Advice ASAP


So i have one room that i'm growing but its split into two seperate rooms one flower one veg for perpetual harvest... so my roomate left the wall seperating them open so the plants saw one night of 18 hours instead of the normal 12.. it wasn't direct light but light nonetheless. I was wondering if anyone knew how this would affect my crop.. thanks in advance RIU


bud bootlegger
how far into flowering are they?? you should probably be ok so long as it was only one night, and don't make it a common practice..


ya it was only one night and i'm just about four weeks into flowering.. I was just wondering if it would affect yield or flower time


bud bootlegger
it shouldn't affect yield, thats for sure, and it also shouldn't affect flowering time.. the only thing i think it could do is stress them to the point of causing hermies, but if it was just the one night, i think you should be golden.. just keep an eye out for any nanner's...
u have to have it dark dark no light leaks you have to stop that i didnt stop mine once an my veg room turned my flowers hurmied



Active Member
One night isn't a big deal, but from how your describing your rooms it sounds like the 2 rooms aren't completely sealed off. In that case you might have to worry about light leaks, which WILL affect your babes. You must be sure that NO light from your veg rooms 'leaks' into your flowering room at any point of the dark cycle otherwise you'll be in for a sad surprise...Good luck!