major gel shits. Google it, I'm sure its there.
the only way you'll get it out "faster" is by sweating and uping your metabolism...drinking lots of water does nothing but dilute it...if its just a piss test for a the fake shit and warm it like normal people!!
I would never piss into a cup unless I was certain I was clean. Use synthetic piss if at all possible, at least that's my opinion.
how the fck are they going to make jenkem illegal. we all possess jenkem in our bodies naturally now they want to make this shit illegal because of its medicinal value and potential to cure cancer.
I been running a lot , but if I run a day before the test would it come up more in my urine or it doesn't really matter? im asking so I can go workout now ???

the only way you'll get it out "faster" is by sweating and uping your metabolism...drinking lots of water does nothing but dilute it...if its just a piss test for a the fake shit and warm it like normal people!!
Cranberry juice..the sour shit..(dont get the ocean spray bs) helps you to "piss out" the toxins in your body so be sure to drink plenty of fluid while sweating and it will help a lil. thc sticks to your "fat" cells so it helps if your on the skinny side and/or low fat.
I go tomorrow for the test... do I run today? also im wondering its a 5 panel test, the "cup test" ,, are these like the tests from cvs or more accurate? ive passed those with cranberry pills and I smoked the day of the gonna try the certo jell because I cant risk it its my last test ??

Cranberry juice..the sour shit..(dont get the ocean spray bs) helps you to "piss out" the toxins in your body so be sure to drink plenty of fluid while sweating and it will help a lil. thc sticks to your "fat" cells so it helps if your on the skinny side and/or low fat.

Buddy of mine quit for three days used one of these and got the job. Or you can always wear a fake cock with clean urine.(wizzinator)
They say the more expensive ones are best so don't skimp out
I go tomorrow for the test... do I run today? also im wondering its a 5 panel test, the "cup test" ,, are these like the tests from cvs or more accurate? ive passed those with cranberry pills and I smoked the day of the gonna try the certo jell because I cant risk it its my last test ??
Buy some god damn xxtra clean. Google which cleanser works best and go to your local head shop. Ask them what they think works best. Follow the instructions. Cranberry pills are a myth and do not work. A lot of bullshit floating around.

Edit: you said the cranberry pills worked for you, I wouldn't trust them though.
I go tomorrow for the test... do I run today? also im wondering its a 5 panel test, the "cup test" ,, are these like the tests from cvs or more accurate? ive passed those with cranberry pills and I smoked the day of the gonna try the certo jell because I cant risk it its my last test ??
yes anything to get it out...or do like outdoorsman said..everyone situation is different..just remember you highest concentration will be first in the drink alot of water piss a few times before you test..and most cvs and walgreens test are about the same the test for 50 Mg for this and a 100 Mg for that..
if its job interview/piss go w/ fake urine..if its probation/parole test they'll stay in there w/ least they do w/ me here!!
Yes it's for probation. It's a cup test [5panel] and they go in the restroom but they don't watch me take a piss. So are they really the same as the cvs cup tests? I just bought niacin pills and took a couple earlier I got all itchy and turned red and am taking as many as I can still and drinking cranberry too ? I should be straight right

if its job interview/piss go w/ fake urine..if its probation/parole test they'll stay in there w/ least they do w/ me here!!
Yes it's for probation. It's a cup test [5panel] and they go in the restroom but they don't watch me take a piss. So are they really the same as the cvs cup tests? I just bought niacin pills and took a couple earlier I got all itchy and turned red and am taking as many as I can still and drinking cranberry too ? I should be straight right

if its job interview/piss go w/ fake urine..if its probation/parole test they'll stay in there w/ least they do w/ me here!!